"Enable Wither" = true "Enable Dragon" = true "Enable Elder Guardian" = true [Wither] #Handles various small features, such as the explosion "Enable Misc" = true #Bonus Health and Bonus regeneration. The feature even fixes the Wither health bar not updating on spawn. "Enable Health" = true #Handles the Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities "Enable Resistances & Vulnerabilities" = true #Bonus Experience and Drops "Enable Rewards" = true #Wither will spawn deadly Minions "Enable Minions" = true #Makes the Wither smarter (will no longer try to stand on the player's head ...), attack faster and hit harder "Enable Attack" = true #How difficulty is handled for the Wither. [Wither."Difficulty Settings"] #How much blocks from wither will be scanned for players to check for difficulty #Range: > 16 "Spawn Radius Player Check" = 128 #If false and there's more than 1 player around the Wither, difficulty will be the average of all the players' difficulty instead of summing them. "Sum Spawned Wither Difficulty" = false #Percentage bonus difficulty added to the Wither when more than one player is present. Each player past the first one will add this percentage to the difficulty. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Difficulty per Player" = 0.25 #The Maximum difficulty (times spawned) reachable by Wither. #Range: > 1 "Max Difficulty" = 8 #How much difficulty will players start with when joining a world? Note that this will apply when the first Wither is spawned so if the player has already spawned one this will not apply. #Range: > 0 "Starting Difficulty" = 0 #Set to false to disable the first Wither summoned message. "Show First Summoned Wither Message" = true #Entities that extend the vanilla Wither but shouldn't be taken into account by the mod (e.g. Botania's Pink Wither). "Entity Blacklist" = ["botania:pink_wither"] #Handles various small features, such as the explosion [Wither.Misc] #How much explosion power (after the invulnerability) will the Wither have at max difficulty. Explosion Radius is capped to 13. Base Wither Explosion Power is 7.0. Setting this to 0 will not increase the Wither Explosion Power. #Range: 0.0 ~ 8.0 "Explosion Power Bonus" = 1.0 #At this difficulty the Wither Explosion will cause fire. Set to -1 to disable. #Range: > -1 "Explosion Causes Fire at Difficulty" = 5 #The Wither will no longer wait 1.0 seconds before breaking blocks when he's hit, instead just 0.5s "Faster Breaking Blocks" = true #The Wither will break even blocks below him when hit. "Bigger Breaking Blocks" = true #If true the Wither will break even blocks that are witherproof. Unbreakable blocks will still be unbreakable, so it's really useful with other mods as in vanilla Wither Proof Blocks are all the unbreakable blocks. "Ignore Witherproof Blocks" = false #The wither can only be spawned in the Nether. #Note that this feature completely disables Wither Skulls from begin placed nearby Soul Sand when not in the Nether or when on the Nether Roof. #Requires Minecraft restart. "Wither Nether Only" = false #Bonus Health and Bonus regeneration. The feature even fixes the Wither health bar not updating on spawn. [Wither.Health] #Increase Wither's Health by this value at max difficulty (scales accordingly at lower difficulties) #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Health Bonus per Difficulty" = 90.0 #Maximum bonus regeneration per second given by "Bonus Regeneration". #Set to 0 to disable bonus health regeneration. This doesn't affect the natural regeneration of the Wither (1 Health per Second). #Note that this bonus health regen is disabled when Wither's health is between 49% and 50% to prevent making it impossible to approach when reaches half health. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Maximum Bonus Regeneration" = 2.0 #How many half hearts will the Wither regen at max difficulty. This is added to the natural regeneration of the Wither (1 Health per Second). #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Regeneration" = 2.4 #Bonus regeneration will be multiplied by this ratio when the Wither has been hit in the last 3 seconds. #Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0 "Bonus Regeneration Ratio When Hit" = 0.6 #Handles the Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities [Wither."Resistances & Vulnerabilities"] #Bonus magic damage based off missing health. 250 means that every 250 missing health the damage will be amplified by 100%. E.g. The first Wither (with 300 max health) is at 50 health (so it's missing 250hp), on magic damage he will receive 'magic_damage * (missing_health / magic_damage_bonus + 1)' = 'magic_damage * (250 / 250 + 1)' = 'magic_damage * 2'. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0 "Magic Damage Bonus" = 250.0 #Percentage Melee Damage Reduction (at max difficulty) while the Wither is above half health. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Melee Damage reduction above half health" = 0.24 #Cap for 'Melee Damage reduction above half health' #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Max Melee Damage reduction before half health" = 0.24 #Percentage Melee Damage Reduction (at max difficulty) as the Wither drops below half health. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Melee Damage reduction below half health" = 0.48 #Cap for 'Melee Damage Reduction below half health' #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Max Melee Damage reduction below half health" = 0.48 #Bonus Experience and Drops [Wither.Rewards] #How much more experience (percentage, 60 means +6000%) will Wither drop at max Difficulty. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Experience " = 60.0 #If true default mod drops are added to the Wither. #Note that replacing the Wither loot table (e.g. via DataPack) will automatically remove the Injected loot. "Inject Default Loot" = true #Wither will spawn deadly Minions [Wither.Minions] #At which difficulty the Wither starts spawning Minions #Range: > 0 "Minion at Difficulty" = 1 #As the Wither starts spawning Minions, every how much difficulty the Wither will spawn one more Minion #Range: > 0 "Bonus Minion Every Difficulty" = 1 #Maximum Minions spawned by the Wither #Range: > 0 "Max Minions Spawned" = 6 #Maximum amount of Minions that can be around the Wither in a 16 block radius. After this number is reached the Wither will stop spawning minions. Set to 0 to disable this check #Range: > 0 "Max Minions Around" = 18 #Minimum ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) after Minions can spwan. #Range: > 0 "Minimum Cooldown" = 400 #Maximum ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) after Minions can spwan. #Range: > 0 "Maximum Cooldown" = 800 #Min and Max cooldowns are multiplied by this value when the Wither drops below half health. Set to 1 to not change the cooldown when the wither's health drops below half. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Cooldown Multiplier Below Half Health" = 0.5 #Percentage bonus speed at max difficulty. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Movement Speed Per Difficulty" = 0.03 #Wither Minions will take magic damage multiplied by this value. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Magic Damage Multiplier" = 3.0 #Wither Minions will die when the Wither that spawned them dies. "Kill Minions on Wither Death" = true [Wither.Minions.Equipment] #Chance for the Wither Minion to spawn with a bow instead of a Stone Sword when Wither's below Half Health #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Bow Chance Below Half Health" = 0.08 #Chance for the Wither Minion to spawn with a bow instead of a Stone Sword when Wither's above Half Health #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Bow Chance Above Half Health" = 0.6 [Wither.Minions.Equipment.Enchantments] #Chance (at max difficulty) for the Wither Minion's Sword to be enchanted with Sharpness. Note that every 100% chance adds one guaranteed level of the enchantment, while the remaining dictates the chance to add on more level. #Range: 0.0 ~ 255.0 "Sharpness Chance" = 2.4 #Chance (at max difficulty) for the Wither Minion's Sword to be enchanted with Knockback. Note that every 100% chance adds one guaranteed level of the enchantment, while the remaining dictates the chance to add on more level. #Range: 0.0 ~ 255.0 "Knockback Chance" = 2.4 #Chance (at max difficulty) for the Wither Minion's Bow to be enchanted with Power. Note that every 100% chance adds one guaranteed level of the enchantment, while the remaining dictates the chance to add on more level. #Range: 0.0 ~ 255.0 "Power Chance" = 3.2 #Chance (at max difficulty) for the Wither Minion's Bow to be enchanted with Punch. Note that every 100% chance adds one guaranteed level of the enchantment, while the remaining dictates the chance to add on more level. #Range: 0.0 ~ 255.0 "Punch Chance" = 1.5 #Makes the Wither smarter (will no longer try to stand on the player's head ...), attack faster and hit harder [Wither.Attack] #Percentage bonus damage dealt by the Wither at max difficulty. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Increased Damage" = 0.12 [Wither.Attack."Barrage Attack"] #Min time (in ticks) for the duration of the barrage attack. Less health = longer barrage. #Range: > 0 "Min Barrage Duration" = 20 #Max time (in ticks) for the duration of the barrage attack. Less health = longer barrage #Range: > 0 "Max Barrage Duration" = 150 #Chance (at max difficulty) every time the Wither takes damage to start a barrage attack. More damage taken increases the chance. #This value is the chance when taking 10 damage. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Barrage Attack Chance" = 0.075 #Wither Skull Changes [Wither.Attack.Skulls] #Wither Skull Projectiles speed will be multiplied by this value. Set to 1 to not change the speed. #Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Skull Velocity Multiplier" = 2.75 #Attack Speed Changes [Wither.Attack."Attack Speed"] #Every how many ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) the middle head will fire a projectile to the target. #Range: > 0 "Attack Interval" = 40 #The middle head will attack faster (up to this bonus percentage) the nearer the target is to the Wither. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Bonus Attack Speed when Near" = 0.667 [Wither.Attack."Charge Attack"] #Chance every time the Wither takes damage to start a charge attack. Lower health and more damage taken increases the chance. #This value is the chance at 0% health and when taking 10 damage. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Charge chance" = 0.06 #Base damage of the charge attack. Increased by 'Increased Damage' config option. #Range: 0.0 ~ 50.0 "Charge Attack Base Damage" = 16.0 [Dragon] #Bonus Health and Bonus regeneration. "Enable Health" = true #Makes the dragon hit harder in various different ways "Enable Attack" = true #Bonus Experience and Dragon Egg per player "Enable Rewards" = true #Shulkers that will make you float around. "Enable Minions" = true #Mini things that are just annoying. "Enable Larva" = true #Handles the Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities "Enable Resistances & Vulnerabilities" = true #Makes more Crystal spawn and with more cages. "Enable Crystals" = true #How difficulty is handled for the Dragon. [Dragon."Difficulty Settings"] #If false and there's more than 1 player around the Dragon, difficulty will be the average of all the players' difficulty instead of summing them. "Sum Killed Dragons Difficulty" = false #Percentage bonus difficulty added to the Dragon when more than one player is present. Each player past the first one will add this percentage to the difficulty. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Difficulty per Player" = 0.25 #The Maximum difficulty (times killed) reachable by Ender Dragon. By default is set to 24 because it's the last spawning end gate. #Range: > 1 "Max Difficulty" = 8 #How much difficulty will players start with when joining a world? Note that this will apply when the player joins the world if the current player difficulty is below this value. #Range: > 0 "Starting Difficulty" = 0 #Set to false to disable the first Dragon killed message. "Show First Killed Dragon Message" = true #Bonus Health and Bonus regeneration. [Dragon.Health] #Maximum bonus regeneration per second given by "Bonus Regeneration". Set to 0 to disable bonus health regeneration. Can be lower than "Bonus Regeneration". This doesn't affect the health regen given by crystals. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Maximum Bonus Regeneration" = 1.0 #How much health (when missing 100% health) will the Ender Dragon regen at max difficulty each second whenever she's attached to a Crystal. So if she's missing 30% health, this will be 30% effective. This is added to the normal Crystal regen. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Crystal Regeneration" = 0.0 #Ender Dragon health will be increased by this value at max difficulty (scaling accordingly at lower difficulties) #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Health Bonus at Max Difficulty" = 200.0 #How much health will the Ender Dragon regen at max difficulty (scaling accordingly at lower difficulties). This doesn't affect the health regen given by crystals. