# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # blockprotector #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the block protector machine ########################################################################################################## blockprotector { # Maximum RF storage that the block protector can hold I:blockProtectorMaxRF=500000 # RF per tick that the block protector can receive I:blockProtectorRFPerTick=20000 # The maximum distance between the protector and the protected blocks (on one axis) I:maxProtectDistance=10 # The RF that is consumed to protect a block right next to the explosion with a radius of 8 (standard TNT). Further distances will reduce power usage, bigger radius will increase power usage. I:rfForExplosionProtection=10000 # The RF that is consumed to protect against a single harvest attempt I:rfForHarvestAttempt=2000 # Amount of passive RF/tick used for every protected block I:rfPerProtectedBlock=5 } ########################################################################################################## # crafter #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the automatic crafter machine ########################################################################################################## crafter { # Maximum RF storage that the crafter can hold I:crafterMaxRF=50000 # RF per tick that the crafter can receive I:crafterRFPerTick=500 # Amount of RF used per crafting operation I:rfPerOperation=100 # How many operations to do at once in fast mode I:speedOperations=5 } ########################################################################################################## # dimletconstruction #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the dimlet construction system ########################################################################################################## dimletconstruction { # Maximum RF storage that the dimlet workbench can hold I:dimletWorkbenchMaxRF=32000 # RF that the dimlet workbench needs for extracting one dimlet I:dimletWorkbenchRFPerOperation=200 # RF per tick that the the dimlet workbench can receive I:dimletWorkbenchRFPerTick=80 # Amount of ticks needed to fully absorb a biome essence I:maxBiomeAbsorbtion=5000 # Amount of blocks needed to fully absorb material essence I:maxBlockAbsorbtion=128 # Amount of liquid blocks needed to fully absorb liquid essence I:maxLiquidAbsorbtion=128 # Amount of injections needed to get a fully absorbed mob essence I:maxMobInjections=10 # Amount of ticks needed to absorb the correct time I:maxTimeAbsorbtion=10 } ########################################################################################################## # dimlets #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the dimlet/dimension system ########################################################################################################## dimlets { # If the dimension turns out to be more expensive after creation you get a factor of the actual cost extra to the RF/tick maintenance cost. If this is 0 there is no such cost. If this is 1 then you get the full cost D:afterCreationCostFactor=0.10000000149011612 # Behaviour when sleeping in an RFTools dimension: 0 = do nothing, 1 = explode, 2 = set spawn I:bedBehaviour=0 # The height of the bedrock layer that is generated at the bottom of some world types. Set to 0 to disable this and get default bedrock generation I:bedrockLayer=1 # How much stronger mobs should be if spawned in a dimension with the brutal mobs dimlet D:brutalMobsFactor=5.0 # Maximum height of the caverns. 0=64, 1=128, 2=196, 3=256 I:cavernHeightLimit=1 # Difficulty level for the dimension system. -1 means dimensions don't consume power. 0 means that you will not get killed but kicked out of the dimension when it runs out of power. 1 means certain death I:difficulty=1 # Maximum RF storage that the dimension builder can hold I:dimensionBuilderMaxRF=10000000 # If this is enabled then the dimension builder needs a correct owner before you can create dimensions with it B:dimensionBuilderNeedsOwner=false # RF per tick that the dimension builder can receive I:dimensionBuilderRFPerTick=50000 # Maximum RF storage that the dimension editor can hold I:dimensionEditorMaxRF=5000000 # RF per tick that the dimension editor can receive I:dimensionEditorRFPerTick=50000 # If this is enabled the /rftdim safedel command will also delete the DIM folder. If false then this has to be done manually B:dimensionFolderIsDeletedWithSafeDel=true # The internal RF buffer for every dimension I:dimensionPower=40000000 # The zero level at which power warning signs are starting to happen. This is only used for lighting level. No other debuffs occur at this level. I:dimensionPowerWarn0=6000000 # The first level at which power warning signs are starting to happen I:dimensionPowerWarn1=4000000 # The second level at which power warning signs are starting to become worse I:dimensionPowerWarn2=1000000 # The third level at which power warning signs are starting to be very bad I:dimensionPowerWarn3=500000 # The level at which the teleportation system will consider a destination to be dangerous I:dimensionPowerWarnTP=500000 # Set this to true if you want a recipe for dimensional shards. Useful on servers that disallow dimensions B:dimensionalShardRecipe=false # Maximum RF storage that the dimlet researcher can hold I:dimletResearcherMaxRF=32000 # RF that the dimlet researcher needs for researching a single unknown dimlet I:dimletResearcherRFPerOperation=100 # RF per tick that the dimlet researcher can receive I:dimletResearcherRFPerTick=80 # Maximum RF storage that the dimlet scrambler can hold I:dimletScramblerMaxRF=32000 # RF that the machine infuser needs for one operation I:dimletScramblerRFPerOperation=100 # RF per tick that the dimlet scrambler can receive I:dimletScramblerRFPerTick=80 # Stack limit for dimlets I:dimletStackSize=16 # The chance for a dungeon to spawn in a chunk. Higher numbers mean less chance (1 in 'dungeonChance' chance) I:dungeonChance=200 # If this is enabled then a dimension editor can delete a dimension that is owned by the same player as the dimension editor's player. This works by sending over a block of TNT B:editorCanDeleteDimensions=false # The chance that you get an unknown dimlet when killing an enderman. Set to 0 to disable D:endermanUnknownDimletDrop=0.009999999776482582 # Maximum RF storage that the energy extractor can hold I:energyExtractorMaxRF=50000 # RF per tick that the energy extractor can send I:energyExtractorRFPerTick=1000 # If this flag is true RFTools will freeze all entities and machines in a dimension when the power runs out B:freezeUnpoweredDimension=true # Maximum RF storage that the machine infuser can hold I:machineInfuserMaxRF=60000 # RF per tick that the the machine infuser can receive I:machineInfuserRFPerTick=200 # Percentage to add or subtract to the maintenance cost of all dimlets (100 would double the cost, -100 would set the cost to almost zero (complete zero is not allowed)) D:maintenanceCostPercentage=0.0 # The maximum amount of dimensions per player. This requires that dimensions are build with an owned builder (dimensionBuilderNeedsOwner must be set). -1 means no maximum I:maxDimensionsPerPlayer=-1 # Bonus dimlets can never get the maintenance cost of a dimension below this percentage of the nominal cost without bonus dimlets I:minimumCostPercentage=10 # Set this to true if you want terrains with dimlet 'normal' to generate like the overworld (i.e. amplified if the overworld is amplified) B:normalTerrainInheritsOverworld=false # If this is enabled (non-craftable) owner dimlets are required to construct dimension tabs. This is useful on servers where you want to limit the amount of dimensions a player can make B:ownerDimletsNeeded=false # RF per tick that the phased field generator item will consume I:phasedFieldConsumePerTick=100 # If true you will get some