# Configuration file Device { # If TRUE, most Devices will no longer have Auto-Input functionality. Not recommended, but knock yourself out. B:DisableAutoInput=false # If TRUE, most Devices will no longer have Auto-Output functionality. Not recommended, but knock yourself out. B:DisableAutoOutput=false # If TRUE, Devices are securable. B:Securable=true WaterGen { B:Enable=true # If TRUE, the Aqueous Accumulator will act as an Infinite Source and will also function in the Nether. B:Infinite=false # If TRUE, the Aqueous Accumulator will produce water very slowly even without adjacent source blocks. B:PassiveGeneration=false } Nullifier { B:Enable=true } HeatSink { B:Enable=true } Tapper { B:Enable=true # Adjust this value to set the number of cycles Phyto-Gro lasts. [range: 2 ~ 64, default: 8] I:FertilizerDuration=8 # If TRUE, the Arboreal Extractor will REQUIRE Phyto-Gro to operate. B:RequireFertilizer=false } Fisher { # Adjust this value to set the number of cycles Aqua-Chow lasts. [range: 2 ~ 64, default: 8] I:BaitDuration=8 B:Enable=true # If TRUE, the Aquatic Entangler will REQUIRE Aqua-Chow to operate. B:RequireBait=false } ItemBuffer { B:Enable=true } FluidBuffer { B:Enable=true } Lexicon { B:Enable=true } XpCollector { B:Enable=true # Adjust this value to change the capture radius for the Insightful Condenser. [range: 2 ~ 16, default: 5] I:Radius=5 } Diffuser { B:Enable=true # Adjust this value to change the area effect radius when Lingering Potion fluid is used in a Decoctive Diffuser. [range: 2 ~ 16, default: 8] I:LingeringPotionRadius=8 # Adjust this value to change the area effect radius when Potion fluid is used in a Decoctive Diffuser. [range: 2 ~ 16, default: 4] I:PotionRadius=4 # Adjust this value to change the area effect radius when Splash Potion fluid is used in a Decoctive Diffuser. [range: 2 ~ 16, default: 6] I:SplashPotionRadius=6 } Factorizer { B:Enable=true } MobCatcher { B:Enable=true # Adjust this value to change the capture radius for the Creature Encaptulator. [range: 2 ~ 16, default: 5] I:Radius=5 } ItemCollector { B:Enable=true # Adjust this value to change the capture radius for the Vacuumulator. [range: 2 ~ 16, default: 5] I:Radius=5 } } Dynamo { # If TRUE, 'Classic' Crafting is enabled - Non-Creative Upgrade Kits WILL NOT WORK in a Crafting Grid. B:ClassicCrafting=false # If TRUE, Dynamo Augment Slot scaling will use a custom set of values rather than default behavior (1/level). B:CustomAugmentScaling=false # If TRUE, Dynamo RF/t (POWER) scaling will use a custom set of values rather than default behavior. The default custom configuration provides a reasonable alternate progression. B:CustomPowerScaling=false # If TRUE, Dynamos are securable. B:Securable=true # If TRUE, Dynamos will have much smaller internal energy (RF) storage. Generation speed will no longer scale with internal energy. B:SmallStorage=false # If TRUE, Dynamos are upgradable. If disabled, be sure and change the Augment Progression. B:Upgradable=true # If TRUE, Dynamos can be upgraded in a Crafting Grid using Kits. If Classic Crafting is enabled, only the Creative Conversion Kit may be used in this fashion. B:UpgradeKitCrafting=false ########################################################################################################## # AugmentSlots #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Adjust the number of augments that Dynamos have at any given Level. # Progression will be checked for validity - upgrading a block cannot result in fewer slots. ########################################################################################################## AugmentSlots { # Augment Slots for Level 0 Dynamos. [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 0] I:Level0=0 # Augment Slots for Level 1 Dynamos. [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 1] I:Level1=1 # Augment Slots for Level 2 Dynamos. [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 2] I:Level2=2 # Augment Slots for Level 3 Dynamos. [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 3] I:Level3=3 # Augment Slots for Level 4 Dynamos. [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 4] I:Level4=4 } ########################################################################################################## # CustomPowerScaling #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # ADVANCED FEATURE - ONLY EDIT IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. # Values are expressed as a percentage of Base Power; Base Scale Factor is 100 percent. # Values will be checked for validity and rounded down to the nearest 10. ########################################################################################################## CustomPowerScaling { # Scale Factor for Level 1 Dynamos. [range: 100 ~ 400, default: 150] I:Level1=150 # Scale Factor for Level 2 Dynamos. [range: 100 ~ 900, default: 250] I:Level2=250 # Scale Factor for Level 3 Dynamos. [range: 100 ~ 1600, default: 400] I:Level3=400 # Scale Factor for Level 4 Dynamos. [range: 100 ~ 2500, default: 600] I:Level4=600 } Steam { # Adjust this value to change the Energy generation (in RF/t) for a Steam Dynamo. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 1000, default: 40] I:BasePower=40 B:Enable=true } Magmatic { # Adjust this value to change the Energy generation (in RF/t) for a Magmatic Dynamo. