#This is the Server config for ConstructionWand. #If you're not familiar with Forge's new split client/server config, let me explain: #Client config is stored in the /config folder and only contains client specific settings like graphics and keybinds. #Mod behavior is configured in the Server config, which is world-specific and thus located #in the /saves/myworld/serverconfig folder. If you want to change the serverconfig for all #new worlds, copy the config files in the /defaultconfigs folder. [stone_wand] #Wand durability #Range: > 1 durability = 131 #Wand block limit #Range: > 1 limit = 9 #Max placement distance with angel core (0 to disable angel core) #Range: > 0 angel = 0 #Wand destruction block limit (0 to disable destruction core) #Range: > 0 destruction = 0 #Allow wand upgrading by putting the wand together with a wand core in a crafting grid. upgradeable = false [iron_wand] #Wand durability #Range: > 1 durability = 250 #Wand block limit #Range: > 1 limit = 27 #Max placement distance with angel core (0 to disable angel core) #Range: > 0 angel = 2 #Wand destruction block limit (0 to disable destruction core) #Range: > 0 destruction = 9 #Allow wand upgrading by putting the wand together with a wand core in a crafting grid. upgradeable = true [diamond_wand] #Wand durability #Range: > 1 durability = 1561 #Wand block limit #Range: > 1 limit = 128 #Max placement distance with angel core (0 to disable angel core) #Range: > 0 angel = 8 #Wand destruction block limit (0 to disable destruction core) #Range: > 0 destruction = 25 #Allow wand upgrading by putting the wand together with a wand core in a crafting grid. upgradeable = true [infinity_wand] #Wand block limit #Range: > 1 limit = 1024 #Max placement distance with angel core (0 to disable angel core) #Range: > 0 angel = 16 #Wand destruction block limit (0 to disable destruction core) #Range: > 0 destruction = 81 #Allow wand upgrading by putting the wand together with a wand core in a crafting grid. upgradeable = true [misc] #Block limit for Infinity Wand used in creative mode #Range: > 1 InfinityWandCreative = 2048 #Maximum placement range (0: unlimited). Affects all wands and is meant for lag prevention, not game balancing. #Range: > 0 MaxRange = 100 #Number of operations that can be undone #Range: > 0 UndoHistory = 3 #Place blocks below you while falling > 10 blocks with angel core (Can be used to save you from drops/the void) AngelFalling = false #Blocks to treat equally when in Similar mode. Enter block IDs seperated by ; SimilarBlocks = ["minecraft:dirt;minecraft:grass_block;minecraft:coarse_dirt;minecraft:podzol;minecraft:mycelium;minecraft:farmland;minecraft:dirt_path;minecraft:rooted_dirt"] [tileentity] #White/Blacklist for Tile Entities. Allow/Prevent blocks with TEs from being placed by wand. #You can either add block ids like minecraft:chest or mod ids like minecraft TEList = ["chiselsandbits"] #If set to TRUE, treat TEList as a whitelist, otherwise blacklist TEWhitelist = false