debufs when the PFG is in use. If false there will be no debufs B:phasedFieldGeneratorDebuf=true # In this range the PFG will keep entities active (set to 0 to disable this feature) I:phasedFieldGeneratorRange=5 # Maximum RF storage that the phased field generator item can hold I:phasedFieldMaxRF=1000000 # RF per tick that the phased field generator item can receive I:phasedFieldRFPerTick=1000 # If this is enabled then regular players can delete their own dimensions using the /rftdim safedel command B:playersCanDeleteDimensions=false # If this flag is true all spawns will be disabled in an unpowered dimension B:preventSpawnUnpoweredDimension=true # The chance that a non-stone block is selected for the main terrain D:randomBaseBlockChance=0.30000001192092896 # The chance that a random biome controller is selected D:randomControllerChance=0.4000000059604645 # The chance that an effect gets randomly selected in worldgen (poison, regeneration, ...) D:randomEffectChance=0.10000000149011612 # The chance that extra specific mobs will spawn D:randomExtraMobsChance=0.4000000059604645 # The chance that every specific feature gets randomly selected in worldgen (tendrils, caves, lakes, oregen, ...) D:randomFeatureChance=0.4000000059604645 # The chance that random blocks are selected for landscape features (tendrils, canyons, ...) D:randomFeatureMaterialChance=0.4000000059604645 # The chance that random fluid liquids are selected for lakes D:randomLakeFluidChance=0.20000000298023224 # The chance that a non-water block is selected for oceans and seas D:randomOceanLiquidChance=0.20000000298023224 # The chance that random fluid liquids are selected for liquid orbs D:randomOrbFluidChance=0.20000000298023224 # The chance that random blocks are selected for extra oregen feature D:randomOregenMaterialChance=0.20000000298023224 # The chance that special sky features are selected D:randomSpecialSkyChance=0.5 # The chance that default time features are selected D:randomSpecialTimeChance=0.5 # The chance that every specific structure gets randomly selected in worldgen (village, nether fortress, ...) D:randomStructureChance=0.20000000298023224 # The chance that default weather features are selected D:randomWeatherChance=0.800000011920929 # Randomize the seed when the dimension is created B:randomizeSeed=false # If this flag is true the player will respawn in the rftools dimension when he dies (unless power runs out) B:respawnRfToolsDimension=false # Dimension to respawn in after you get kicked out of an RFTools dimension I:spawnDimension=0 # How much stronger mobs should be if spawned in a dimension with the strong mobs dimlet D:strongMobsFactor=2.0 # The maximum amount of unknown dimlets that can be generated in a dungeon chest I:unknownDimletChestLootMaximum=3 # The minimum amount of unknown dimlets that can be generated in a dungeon chest I:unknownDimletChestLootMinimum=1 # The rarity of unknown dimlets in dungeon chests (0 means you'll get none, 100 means very common) I:unknownDimletChestLootRarity=50 # Set this to true if you want to make sure RFTools can only create void dimensions B:voidOnly=true # The chance for a volcano to spawn in a chunk (with the volcano feature dimlet). Higher numbers mean less chance (1 in 'volcanoChance' chance) I:volcanoChance=60 } ########################################################################################################## # endergenic #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the endergenic generator ########################################################################################################## endergenic { # The amount of particles to spawn whenever a pearl is lost (use 0 to disable) I:endergenicBadParticles=10 # The chance (in 1/10 percent, so 1000 = 100%) that an endergenic pearl is lost while trying to hold it I:endergenicChanceLost=5 # The amount of particles to spawn whenever energy is generated (use 0 to disable) I:endergenicGoodParticles=10 # The amount of RF that every endergenic will keep itself (so that it can hold pearls) I:endergenicKeepRf=2000 # The amount of RF that is consumed every tick to hold the endergenic pearl I:endergenicRfHolding=500 # The amount of RF per tick that this generator can give from its internal buffer to adjacent blocks I:endergenicRfOutput=20000 # Multiplier for power generation D:powergenFactor=2.0 } ########################################################################################################## # environmental #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the environmental controller system ########################################################################################################## environmental { # Set to true to make the blindness module available B:blindnessAvailable=false # RF per tick/per block for the blindness module D:blindnessRFPerTick=0.009999999776482582 # Maximum RF storage that the environmental controller can hold I:environmentalMaxRF=500000 # The minimum RF/tick usage that an active controller consumes I:environmentalMinRFUsage=5 # RF per tick that the the environmental controller can receive I:environmentalRFPerTick=20000 # RF per tick/per block for the feather falling plus module D:featherfallingPlusRFPerTick=0.003000000026077032 # RF per tick/per block for the feather falling module D:featherfallingRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # RF per tick/per block for the flight module D:flightRFPerTick=0.004000000189989805 # RF per tick/per block for the haste plus module D:hastePlusRFPerTick=0.003000000026077032 # RF per tick/per block for the haste module D:hasteRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # RF per tick/per block for the night vision module D:nightvisionRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # RF per tick/per block for the peaceful module D:peacefulRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # Set to true to make the poison module available B:poisonAvailable=false # RF per tick/per block for the poison module D:poisonRFPerTick=0.019999999552965164 # RF per tick/per block for the regeneration plus module D:regenerationPlusRFPerTick=0.0044999998062849045 # RF per tick/per block for the regeneration module D:regenerationRFPerTick=0.001500000013038516 # RF per tick/per block for the saturation plus module D:saturationPlusRFPerTick=0.003000000026077032 # RF per tick/per block for the saturation module D:saturationRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # Set to true to make the slowness module available B:slownessAvailable=false # RF per tick/per block for the slowness module D:slownessRFPerTick=0.012000000104308128 # RF per tick/per block for the speed plus module D:speedPlusRFPerTick=0.003000000026077032 # RF per tick/per block for the speed module D:speedRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # RF per tick/per block for the wather breathing module D:watherBreathingRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # Set to true to make the weakness module available B:weaknessAvailable=false # RF per tick/per block for the weakness module D:weaknessRFPerTick=0.009999999776482582 } ########################################################################################################## # general #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # General dimension configuration ########################################################################################################## general { # The base cost (in RF/tick) for creating a dimension I:baseDimensionCreationCost=1000 # The base cost (in RF/tick) for maintaining a dimension I:baseDimensionMaintenanceCost=10 # The base time (in ticks) for creating a dimension I:baseDimensionTickCost=100 # How much of the tick cost of the world is applied to the PFG cost, as a ratio from 0 to 1 D:dynamicPhaseCostAmount=0.05000000074505806 # Enable the block protector recipe. B:enableBlockProtectorRecipe=true # Enable