{ title: "The Snow Queen", x: -10.0d, y: -14.0d, shape: "diamond", description: "&oIn the heart of the great Glaciers of the Twilight Forest's coldest region, a Tower as beatiful as an Aurora lies... What could possibly be within?", dependencies: [ "d233564c" ], tasks: [{ uid: "6c74d970", type: "advancement", title: "Advancement: &eClear Skies", icon: "twilightforest:trophy 1 5", advancement: "twilightforest:progress_glacier", criterion: "" }], rewards: [{ uid: "37aeeefb", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 500L }, { uid: "558c8b6b", type: "item", item: { id: "ftbquests:lootcrate", tag: { type: "unclaimed_black_market_container" } } }, { uid: "c548e5dd", type: "item", item: { ForgeCaps: { "astralsorcery:cap_item_amulet_holder": {} }, id: "twilightforest:ender_bow", tag: { ench: [{ lvl: 3s, id: 34s }], display: { Lore: [ "Filled to the brim with powerful End magic...", "§6Hits hard, but at what cost?", "§dExclusive Twilight Relic" ], Name: "§d§lBow of Ender Exchange" }, AttributeModifiers: [{ UUIDMost: 43294, UUIDLeast: 5475544, Amount: 0.35d, Slot: "mainhand", AttributeName: "generic.movementSpeed", Operation: 1, Name: "Ender Swiftness" }, { UUIDMost: 43294, UUIDLeast: 5475544, Amount: 2, Slot: "mainhand", AttributeName: "potioncore.projectileDamage", Operation: 1, Name: "Ender Force" }] } } }] }