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 1000, default: 40] I:BasePower=40 B:Enable=true } Compression { # Adjust this value to change the Energy generation (in RF/t) for a Compression Dynamo. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 1000, default: 40] I:BasePower=40 B:Enable=true } Reactant { # Adjust this value to change the Energy generation (in RF/t) for a Reactant Dynamo. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 1000, default: 40] I:BasePower=40 B:Enable=true } Enervation { # Adjust this value to change the Energy generation (in RF/t) for an Enervation Dynamo. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 1000, default: 40] I:BasePower=40 B:Enable=true } Numismatic { # Adjust this value to change the Energy generation (in RF/t) for a Numismatic Dynamo. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 1000, default: 40] I:BasePower=40 B:Enable=true } } Item { Capacitor { # Adjust this value to change the amount of Energy (in RF) stored by a Basic Flux Capacitor. This base value will scale with item level. [range: 10000 ~ 10000000, default: 1000000] I:BaseCapacity=1000000 # Adjust this value to change the amount of Energy (in RF/t) that can be received by a Basic Flux Capacitor. This base value will scale with item level. [range: 100 ~ 1000000, default: 2000] I:BaseReceive=2000 # Adjust this value to change the amount of Energy (in RF/t) that can be sent by a Basic Flux Capacitor. This base value will scale with item level. [range: 100 ~ 1000000, default: 1000] I:BaseSend=1000 B:Enable=true } Reservoir { # Adjust this value to change the amount of Fluid (in mB) stored by a Basic Reservoir. This base value will scale with item level. [range: 2000 ~ 100000, default: 10000] I:BaseCapacity=10000 B:Enable=true } Satchel { B:Enable=true } Augment { # If TRUE, the recipe for the Compactor's Coin Specialization is enabled. [default: true] B:AugmentCompactorCoin=true # If TRUE, the recipe for the Compactor's Gear Specialization is enabled. [default: true] B:AugmentCompactorGear=true # If TRUE, the recipe for the Extruder's Sedimentary Specialization is enabled. [default: true] B:AugmentExtruderSedimentary=true # If TRUE, the recipe for the Furnace's Food Specialization is enabled. [default: true] B:AugmentFurnaceFood=true # If TRUE, the recipe for the Furnace's Ore Specialization is enabled. [default: true] B:AugmentFurnaceOre=true # If TRUE, the recipe for the Furnace's Pyrolysis Specialization is enabled. [default: true] B:AugmentFurnacePyrolysis=true # If TRUE, the recipe for the Pulverizer's Petrotheum Specialization is enabled. [default: true] B:AugmentPulverizerPetrotheum=true # If TRUE, the recipe for the Refinery's Potion Specialization is enabled. [default: true] B:AugmentRefineryPotion=true # If TRUE, the recipe for the Smelter's Pyrotheum Specialization is enabled. [default: true] B:AugmentSmelterPyrotheum=true } } Machine { # If TRUE, 'Classic' Crafting is enabled - Non-Creative Upgrade Kits WILL NOT WORK in a Crafting Grid. B:ClassicCrafting=false # If TRUE, Machine Augment Slot scaling will use a custom set of values rather than default behavior (1/level). B:CustomAugmentScaling=true # If TRUE, Machine Total RF (ENERGY) scaling will use a custom set of values rather than default behavior (no scaling). The default custom configuration provides an alternate progression where machines use 5% additional total RF per tier. B:CustomEnergyScaling=false # If TRUE, Machine RF/t (POWER) scaling will use a custom set of values rather than default behavior. The default custom configuration provides a reasonable alternate progression. B:CustomPowerScaling=false # If TRUE, Machines will no longer have Auto-Input functionality. Not recommended, but knock yourself out. B:DisableAutoInput=false # If TRUE, Machines will no longer have Auto-Output functionality. Not recommended, but knock yourself out. B:DisableAutoOutput=false # If TRUE, Machines are securable. B:Securable=true # If TRUE, Machines will have much smaller internal energy (RF) storage. Processing speed will no longer scale with internal energy. B:SmallStorage=false # If TRUE, Machines are upgradable. If disabled, be sure and change the Augment Scaling config options as well. B:Upgradable=true # If TRUE, Machines can be upgraded in a Crafting Grid using Kits. If Classic Crafting is enabled, only the Creative Conversion Kit may be used in this fashion. B:UpgradeKitCrafting=false ########################################################################################################## # AugmentSlots #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Adjust the number of augments that Machines have at any given Level. # Progression will be checked for validity - upgrading a block cannot result in fewer slots. ########################################################################################################## AugmentSlots { # Augment Slots for Level 0 Machines. [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 0] I:Level0=3 # Augment Slots for Level 1 Machines. [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 1] I:Level1=4 # Augment Slots for Level 2 Machines. [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 2] I:Level2=5 # Augment Slots for Level 3 Machines. [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 3] I:Level3=6 # Augment Slots for Level 4 