the builder recipe. B:enableBuilderRecipe=true # Enable the dialing device recipe. B:enableDialingDeviceRecipe=true # Enable the dimension builder recipe. B:enableDimensionBuilderRecipe=true # Enable the dimension editor recipe. B:enableDimensionEditorRecipe=true # Enable dynamic scaling of the Phase Field Generator cost based on world tick cost B:enableDynamicPhaseCost=false # Enable the endergenic generator recipe. B:enableEndergenRecipe=true # Enable the matter receiver recipe. B:enableMatterReceiverRecipe=true # Enable the matter transmitter recipe. B:enableMatterTransmitterRecipe=true # Enable the shield projector recipe. B:enableShieldProjectorRecipe=true # If true dump a lot of logging information about various things in RFTools. Useful for debugging. B:logging=false # The ID for the RFTools villager. -1 means disable, 0 means to automatically assigns an id, any other number will use that as fixed id I:villagerId=10 } ########################################################################################################## # livingmatter #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Blocks and items that are seen as living for the spawner ########################################################################################################## livingmatter { S:living.0 < B minecraft:leaves 1.0 > S:living.1 < B minecraft:leaves2 1.0 > S:living.10 < I minecraft:carrot 1.5 > S:living.11 < I minecraft:pumpkin_seeds 0.8 > S:living.12 < I minecraft:melon_seeds 0.8 > S:living.13 < I minecraft:beef 2.0 > S:living.14 < I minecraft:porkchop 2.0 > S:living.15 < I minecraft:chicken 2.0 > S:living.2 < B minecraft:sapling 1.0 > S:living.3 < B minecraft:hay_block 1.0 > S:living.4 < B minecraft:melon_block 1.0 > S:living.5 < B minecraft:cactus 0.8 > S:living.6 < I minecraft:apple 1.0 > S:living.7 < I minecraft:wheat 1.5 > S:living.8 < I minecraft:wheat_seeds 0.8 > S:living.9 < I minecraft:potato 1.5 > } ########################################################################################################## # mobspawnamounts #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Amount of materials needed to spawn mobs ########################################################################################################## mobspawnamounts { S:Bat.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:feather 0 0.1 > S:Bat.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 20.0 > S:Bat.spawnamount.2 < L 0 2.0 > S:Blaze.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:blaze_rod 0 0.1 > S:Blaze.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:netherrack 0 60.0 > S:Blaze.spawnamount.2 < L 0 9.0 > S:Blizz.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:snowball 0 0.1 > S:Blizz.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 50.0 > S:Blizz.spawnamount.2 < L 0 9.0 > S:"Cave Spider.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:string 0 0.1 > S:"Cave Spider.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 40.0 > S:"Cave Spider.spawnamount.2" < L 0 5.0 > S:Chicken.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:feather 0 0.1 > S:Chicken.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 30.0 > S:Chicken.spawnamount.2 < L 0 5.0 > S:Cow.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:leather 0 0.1 > S:Cow.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 50.0 > S:Cow.spawnamount.2 < L 0 8.0 > S:Creeper.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:gunpowder 0 0.1 > S:Creeper.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 60.0 > S:Creeper.spawnamount.2 < L 0 5.0 > S:Dragon.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:experience_bottle 0 0.1 > S:Dragon.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:end_stone 0 200.0 > S:Dragon.spawnamount.2 < L 0 200.0 > S:Enderman.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:ender_pearl 0 0.1 > S:Enderman.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:end_stone 0 20.0 > S:Enderman.spawnamount.2 < L 0 11.0 > S:Ghast.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:ghast_tear 0 0.1 > S:Ghast.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:netherrack 0 50.0 > S:Ghast.spawnamount.2 < L 0 12.0 > S:Horse.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:leather 0 0.1 > S:Horse.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 50.0 > S:Horse.spawnamount.2 < L 0 8.0 > S:"Iron Golem.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:iron_ingot 0 0.1 > S:"Iron Golem.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 50.0 > S:"Iron Golem.spawnamount.2" < I 38 0 0.1 > S:"Magma Cube.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:magma_cream 0 0.1 > S:"Magma Cube.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:netherrack 0 50.0 > S:"Magma Cube.spawnamount.2" < L 0 5.0 > S:Mooshroom.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:leather 0 0.1 > S:Mooshroom.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 50.0 > S:Mooshroom.spawnamount.2 < L 0 8.0 > S:Ocelot.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:fish 0 0.1 > S:Ocelot.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 50.0 > S:Ocelot.spawnamount.2 < L 0 8.0 > S:Pig.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:leather 0 0.1 > S:Pig.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 50.0 > S:Pig.spawnamount.2 < L 0 8.0 > S:Sheep.spawnamount.0 < B minecraft:wool 0 0.1 > S:Sheep.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 50.0 > S:Sheep.spawnamount.2 < L 0 8.0 > S:Skeleton.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:bone 0 0.1 > S:Skeleton.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 30.0 > S:Skeleton.spawnamount.2 < L 0 5.0 > S:Slime.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:slime_ball 0 0.1 > S:Slime.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 40.0 > S:Slime.spawnamount.2 < L 0 5.0 > S:Snowman.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:snowball 0 0.1 > S:Snowman.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 40.0 > S:Snowman.spawnamount.2 < L 0 4.0 > S:Spider.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:string 0 0.1 > S:Spider.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 40.0 > S:Spider.spawnamount.2 < L 0 5.0 > S:Squid.spawnamount.0 < I 351 0 0.1 > S:Squid.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 40.0 > S:Squid.spawnamount.2 < L 0 4.0 > S:Villager.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:book 0 0.1 > S:Villager.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 40.0 > S:Villager.spawnamount.2 < L 0 7.0 > S:Wisp.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:diamond 0 0.1 > S:Wisp.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 50.0 > S:Wisp.spawnamount.2 < L 0 4.0 > S:Witch.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:glass_bottle 0 0.1 > S:Witch.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 40.0 > S:Witch.spawnamount.2 < L 0 7.0 > S:Wither.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:nether_star 0 0.1 > S:Wither.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:soul_sand 0 40.0 > S:Wither.spawnamount.2 < L 0 6.0 > S:Wolf.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:bone 0 0.1 > S:Wolf.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 50.0 > S:Wolf.spawnamount.2 < L 0 8.0 > S:"Zombie Pigman.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:gold_nugget 0 0.1 > S:"Zombie Pigman.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:netherrack 0 30.0 > S:"Zombie Pigman.spawnamount.2" < L 0 5.0 > S:Zombie.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:rotten_flesh 0 0.1 > S:Zombie.