# Configuration file expert { # Enable the '/ch hand class' and '/ch at class' commands. B:commandsShowClasses=true # Enable developer debugging information. Don't enable this unless asked/you know what you're doing. B:enableDebugInfo=false } functionalityregistry { # Functionality registry blacklist (example entry: carry:minecraft:bedrock) S:blacklist < > S:whitelist < > } general { # Setting this option to true will stop Charset from giving players items directly into the player inventory when the alternative is dropping it (for instance, taking item out of barrels). B:alwaysDropDroppablesGivenToPlayer=false # Set to true to disable recipe optimizations. Use only if weird behaviour exhibited, and always contact the developer first! B:disableRecipeOptimizations=false # The duration of ticks that can pass between two clicks to be registered as a double-click. I:doubleClickDuration=10 # Show all item types in Charset's main creative tab. B:showAllItemTypes=false # Show all item types in JustEnoughItems's recipe list. B:showAllItemTypesJEI=true }