§align:center ##### §nCelestial Manipulator§n §stack[draconicevolution:celestial_manipulator]{size:64} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} The Celestial Manipulator is the ultimate time and weather control device! This device has 2 main operating modes, time and weather, each mode has different functions. Weather Stop Rain Start Rain Start Thunderstorm Time Skip to sunrise Skip to mid-day Skip to sunset Skip to moon rise Skip to midnight Skip to moonset Skip 24. This function skips to the same time the next Minecraft day. This is useful because using the stop button you can stop the time acceleration at any point along the way Each of these functions should be fairly self-explanatory. This device can also be configured for redstone control. In the redstone control tab, you can select which time or weather function to execute on redstone signal. If set to Skip 24 the time acceleration will stop early if the redstone signal stops. Note time acceleration does not actually speed up game ticks, it just changes the world time. This device also requires a significant amount of RF power. §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} §recipe[draconicevolution:celestial_manipulator]{spacing:2} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:3}