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:dirt 0 30.0 > S:Zombie.spawnamount.2 < L 0 5.0 > } ########################################################################################################## # mobspawnrf #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Amount of RF needed to spawn mobs ########################################################################################################## mobspawnrf { I:Bat=100 I:Blaze=1000 I:Blizz=1000 I:"Cave Spider"=500 I:Chicken=500 I:Cow=800 I:Creeper=800 I:Dragon=100000 I:Enderman=2000 I:Ghast=2000 I:Horse=1000 I:"Iron Golem"=2000 I:"Magma Cube"=600 I:Mooshroom=800 I:Ocelot=800 I:Pig=800 I:Sheep=800 I:Skeleton=800 I:Slime=600 I:Snowman=600 I:Spider=500 I:Squid=500 I:Villager=2000 I:Wisp=2000 I:Witch=1200 I:Wither=20000 I:Wolf=800 I:Zombie=800 I:"Zombie Pigman"=1200 } ########################################################################################################## # mobspawns #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the mob dimlets ########################################################################################################## mobspawns { I:Bat.chance=10 I:Bat.maxentity=20 I:Bat.maxgroup=8 I:Bat.mingroup=8 I:Blaze.chance=20 I:Blaze.maxentity=20 I:Blaze.maxgroup=4 I:Blaze.mingroup=2 I:Blizz.chance=20 I:Blizz.maxentity=20 I:Blizz.maxgroup=4 I:Blizz.mingroup=2 I:"Cave Spider.chance"=100 I:"Cave Spider.maxentity"=60 I:"Cave Spider.maxgroup"=8 I:"Cave Spider.mingroup"=8 I:Chicken.chance=10 I:Chicken.maxentity=40 I:Chicken.maxgroup=4 I:Chicken.mingroup=3 I:Cow.chance=10 I:Cow.maxentity=40 I:Cow.maxgroup=4 I:Cow.mingroup=3 I:Creeper.chance=100 I:Creeper.maxentity=60 I:Creeper.maxgroup=8 I:Creeper.mingroup=8 I:Default.chance=1 I:Default.maxentity=1 I:Default.maxgroup=1 I:Default.mingroup=1 I:Dragon.chance=4 I:Dragon.maxentity=4 I:Dragon.maxgroup=2 I:Dragon.mingroup=1 I:Enderman.chance=20 I:Enderman.maxentity=20 I:Enderman.maxgroup=4 I:Enderman.mingroup=2 I:Ghast.chance=20 I:Ghast.maxentity=20 I:Ghast.maxgroup=4 I:Ghast.mingroup=2 I:Horse.chance=10 I:Horse.maxentity=40 I:Horse.maxgroup=4 I:Horse.mingroup=3 I:"Iron Golem.chance"=20 I:"Iron Golem.maxentity"=6 I:"Iron Golem.maxgroup"=2 I:"Iron Golem.mingroup"=1 I:"Magma Cube.chance"=50 I:"Magma Cube.maxentity"=30 I:"Magma Cube.maxgroup"=4 I:"Magma Cube.mingroup"=2 I:Mooshroom.chance=10 I:Mooshroom.maxentity=40 I:Mooshroom.maxgroup=4 I:Mooshroom.mingroup=3 I:Ocelot.chance=5 I:Ocelot.maxentity=20 I:Ocelot.maxgroup=3 I:Ocelot.mingroup=2 I:Pig.chance=10 I:Pig.maxentity=40 I:Pig.maxgroup=4 I:Pig.mingroup=3 I:Sheep.chance=10 I:Sheep.maxentity=40 I:Sheep.maxgroup=4 I:Sheep.mingroup=3 I:Skeleton.chance=100 I:Skeleton.maxentity=60 I:Skeleton.maxgroup=8 I:Skeleton.mingroup=8 I:Slime.chance=50 I:Slime.maxentity=30 I:Slime.maxgroup=4 I:Slime.mingroup=2 I:Snowman.chance=50 I:Snowman.maxentity=30 I:Snowman.maxgroup=4 I:Snowman.mingroup=2 I:Spider.chance=100 I:Spider.maxentity=60 I:Spider.maxgroup=8 I:Spider.mingroup=8 I:Squid.chance=10 I:Squid.maxentity=40 I:Squid.maxgroup=4 I:Squid.mingroup=3 I:Villager.chance=10 I:Villager.maxentity=20 I:Villager.maxgroup=4 I:Villager.mingroup=3 I:Wisp.chance=20 I:Wisp.maxentity=10 I:Wisp.maxgroup=4 I:Wisp.mingroup=2 I:Witch.chance=10 I:Witch.maxentity=20 I:Witch.maxgroup=1 I:Witch.mingroup=1 I:Wither.chance=5 I:Wither.maxentity=5 I:Wither.maxgroup=2 I:Wither.mingroup=1 I:Wolf.chance=10 I:Wolf.maxentity=20 I:Wolf.maxgroup=4 I:Wolf.mingroup=3 I:"Zombie Pigman.chance"=20 I:"Zombie Pigman.maxentity"=10 I:"Zombie Pigman.maxgroup"=4 I:"Zombie Pigman.mingroup"=2 I:Zombie.chance=100 I:Zombie.maxentity=60 I:Zombie.maxgroup=8 I:Zombie.mingroup=8 } ########################################################################################################## # networkmonitor #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the network monitor item ########################################################################################################## networkmonitor { # Time (in seconds) to hilight a block in the world I:hilightTime=5 # Maximum amount of blocks to show in monitor (do NOT increase above 1800!) I:maximumBlocks=500 } ########################################################################################################## # rarity #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # General rarity distribution for dimlet selection ########################################################################################################## rarity { D:level0=500.0 D:level1=250.0 D:level2=150.0 D:level3=90.0 D:level4=40.0 D:level5=20.0 D:level6=1.0 } ########################################################################################################## # recurrentcomplex #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings Recurrent Complex structure dimlets ########################################################################################################## recurrentcomplex { } ########################################################################################################## # screen #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the screen system ########################################################################################################## screen { # RF per tick/per block for the button module I:buttonRFPerTick=0 # RF per tick/per block for the clock module I:clockRFPerTick=1 # RF per tick/per block for the computer module I:computerRFPerTick=4 # RF per tick/per block for the counter plus module I:counterPlusRFPerTick=30 # RF per tick/per block for the counter module I:counterRFPerTick=4 # RF per tick/per block for the dimension module I:dimensionRFPerTick=6 # RF per tick that the the screen controller can receive I:dimletResearcherRFPerTick=1000 # RF per tick/per block for the energy plus module I:energyPlusRFPerTick=30 # RF per tick/per block for the energy module I:energyRFPerTick=4 # RF per tick/per block for the fluid plus module I:fluidPlusRFPerTick=30 # RF per tick/per block for the fluid module I:fluidRFPerTick=4 # RF per tick/per block for the itemstack plus module I:itemstackPlusRFPerTick=30 # RF per tick/per block for the itemstack module I:itemstackRFPerTick=4 # RF per tick/per block for the machine information module I:machineInfoRFPerTick=4 # RF per tick/per block for the redstone module I:redstoneRFPerTick=4 # Maximum RF storage that the screen controller can hold I:screenControllerMaxRF=60000 # RF per tick/per block for the text module I:textRFPerTick=0 } ########################################################################################################## # shield #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the shield system ########################################################################################################## shield { # Set this to true if you have a corrupted world due to a bad camo block in the shield system. Load your world, remove the offending block from the shield, exit MC and then set this back to false B:disableShieldBlocksToUncorruptWorld=false # Maximum distance at which you can add disjoint shield sections to a composed shield I:maxDisjointShieldDistance=64 # Maximum dimension of the shape when a shape card is used I:maxShieldDimension=256 # Maximum offset of the shape when a shape card is used I:maxShieldOffset=128 # The amount of damage to do for a single spike on one entity D:shieldDamage=5.0 # Maximum RF storage that the shield block can hold I:shieldMaxRF=200000 # Maximum size (in blocks) of a tier 1 shield I:shieldMaxSize=256 # RF per tick that the shield block can receive I:shieldRFPerTick=5000 # Base amount of RF/tick for every 10 blocks in the shield (while active) I:shieldRfBase=8 # RF/tick for every 10 blocks added in case of camo mode I:shieldRfCamo=2 # The amount of RF to consume for a single spike of damage for one entity I:shieldRfDamage=1000 # The amount of RF to consume for a single spike of damage for one entity (used in case of player-type damage) I:shieldRfDamagePlayer=2000 # RF/tick for every 10 block addeds in case of shield mode I:shieldRfShield=2 } ########################################################################################################## # spaceprojector #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the