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Regeneration" = 1.0 #Bonus regeneration (also crystal bonus regeneration) will be multiplied by this ratio when the Dragon has been hit in the last 3 seconds. #Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0 "Bonus Regeneration Ratio When Hit" = 0.4 #Makes the dragon hit harder in various different ways [Dragon.Attack] #How much more damage at max difficulty (percentage) does the Ender Dragon deal per difficulty? #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Direct Damage" = 0.3 #How much more damage at max difficulty (percentage) does the Ender Dragon's Acid fireball and pool deal per difficulty? #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Acid Pool Damage" = 0.3 #Normally the Ender Dragon attacks only when leaving the center platform. With this active she has a chance when she has finished charging / fireballing or before checking if she should land in the center to charge the player. #This is the chance to start a charge attack when the difficulty is at max. Otherwise it scales accordingly. #The actual chance is: (this_value * (difficulty / max difficulty)). #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Charge Player Max Chance" = 0.45 #Normally the Ender Dragon spits fireballs when a Crystal is destroyed and rarely during the fight. With this active she has a chance when she has finished charging / fireballing or before checking if she should land in the center to spit a fireball. #This is the chance to start a fireball attack when the difficulty is at max. Otherwise it scales accordingly. #The actual chance is: (this_value * (difficulty / max difficulty)). #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Fireball Max Chance" = 0.35 #Since around 1.13/1.14 the Ender Dragon can no longer dive for more than about 3 blocks so she takes a lot to rise / fall. With this active the dragon will be able to rise and fall many more blocks, making easier to hit the player and approach the center. "Increase Max Rise and Fall" = true #On impact the Acid Fireball will deal magic damage in an area. "Fireball Explosion Magic Damage" = true #On impact the Acid Fireball will generate a 3D area of effect cloud instead of a normal flat one. The 3D cloud lasts for half the time "Fireball 3D Area Effect Cloud" = true #Speed multiplier for the Dragon Fireball. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Fireball Velocity Multiplier" = 2.5 #The dragon will fire (up to) this more fireballs at max difficulty. The bonus fireballs have a slight shotting error so aren't all directly aimed at the player. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Fireballs" = 2.0 #Bonus Experience and Dragon Egg per player [Dragon.Rewards] #If true whenever a player, that has never killed the dragon, kills the dragon a Dragon Egg ìì will drop. E.g. If 2 players kill the Dragon for the first time, she will drop 2 Dragon Eggs "Dragon Egg per Player" = true #How much more experience (percentage, 36 means +3600%) will Dragon drop at max Difficulty. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Experience" = 36.0 #If true default mod drops are added to the Ender Dragon. #Note that replacing the Ender Dragon loot table (e.g. via DataPack) will automatically remove the Injected loot. "Inject Default Loot" = true #Shulkers that will make you float around. [Dragon.Minions] #At which difficulty the Ender Dragon starts spawning Minions #Range: > 0 "Minion at Difficulty" = 1 #Minimum ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) after Minions can spawn. #Range: > 0 "Minimum Cooldown" = 1400 #Maximum ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) after Minions can spawn. #Range: > 0 "Maximum Cooldown" = 2000 #Percentage cooldown reduction at max difficulty for the cooldown of Minion spawning. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Cooldown Reduction" = 0.05 #Percentage chance at max difficulty for a Minion to spawn as a Blinding Minion. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Blinding Chance" = 0.05 #Time (in ticks) for the bliding effect when hit by a blinding bullet. #Range: 0 ~ 6000 "Blinding duration" = 150 #If true, Dragon Minions will take only 10% damage from the Ender Dragon. "Reduced Dragon Damage" = true #Mini things that are just annoying. [Dragon.Larva] #At which difficulty the Ender Dragon starts spawning Larvae #Range: > 0 "Larva at Difficulty" = 1 #As the Wither starts spawning Minions, every how much difficulty the Wither will spawn one more Minion #Range: > 0 "Bonus Larva Every Difficulty" = 1 #Maximum Larva spawned by the Ender Dragon #Range: > 0 "Max Larvae Spawned" = 7 #Minimum ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) after Minions can spawn. #Range: > 0 "Minimum Cooldown" = 800 #Maximum ticks (20 ticks = 1 seconds) after Minions can spawn. #Range: > 0 "Maximum Cooldown" = 1400 #If true, Larvae will take only 10% damage from the Ender Dragon. "Reduced Dragon Damage" = true #Handles the Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities [Dragon."Resistances & Vulnerabilities"] #Melee Damage reduction at max difficulty while the Ender Dragon is at the center. