FLUID NAME SIZE ITEM_NAME SIZE META OREDICT_NAME SIZE FLUID_NAME SIZE ITEM_NAME SIZE META OREDICT_NAME SIZE Can have Multiple In/Outputs Some Machines can only Accept either Fluids or Items timeRequired="NUMBER" how long a Recipe takes, Unit is in Ticks. power="NUMBER" how much Power the Recipes takes per Tick. Unit is in RF. The "useDefault" attribute will prevent loading of recipes if set to "false" ingotIron water 100 libvulpes:productplate 1 1 plateIron water 100 libvulpes:productsheet 1 1 ingotGold water 100 libvulpes:productplate 1 2 ingotSilicon water 100 libvulpes:productplate 1 3 ingotCopper water 100 libvulpes:productplate 1 4 plateCopper water 100 libvulpes:productsheet 1 4 ingotTin water 100 libvulpes:productplate 1 5 ingotSteel water 100 libvulpes:productplate 1 6 plateSteel water 100 libvulpes:productsheet 1 6 ingotTitanium water 100 libvulpes:productplate 1 7 plateTitanium water 100 libvulpes:productsheet 1 7 ingotAluminum water 100 libvulpes:productplate 1 9 plateAluminum water 100 libvulpes:productsheet 1 9 ingotIridium water 100 libvulpes:productplate 1 10 ingotTitaniumAluminide water 100 advancedrocketry:productplate plateTitaniumAluminide water 100 advancedrocketry:productsheet ingotTitaniumIridium water 100 advancedrocketry:productplate 1 1 plateTitaniumIridium water 100 advancedrocketry:productsheet 1 1 ingotAluminum thermalfoundation:material 1 324 ingotLumium thermalfoundation:material 1 358 ingotAdvancedAlloy techreborn:plates 1 35 ingotSignalum thermalfoundation:material 1 357 ingotTitanium techreborn:plates 1 30 ingotRefinedIron techreborn:plates 1 34 ingotIridiumAlloy techreborn:plates 1 37 ingotCopper thermalfoundation:material 1 320 ingotEnderium thermalfoundation:material 1 359 ingotBronze thermalfoundation:material 1 355 ingotGold thermalfoundation:material 1 33 ingotSilver thermalfoundation:material 1 322 ingotIridium thermalfoundation:material 1 327 ingotTungstensteel techreborn:plates 1 32 ingotBrass techreborn:plates 1 17 ingotIron thermalfoundation:material 1 32 ingotUranium immersiveengineering:metal 1 35 ingotPlatinum thermalfoundation:material 1 326 ingotTungsten techreborn:plates 1 31 ingotLead thermalfoundation:material 1 323 ingotChrome techreborn:plates 1 19 ingotSilicon libvulpes:productplate 1 3 ingotElectrumFlux redstonearsenal:material 1 128 ingotTitaniumAluminide advancedrocketry:productplate ingotMithril thermalfoundation:material 1 328 ingotSteel thermalfoundation:material 1 352 ingotElectrum thermalfoundation:material 1 353 ingotZinc techreborn:plates 1 33 ingotTin thermalfoundation:material 1 321 ingotNickel thermalfoundation:material 1 325 ingotInvar thermalfoundation:material 1 354 ingotConstantan thermalfoundation:material 1 356 ingotTitaniumIridium advancedrocketry:productplate 1 1 sheetIron sheetIron water 100 advancedrocketry:pressuretank sheetSteel sheetSteel water 100 advancedrocketry:pressuretank 1 1 sheetAluminum sheetAluminum water 100 advancedrocketry:pressuretank 1 2 sheetTitanium sheetTitanium water 100 advancedrocketry:pressuretank 1 3