# Configuration file debug { # Enable debug output to fml-client-latest.log [default: false] B:DoDebugMessages=false } deepdarkvoidminer { # Set to true to enable logging of ores added to the Deep Dark void miner, with weights and metadata IDs. This is useful for debugging. [default: false] B:DebugPrintAddedOres=false # Set to true to enable logging of all valid ores. This is useful for debugging, or finding names to add to the weight config. [default: false] B:DebugPrintAllOres=false # List of GregTech material names to adjust weight. Example line: "Aluminium : 0.3". Intervening whitespace will be ignored. Use the debug options to get valid names. Use weight <= 0 to disable an ore entirely. Anything not specified in the list will have weight 1. See: gregtech.api.enums.Materials [default: ] S:MaterialWeights < > # List of BartWorks material names to adjust weight. Example line: "Bismutite : 0.3". Intervening whitespace will be ignored. Use the debug options to get valid names. Use weight <= 0 to disable an ore entirely. Anything not specified in the list will have weight 1. See: com.github.bartimaeusnek.bartworks.system.material.Werkstoff [default: ] S:WerkstoffWeights < > } limits { I:PotionTimer=200 } modfixes { # Set to true to enable the modfix for Avaritia SkullFireSword [default: false] B:AvaritiaFixEnabled=true # Set to true to enable OilSpawn from this Mod. Make sure to disable Oil-Spawn in BuildCraft if you do [default: false] B:GenerateOil=true B:HoverModeFixEnabled=true # Set to true to allow Minetweaker to override the vanilla furnace fuel handler, allowing the burn value of WOOD material items to be changed. [default: true] B:MinetweakerFurnaceFixEnabled=true avaritia { # The Canonical Class-Name of the Entity [default: [net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySkeleton], [galaxyspace.SolarSystem.planets.venus.entities.EntityEvolvedFireSkeleton], [micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.entities.EntityEvolvedSkeleton]] S:Avaritia_SkullFireSwordEntityTargets < net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySkeleton galaxyspace.SolarSystem.planets.venus.entities.EntityEvolvedFireSkeleton micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.entities.EntityEvolvedSkeleton toast.specialMobs.entity.skeleton.Entity_SpecialSkeleton toast.specialMobs.entity.skeleton.EntityBrutishSkeleton toast.specialMobs.entity.skeleton.EntityFireSkeleton toast.specialMobs.entity.skeleton.EntityGatlingSkeleton toast.specialMobs.entity.skeleton.EntityGiantSkeleton toast.specialMobs.entity.skeleton.EntityNinjaSkeleton toast.specialMobs.entity.skeleton.EntityPoisonSkeleton toast.specialMobs.entity.skeleton.EntitySniperSkeleton toast.specialMobs.entity.skeleton.EntitySpitfireSkeleton toast.specialMobs.entity.skeleton.EntityThiefSkeleton twilightforest.entity.EntityTFSkeletonDruid > } ########################################################################################################## # oilgen #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # The OilgenChance is based on height of the biome. On high-y biomes, the basic chance is divided by 2, on low-y biomes like oceans, it is multiplied by 1.8. # The multiplier set here for -OilBoostBiomes- Biomes is applied after those multipliers are set. ########################################################################################################## oilgen { # Boost factor of oil spheres in certain Biomes that are listed in -OilBoostBiomes- [range: 0.0 ~ 50.0, default: 2.5] S:OilBiomeBoostFactor=3.5 # List BiomeIDs (Numbers only; One per line!) where no oil should be generated [default: ] S:OilBiomeIDBlackList < 16 21 29 43 44 52 62 65 76 87 97 99 107 113 123 192 > # List BiomeIDs (Numbers only; One per line!) where the boost multiplicator is applied. Leave empty to disable Biome-Boost [default: ] S:OilBoostBiomes < 0 2 5 12 30 32 42 45 48 51 57 58 64 70 71 92 95 104 110 115 119 122 193 202 224 225 226 228 230 235 > # Threshold at which an oil-deposit will be considered as 'large' and the fountain will be higher and thicker. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 14] I:OilDepositThresholdLarge=14 # Threshold at which an oil-deposit will be considered as 'medium' and the fountain will be higher and thicker. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 11] I:OilDepositThresholdMedium=11 # The minimum distance of 2 Oil-Deposits in chunks. Modulo-Based; A 2 here means an deposit can only spawn in chunks that have a number that is a multiple of 2 (Chunknumber * 16 = X/Z coord) [range: 0 ~ 1024, default: 2] I:OilDepostMinDistance=2 # List DimensionIDs (Numbers only; One per line!) here where the OilGenerator should do its work [default: [0]] S:OilDimensionWhitelist < 0 > # Visible height of the fountain above the oil-deposit for LARGE deposits [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 16] I:OilFountainSizeLarge=16 # Visible height of the fountain above the oil-deposit for MEDIUM deposits [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 5] I:OilFountainSizeSmall=5 # General OilGen factor [range: 0.0 ~ 2000.0, default: 30.0] S:OilSphereChance=60.0 # The maximum radius of an underground OilSphere. The final size is calculated by OilSphereMinRadius + Random(OilSphereMaxSize-OilSphereMinRadius) [range: 3 ~ 50, default: 15] I:OilSphereMaxSize=15 # The minimum radius of an underground OilSphere [range: 0 ~ 20, default: 8] I:OilSphereMinRadius=8 } } modules { # If set to true, every op/admin will receive all errors occoured during the startup phase as ingame message on join [default: true] B:AdminErrorLog=true # A complete, full working example for a custom chest, with its own renderer for items and blocks, custom sound and a GUI [default: true] B:BabyChest=true # Set to true to enable CustomDrops module. This needs a separate config file which is created once you start with this setting enabled [default: false] B:CustomDrops=true # Set to true to enable CustomFuels module. Allows you to set burn-time values to almost any item [default: false] B:CustomFuels=true # Set to true to enable CustomToolTips module. This needs a separate config file which is created once you start with this setting enabled [default: false] B:CustomToolTips=true # Set to true to display modpack version on debug GUI (F3) [default: true] B:DebugVersionDisplay=true # Set to true to enable HazardousItems module. This needs a separate config file which is created once you start with this setting enabled [default: false] B:HazardousItems=true # Set to true to enable ItemInHandInfo module. If enabled, type /iih to display the item's name-info [default: false] B:ItemInHandInfo=true # Set to true to show login message with modpack version [default: true] B:LoginMessage=true # Version of the Modpack [default: 2.3.1] S:ModPackVersion=2.3.1 # Set to false to prevent the OreDict register for SpaceStones and SpaceDusts [default: true] B:OreDictItems=true worldaccelerator { # The Canonical Class-Names of TileEntities that should be ignored by the WorldAccelerator [default: [com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.TileEntityEnderQuarry]] S:BlacklistedTileEntiyClassNames < com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.TileEntityEnderQuarry advsolar.common.tiles.TileEntityUltimateSolarPanel advsolar.common.tiles.TileEntitySolarPanel advsolar.common.tiles.TileEntityQuantumSolarPanel advsolar.common.tiles.TileEntityHybridSolarPanel advsolar.common.tiles.TileEntityAdvancedSolarPanel com.supsolpans.tiles.TileAdminSolarPanel com.supsolpans.tiles.TilePhotonicSolarPanel com.supsolpans.tiles.TileSingularSolarPanel com.supsolpans.tiles.TileSpectralSolarPanel emt.tile.solar.air.TileEntityAirSolar emt.tile.solar.air.TileEntityDoubleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.air.TileEntityTripleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.air.TileEntityQuadrupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.air.TileEntityQuintupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.air.TileEntitySextupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.air.TileEntitySeptupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.air.TileEntityOctupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.compressed.TileEntityCompressedSolar emt.tile.solar.compressed.TileEntityDoubleCompressedSolar emt.tile.solar.compressed.TileEntityTripleCompressedSolar emt.tile.solar.compressed.TileEntityQuadrupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.compressed.TileEntityQuintupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.compressed.TileEntitySextupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.compressed.TileEntitySeptupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.compressed.TileEntityOctupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.dark.TileEntityDarkSolar emt.tile.solar.dark.TileEntityDoubleDarkSolar emt.tile.solar.dark.TileEntityTripleDarkSolar emt.tile.solar.dark.TileEntityQuadrupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.dark.TileEntityQuintupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.dark.TileEntitySextupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.dark.TileEntitySeptupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.dark.TileEntityOctupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.earth.TileEntityDoubleEarthSolar emt.tile.solar.earth.TileEntityEarthSolar emt.tile.solar.earth.TileEntityTripleEarthSolar