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Melee Damage reduction while at the center" = 0.08 #Damage reduction when hit by explosions (firework rockets excluded). #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Explosion Damage reduction" = 0.667 #Makes more Crystal spawn and with more cages. [Dragon.Crystals] #At this difficulty cages will start to appear around other crystals too. -1 will disable this feature. #Range: > -1 "More Cages at Difficulty" = 1 #Max number of bonus cages that can spawn around the crystals. (Vanilla already has 2 cages) #Range: 0 ~ 8 "Max Bonus Cages" = 6 #At this difficulty one crystal will start to appear inside obsidian towers. -1 will disable this feature. #Range: > -1 "More Crystals at Difficulty" = 2 #Every how much difficulty one more crystal will be spawned inside towers #Range: > -1 "More Crystals Step" = 3 #Max number of bonus crystals that can spawn inside the towers. #Range: 0 ~ 10 "More Crystals Max" = 3 #Everytime the dragon is hit (when below 50% of health) there's a chance to to trigger a Crystal respawn Phase. The chance is 0% when health >=50% and 100% when health <=30%, the health threshold decreases by 20% every time the dragon respawns crystals. "Enable crystal respawn" = true #At max Difficulty how many crystals will the dragon respawn. #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 "Crystal Respawn Per Difficulty" = 0.375 #Crystals can no longer be destroyed by other explosions. "Explosion Immune" = true ["Elder Guardian"] #Bonus Health and Health regeneration. "Enable Health" = true #Base feature for the Elder Guardian harder fights. Disabling this feature will disable the added sound when an Elder Guardian is killed. "Enable Base" = true #Handles the Damage Resistances "Enable Resistances" = true #More damage and attack speed based off Elder Guardians Defeated "Enable Attack" = true #Elder Guardians will spawn Elder Minions. "Enable Minions" = true #Bonus Experience and Dragon Egg per player "Enable Rewards" = true #Bonus Health and Health regeneration. ["Elder Guardian".Health] #Increase Elder Guardians' Health by this percentage (1 = +100% health) #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Health Bonus per Difficulty" = 0.5 #Adds absorption health to Elder Guradians (health that doesn't regen) #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Absorption Health" = 40.0 #Health Regen per second #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Health Regen" = 0.5 #Base feature for the Elder Guardian harder fights. Disabling this feature will disable the added sound when an Elder Guardian is killed. ["Elder Guardian".Base] #If true, the player will not be able to break blocks when an Elder Guardian is nearby. "Adventure mode" = true #Handles the Damage Resistances ["Elder Guardian".Resistances] #Percentage Damage Reduction for each Elder Guardian Defeated. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 "Damage Reduction per Elder Guardian Defeated" = 0.3 #More damage and attack speed based off Elder Guardians Defeated ["Elder Guardian".Attack] #Percentage Bonus damage per defeated Elder Guardian. #Range: 0.0 ~ 128.0 "Bonus Damage per Elder Guardian Defeated" = 0.0 #How many ticks faster will Elder Guardian attack (multiplied by defeated Elder Guardians). Vanilla Attack Duration is 60 ticks (3 secs) #Range: 0 ~ 60 "Attack Duration Reduction per Elder Guardian Defeated" = 25 #Elder Guardians will spawn Elder Minions. ["Elder Guardian".Minions] #Elder Guardians will spawn Elder Minions every this tick value (20 ticks = 1 sec). #Range: > 0 "Base Cooldown" = 200 #The base cooldown is reduced by this value for each missing Elder Guardian. #Range: > 0 "Cooldown Reduction per Missing Elder" = 60 #Bonus Experience and Dragon Egg per player ["Elder Guardian".Rewards] #How much experience will an Elder Guardian drop. -1 will make the Elder Guardian drop vanilla experience. #Range: -1 ~ 1024 "Base Experience" = 40 #How much more experience (percentage) will Elder Guardian drop per killed Elder Guardian. The percentage is additive (e.g. with this set to 100%, the last Elder will drop 200% more experience) #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 "Bonus Experience" = 1.0 #If true default mod drops are added to the Elder Guardian. #Note that replacing the Elder Guardian loot table (e.g. via DataPack) will automatically remove the Injected loot. "Inject Default Loot" = true