space projector system ########################################################################################################## spaceprojector { # Maximum RF storage that the builder can hold I:builderMaxRF=10000000 # RF per tick that the builder can receive I:builderRFPerTick=50000 # RF per entity move operation for the builder I:builderRfPerEntity=5000 # RF per block operation for the builder when used to build I:builderRfPerOperation=500 # RF per player move operation for the builder I:builderRfPerPlayer=40000 # Base RF per block operation for the builder when used as a quarry or voider (actual cost depends on hardness of block) I:builderRfPerQuarry=300 # If true we allow the clearing quarry cards to be crafted (these can be heavier on the server) B:clearingQuarryAllowed=true # How much more expensive a move accross dimensions is D:dimensionCostFactor=5.0 # The RF per operation of the builder is multiplied with this factor when using the fortune quarry shape card D:fortunequarryShapeCardFactor=2.0 # Maximum dimension of the shape when a shape card is used in the builder I:maxBuilderDimension=512 # Maximum offset of the shape when a shape card is used in the builder I:maxBuilderOffset=260 # Maximum dimension for the space chamber I:maxSpaceChamberDimension=128 # If true we go back to the old (wrong) sphere/cylinder calculation for the builder/shield B:oldSphereCylinderShape=false # If true we allow quarry cards to be crafted B:quarryAllowed=true # The base speed (number of blocks per tick) of the quarry I:quarryBaseSpeed=8 # If true the quarry will chunkload a chunk at a time. If false the quarry will stop if a chunk is not loaded B:quarryChunkloads=true # Multiply the infusion factor with this value and add that to the quarry base speed I:quarryInfusionSpeedFactor=20 # If true the quarry will skip all tile entities. Set this to false to allow harvesting ores that are tile entities. Be careful with this! B:quarrySkipTileEntities=true # If true we allow shape cards to be crafted. Note that in order to use the quarry system you must also enable this B:shapeCardAllowed=true # The RF per operation of the builder is multiplied with this factor when using the silk quarry shape card D:silkquarryShapeCardFactor=3.0 # Maximum RF storage that the space projector can hold I:spaceProjectorMaxRF=100000 # RF per tick that the space projector can receive I:spaceProjectorRFPerTick=1000 # Can Tile Entities be moved? 'forbidden' means never, 'whitelist' means only whitelisted, 'blacklist' means all except blacklisted, 'allowed' means all S:tileEntityMode=whitelist # The RF per operation of the builder is multiplied with this factor when using the void shape card D:voidShapeCardFactor=0.5 } ########################################################################################################## # spawner #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the spawner system ########################################################################################################## spawner { # The amount of blocks that the matter beamer will use send in one operation (every 20 ticks) I:beamerBlocksPerSend=1 # Maximum RF storage that the matter beamer can hold I:beamerMaxRF=200000 # RF per tick that the matter beamer can receive I:beamerRFPerTick=1000 # RF per tick that the matter beamer will use for sending over a single object I:beamerRfPerSend=2000 # The maximum distance that a laser can travel between the beamer and the spawner I:maxBeamDistance=8 # The maximum amount of energized matter that this spawner can store (per type) I:spawnerMaxMatterStorage=6400 # Maximum RF storage that the spawner can hold I:spawnerMaxRF=200000 # RF per tick that the spawner can receive I:spawnerRFPerTick=2000 } ########################################################################################################## # storage #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the modular storage system ########################################################################################################## storage { # If true we automatically set the focus on the search field when opening the GUI for the modular storage. Set to false if you don't want that B:autofocusSearch=true # If true we clear the search field when opening the GUI for the modular storage. Set to false if you don't want that B:clearSearchOnOpen=false # Background color for group lines I:groupBackground=-1123021 # Foreground color for group lines I:groupForeground=-16777216 # The height for the smallest style modular storage GUI I:modularStorageGuiHeight1=236 # The height for the middle style modular storage GUI I:modularStorageGuiHeight2=320 # The height for the tallest style modular storage GUI I:modularStorageGuiHeight3=490 # RF/tick to share an inventory to all dimensions I:remoteShareGlobal=50 # RF/tick to share an inventory to the same dimension I:remoteShareLocal=10 # Maximum RF storage that the remote storage block can hold I:remoteStorageMaxRF=100000 # RF per tick that the remote storage block can receive I:remoteStorageRFPerTick=300 # Extra RF per usage per storage tier I:tabletExtraRFUsage=100 # Maximum RF storage that the storage tablet can hold I:tabletMaxRF=20000 # RF per tick that the storage tablet can receive I:tabletRFPerTick=500 # RF per usage of the storage tablet I:tabletRFUsage=100 } ########################################################################################################## # storageconfig #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Generic item module categories for various items ########################################################################################################## storageconfig { S:biomesoplenty.common.blocks.BlockBOPFlower=Flowers S:biomesoplenty.common.blocks.BlockBOPFlower2=Flowers S:biomesoplenty.common.itemblocks.ItemBlockFlower=Flowers S:biomesoplenty.common.itemblocks.ItemBlockFlower2=Flowers S:biomesoplenty.common.items.ItemBOPBucket=Buckets S:buildcraft.builders=Machines S:codechicken.chunkloader.ItemChunkLoader=Machines S:codechicken.microblock.ItemMicroPart=Microblocks S:codechicken.microblock.ItemSaw=Tools S:cofh.core.item.ItemBucket=Buckets S:cofh.thermalexpansion.block.device=Machines S:com.rwtema.extrautils.block.BlockEnderthermicPump=Machines S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.BlockEnderMarkers=Technical S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.BlockEnderQuarry=Machines S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.BlockQuarryUpgrades=Technical S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.generators.BlockGenerator=Machines S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.transfernodes.BlockTransferPipe=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.block.BlockDarkSteelPressurePlate=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.BlockConduitBundle=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.facade.BlockConduitFacade=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.gas.ItemGasConduit=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.ItemExtractSpeedUpgrade=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.ItemItemConduit=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.filter.ItemBasicItemFilter=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.filter.ItemExistingItemFilter=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.filter.ItemModItemFilter=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.liquid.ItemLiquidConduit=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.power.ItemPowerConduit=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.redstone.ItemRedstoneConduit=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.fluid.ItemBucketEio=Buckets S:crazypants.enderio.item.ItemConduitProbe=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.item.ItemMagnet=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.item.skull=Skulls