emt.tile.solar.earth.TileEntityQuadrupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.earth.TileEntityQuintupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.earth.TileEntitySextupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.earth.TileEntitySeptupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.earth.TileEntityOctupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.fire.TileEntityDoubleFireSolar emt.tile.solar.fire.TileEntityFireSolar emt.tile.solar.fire.TileEntityTripleFireSolar emt.tile.solar.fire.TileEntityQuadrupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.fire.TileEntityQuintupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.fire.TileEntitySextupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.fire.TileEntitySeptupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.fire.TileEntityOctupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.order.TileEntityDoubleOrderSolar emt.tile.solar.order.TileEntityOrderSolar emt.tile.solar.order.TileEntityTripleOrderSolar emt.tile.solar.order.TileEntityQuadrupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.order.TileEntityQuintupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.order.TileEntitySextupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.order.TileEntitySeptupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.order.TileEntityOctupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.water.TileEntityDoubleWaterSolar emt.tile.solar.water.TileEntityTripleWaterSolar emt.tile.solar.water.TileEntityWaterSolar emt.tile.solar.water.TileEntityQuadrupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.water.TileEntityQuintupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.water.TileEntitySextupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.water.TileEntitySeptupleAirSolar emt.tile.solar.water.TileEntityOctupleAirSolar com.lulan.compactkineticgenerators.tileentity.TileCkgE com.lulan.compactkineticgenerators.tileentity.TileCkgH com.lulan.compactkineticgenerators.tileentity.TileCkgL com.lulan.compactkineticgenerators.tileentity.TileCkgM com.lulan.compactkineticgenerators.tileentity.TileCkwaE com.lulan.compactkineticgenerators.tileentity.TileCkwaH com.lulan.compactkineticgenerators.tileentity.TileCkwaL com.lulan.compactkineticgenerators.tileentity.TileCkwaM com.lulan.compactkineticgenerators.tileentity.TileCkwmE com.lulan.compactkineticgenerators.tileentity.TileCkwmH com.lulan.compactkineticgenerators.tileentity.TileCkwmL com.lulan.compactkineticgenerators.tileentity.TileCkwmM com.supsolpans.tiles.TileSpectralSolarPanel com.supsolpans.tiles.TileSingularSolarPanel com.supsolpans.tiles.TileAdminSolarPanel com.supsolpans.tiles.TilePhotonicSolarPanel gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityFishTrap gtPlusPlus.core.tileentities.general.TileEntityDecayablesChest net.bdew.gendustry.machines.apiary.TileApiary goodgenerator.blocks.tileEntity.EssentiaHatch > } } pollution { # the threshold of pollution above which the electric air filters will start to work [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 10000] I:PollutionThresholdAirFilter=10000 # T1 bonus tier in this formula: globalMultiplicator * bonusByTier * mufflerAmount * turbineEfficiency * maintenanceEff * Floor(scalingFactor^effectiveTier). This gives the pollution cleaned by the electric air filter per second [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:bonusByTierT1=1.0 # T2 bonus tier in this formula: globalMultiplicator * bonusByTier * mufflerAmount * turbineEfficiency * maintenanceEff * Floor(scalingFactor^effectiveTier). This gives the pollution cleaned by the electric air filter per second [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 1.05] S:bonusByTierT2=1.05 # T3 bonus tier in this formula: globalMultiplicator * bonusByTier * mufflerAmount * turbineEfficiency * maintenanceEff * Floor(scalingFactor^effectiveTier). This gives the pollution cleaned by the electric air filter per second [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 1.1] S:bonusByTierT3=1.1 # boost applied when a filter has been set in the electric air filter. [range: 1.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:boostPerAbsorptionFilter=2.0 # global multiplicator in this formula: globalMultiplicator * bonusByTier * mufflerAmount * turbineEfficiency * maintenanceEff * Floor(scalingFactor^effectiveTier). This gives the pollution cleaned by the electric air filter per second [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 30.0] S:globalMultiplicator=30.0 # scaling factor in this formula: globalMultiplicator * bonusByTier * mufflerAmount * turbineEfficiency * maintenanceEff * Floor(scalingFactor^effectiveTier). This gives the pollution cleaned by the electric air filter per second [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.5] S:scalingFactor=2.5 # Number of usage per absorption filter. [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 30] I:usagesPerAbsorptionFilter=30 }