S:crazypants.enderio.machine=Machines S:crazypants.enderio.machine.spawner.ItemBrokenSpawner=Machines S:crazypants.enderio.material.ItemCapacitor=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.material.ItemMachinePart=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.rail.BlockEnderRail=Technical S:extrabiomes.blocks.BlockCustomFlower=Flowers S:mcjty.lib.container.GenericBlock=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.MachineBase=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.MachineFrame=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.shield.ShieldTemplateBlock=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.spaceprojector.SpaceChamberBlock=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.spaceprojector.SpaceChamberCardItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.teleporter.DestinationAnalyzerBlock=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.teleporter.MatterBoosterBlock=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.items.devdelight.DevelopersDelightItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimensionmonitor.DimensionMonitorItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimensionmonitor.PhasedFieldGeneratorItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.DimletTemplate=Dimlets S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.EmptyDimensionTab=Dimlets S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.KnownDimlet=Dimlets S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.RealizedDimensionTab=Dimlets S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.UnknownDimlet=Dimlets S:mcjty.rftools.items.envmodules=Modules S:mcjty.rftools.items.manual.RFToolsManualDimensionItem=Books S:mcjty.rftools.items.manual.RFToolsManualItem=Books S:mcjty.rftools.items.netmonitor.NetworkMonitorItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.DimletControlCircuitItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.DimletEnergyModuleItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.DimletMemoryUnitItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.DimletTypeControllerItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.EfficiencyEssenceItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.MediocreEfficiencyEssenceItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.PeaceEssenceItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.SyringeItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.screenmodules=Modules S:mcjty.rftools.items.smartwrench.SmartWrenchItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.items.storage=Modules S:mcjty.rftools.items.teleportprobe.ChargedPorterItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.items.teleportprobe.TeleportProbeItem=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockButtonStone=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockCake=Food S:net.minecraft.block.BlockCarrot=Food S:net.minecraft.block.BlockCommandBlock=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockDaylightDetector=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockDispenser=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockDropper=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockFlower=Flowers S:net.minecraft.block.BlockFurnace=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockHopper=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockJukebox=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockLever=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockNote=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockOre=Ores S:net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockPotato=Food S:net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlate=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlateWeighted=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRail=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRailDetector=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRailPowered=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneComparator=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneLight=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneTorch=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneWire=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockSapling=Saplings S:net.minecraft.block.BlockTNT=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockTripWire=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockTripWireHook=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockWood=null S:net.minecraft.block.BlockWorkbench=Technical S:net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor=Armor S:net.minecraft.item.ItemBook=Books S:net.minecraft.item.ItemBow=Weapons S:net.minecraft.item.ItemBucket=Buckets S:net.minecraft.item.ItemFlintAndSteel=Tools S:net.minecraft.item.ItemFood=Food S:net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe=Tools S:net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart=Technical S:net.minecraft.item.ItemPotion=Potions S:net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord=Records S:net.minecraft.item.ItemRedstone=Technical S:net.minecraft.item.ItemShears=Tools S:net.minecraft.item.ItemSkull=Skulls S:net.minecraft.item.ItemSword=Weapons S:net.minecraft.item.ItemTool=Tools S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block=Machines S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemLaserFocus=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemLogicUpgradeCard=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemPortaSpawner=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemSafariNet=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.base.ItemFactoryBucket=Buckets S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.gun.ItemSafariNetLauncher=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.tool.ItemRedNetMemoryCard=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.tool.ItemRedNetMeter=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.tool.ItemXpExtractor=Technical S:thermalexpansion.block.cell=Machines S:thermalexpansion.block.device.ItemBlockDevice=Machines S:thermalexpansion.block.dynamo.ItemBlockDynamo=Machines S:thermalexpansion.block.machine=Machines S:thermalexpansion.item.ItemCapacitor=Technical S:thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemIgniter=Technical S:thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemMultimeter=Technical S:thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemWrench=Technical S:thermalfoundation.block.BlockOre=Ores } ########################################################################################################## # storagemonitor #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the storage scanner machine ########################################################################################################## storagemonitor { # Time (in seconds) to hilight a block in the world I:hilightTime=5 # Amount of RF used per scan operation I:rfPerOperation=100 # Maximum RF storage that the storage scanner can hold I:scannerMaxRF=100000 # RF per tick that the storage scanner can receive I:scannerRFPerTick=500 # How many blocks to scan per operation I:scansPerOperation=20 } ########################################################################################################## # teleporter #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the teleporter system ########################################################################################################## teleporter { # Maximum RF storage that the advanced charged porter item can hold (note that teleporting this way uses 50% more RF then with a matter transmitter) I:advancedChargedPorterMaxRF=1000000 # The speed bonus for the advanced charged porter (compared to the normal one) I:advancedSpeedBonus=4 # Comma separated list of dimension ids that the teleportation system can't teleport to S:blacklistedTeleportationDestinations= # Comma separated list of dimension ids that the teleportation system can't teleport from S:blacklistedTeleportationSources= # Maximum RF storage that the charged porter item can hold (note that teleporting this way uses 50% more RF then with a matter transmitter) I:chargedPorterMaxRF=200000 # RF per tick that the the charged porter item can receive I:chargedPorterRFPerTick=400 # The amount of ticks that a matter transmitter with destination checker will wait before checking a receiver in case the chunk is not loaded (-1 to disable this check completely) I:checkUnloadedChunk=-1 # The amount of ticks that a matter transmitter with destination checker will wait before checking a receiver in case the world is not loaded (-1 to disable this check completely) I:checkUnloadedWorld=-1 # Maximum RF storage that the dialing device can hold I:dialerMaxRF=50000 # RF per tick that the dialing device can receive I:dialerRFPerTick=100 # The horizontal range the dialing device uses to check for transmitters. These are the transmitters the dialing device will be able to control I:horizontalDialerRange=10 # If this is true then all usages of the teleport system are logged B:logTeleportUsages=false # If this is true then the RFTools teleportation system cannot be used to travel in the same dimension B:preventInterdimensionalTeleports=false # Maximum RF storage that the matter receiver can hold I:receiverMaxRF=100000 # RF per tick that the matter receiver can receive I:receiverRFPerTick=500 # This is the amount of RF that is consumed at a boosted transmitter in case the receiver doesn't have enough power I:rfBoostedTeleport=20000 # The amount of RF that is consumed by the matter transmitter when a dial is active I:rfDialedConnectionPerTick=10 # The amount of RF/tick an idle dialed transmitter consumes I:rfMatterIdleTick=0 # The amount of RF consumed when the dialing device checks for the capabilities of a receiver ('Check' button) I:rfPerCheck=5000 # The amount of RF consumed when dialing a transmitter to another receiver I:rfPerDial=1000 # This is the amount of RF that is consumed at the receiving side for every teleport. This RF is only consumed when the teleportation actually happens I:rfPerTeleportReceiver=5000 # The amount of RF that is consumed by a matter transmitter when the player goes to stand in the teleportation beam allowing the teleportation process to start. This version is for a teleportation to another dimension and in this case 'rfStartTeleportDist' is not used. This value also acts as the maximum rf that can be consumed for a local teleport I:rfStartTeleportDim=100000 # For every unit in distance this value is added to the initial RF cost for starting the teleportation. This value is not used when teleporting to another dimension I:rfStartTeleportDist=10 # The amount of RF that is consumed by a matter transmitter when the player goes to stand in the teleportation beam allowing the teleportation process to start. This value is used for a teleport in the same dimension. In addition to this value the 'rfStartTeleportDist' is also added per traveled distance I:rfStartTeleportLocal=5000 # For the duration of the teleport process this value represents the amount of RF that is consumed by the matter transmitter for every tick I:rfTeleportPerTick=500 # The base time used for a teleportation to another dimension. The 'timeTeleportDist' value is not used I:timeTeleportBaseDim=50 # The base time used for a teleportation for a local teleport. The 'timeTeleportDist' value is added per distance traveled I:timeTeleportBaseLocal=5 # The amount of time that is added depending on distance for a local teleport. This value is in militicks which means that 1000 is one tick and one tick is 1/20 of a second I:timeTeleportDist=10 # Maximum RF storage that the matter transmitter can hold. This should be at least equal to 'rfStartTeleportDim' I:transmitterMaxRF=200000 # RF per tick that the matter transmitter can receive. It is recommended to keep this at least equal to 'rfTeleportPerTick' I:transmitterRFPerTick=1000 # The vertical range the dialing device uses to check for transmitters I:verticalDialerRange=5 # The volume for the teleporting sound (1.0 is default) D:volumeTeleport=1.0 # The volume for the error sound when teleportation fails (1.0 is default) D:volumeTeleportError=1.0 } ########################################################################################################## # type_biome #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the biome dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_biome { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=100 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=0 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=1 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=1 } ########################################################################################################## # type_controller #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the controller dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_controller { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=100 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=0 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=1 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=1 } ########################################################################################################## # type_digit #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the digit dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_digit { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=0 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=0 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=0 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=0 } ########################################################################################################## # type_effect #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the effect dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_effect { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=200 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=0 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=3 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=100 } ########################################################################################################## # type_feature #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the feature dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_feature { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=100 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of lowest class D:liquid.creation.factor.0=1.0 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of low class D:liquid.creation.factor.1=1.399999976158142 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of medium class D:liquid.creation.factor.2=1.7999999523162842 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of high class D:liquid.creation.factor.3=2.5 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of lowest class D:liquid.maintenance.factor.0=1.0 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of low class D:liquid.maintenance.factor.1=1.399999976158142 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of medium class D:liquid.maintenance.factor.2=1.7999999523162842 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of high class D:liquid.maintenance.factor.3=2.5 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of lowest class D:liquid.tick.factor.0=1.0 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of low class D:liquid.tick.factor.1=1.2999999523162842 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of medium class D:liquid.tick.factor.2=1.5 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of high class D:liquid.tick.factor.3=1.7000000476837158 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=1 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of lowest class D:material.creation.factor.0=1.0 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of low class D:material.creation.factor.1=1.399999976158142 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of medium class D:material.creation.factor.2=1.7999999523162842 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of high class D:material.creation.factor.3=2.5 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of lowest class D:material.maintenance.factor.0=1.0 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of low class D:material.maintenance.factor.1=1.399999976158142 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of medium class D:material.maintenance.factor.2=1.7999999523162842 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of high class D:material.maintenance.factor.3=2.5 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of lowest class D:material.tick.factor.0=1.0 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of low class D:material.tick.factor.1=1.2999999523162842 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of medium class D:material.tick.factor.2=1.5 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with a feature of high class D:material.tick.factor.3=1.7000000476837158 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=0 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=1 } ########################################################################################################## # type_foliage #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the foliage dimlet type (not implemented yet!) ########################################################################################################## type_foliage { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=200 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=10 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=0 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=10 } ########################################################################################################## # type_liquid #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the liquid dimlet type. Note that this is a modifier so actual cost depends on terrain/feature you use this with ########################################################################################################## type_liquid { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=500 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=300 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=2 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=200 } ########################################################################################################## # type_material #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the material dimlet type. Note that this is a modifier so actual cost depends on terrain/feature you use this with ########################################################################################################## type_material { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=300 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=10 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=1 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=100 } ########################################################################################################## # type_mob #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the mob dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_mob { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=300 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=100 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=2 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=200 } ########################################################################################################## # type_patreon #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the patreon dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_patreon { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=10 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=0 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=2 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=1 } ########################################################################################################## # type_sky #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the sky dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_sky { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=100 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=1 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=0 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=1 } ########################################################################################################## # type_special #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the special dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_special { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=1000 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=1000 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=5 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=1000 } ########################################################################################################## # type_structure #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the structure dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_structure { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=600 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=100 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=3 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=900 } ########################################################################################################## # type_terrain #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the terrain dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_terrain { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=100 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with this terrain D:liquid.creation.factor=5.0 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with this terrain D:liquid.maintenance.factor=5.0 # The cost factor for a liquid dimlet modifier when used in combination with this terrain D:liquid.tick.factor=2.0 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=1 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with this terrain D:material.creation.factor=5.0 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with this terrain D:material.maintenance.factor=5.0 # The cost factor for a material dimlet modifier when used in combination with this terrain D:material.tick.factor=2.0 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=0 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=1 } ########################################################################################################## # type_time #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the time dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_time { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=300 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=20 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=2 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=10 } ########################################################################################################## # type_weather #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the weather dimlet type ########################################################################################################## type_weather { # Dimlet creation cost (how much power this dimlets adds during creation time of a dimension) I:creation.cost=100 # Dimlet maintenance cost (how much power this dimlet will use up to keep the dimension running) I:maintenance.cost=50 # Default rarity for this dimlet type I:rarity=1 # Dimlet tick cost (how long it takes to make a dimension with this dimlet in it) I:tick.cost=10 }