Machines. [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 4] I:Level4=7 } ########################################################################################################## # CustomPowerScaling #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # ADVANCED FEATURE - ONLY EDIT IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. # Values are expressed as a percentage of Base Power; Base Scale Factor is 100 percent. # Values will be checked for validity and rounded down to the nearest 10. ########################################################################################################## CustomPowerScaling { # Scale Factor for Level 1 Machines. [range: 100 ~ 400, default: 150] I:Level1=150 # Scale Factor for Level 2 Machines. [range: 100 ~ 900, default: 250] I:Level2=250 # Scale Factor for Level 3 Machines. [range: 100 ~ 1600, default: 400] I:Level3=400 # Scale Factor for Level 4 Machines. [range: 100 ~ 2500, default: 600] I:Level4=600 } ########################################################################################################## # CustomEnergyScaling #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # ADVANCED FEATURE - ONLY EDIT IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. # Values are expressed as a percentage of Base Energy; Base Scale Factor is 100 percent. # Values will be checked for validity and rounded down to the nearest 5. ########################################################################################################## CustomEnergyScaling { # Scale Factor for Level 1 Machines. [range: 100 ~ 400, default: 105] I:Level1=105 # Scale Factor for Level 2 Machines. [range: 100 ~ 900, default: 110] I:Level2=110 # Scale Factor for Level 3 Machines. [range: 100 ~ 1600, default: 115] I:Level3=115 # Scale Factor for Level 4 Machines. [range: 100 ~ 2500, default: 120] I:Level4=120 } Furnace { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a Redstone Furnace. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true } Pulverizer { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a Pulverizer. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true # Adjust this value to change the default Ore -> Dust Multiplier for this machine. [range: 1 ~ 8, default: 2] I:"Ore -> Dust Multiplier"=2 } Sawmill { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a Sawmill. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true # Adjust this value to change the default Log -> Plank Multiplier for this machine. [range: 1.0 ~ 8.0, default: 1.5] S:"Log -> Plank Multiplier"=1.5 } Smelter { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for an Induction Smelter. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true } Insolator { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a Phytogenic Insolator. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true } Compactor { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a Compactor. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true } Crucible { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a Magma Crucible. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 40] I:BasePower=40 B:Enable=true } Refinery { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a Fractionating Still. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true } Transposer { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a Fluid Transposer. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true } Charger { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for an Energetic Infuser. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 40] I:BasePower=40 B:Enable=true # Adjust this value to change the amount of RF per point of durability in the Energetic Infuser with the Flux Reconstruction augment. [range: 100 ~ 10000, default: 500] I:RepairEnergy=500 # Adjust this value to change the amount of Essence of Knowledge per point of durability in the Energetic Infuser with the Flux Reconstruction augment. [range: 1 ~ 1000, default: 5] I:RepairFluid=5 # Adjust this value to change the wireless range for the Energetic Infuser with the Parabolic Flux Coupling augment. [range: 8 ~ 128, default: 32] I:WirelessRange=32 } Centrifuge { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a Centrifugal Separator. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true } Crafter { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a Sequential Fabricator. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true } Brewer { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a BREWER. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true } Enchanter { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for an Arcane Ensorcellator. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true } Precipitator { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a Glacial Precipitator. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true } Extruder { # Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for an Igneous Extruder. This base value will scale with block level and Augments. [range: 10 ~ 5000, default: 20] I:BasePower=20 B:Enable=true } } Plugins { # If TRUE, support for AbyssalCraft is enabled. [default: true] B:AbyssalCraft=true # If TRUE, support for Actually Additions is enabled. [default: true] B:"Actually Additions"=true # If TRUE, support for Applied Energistics 2 is enabled. [default: true] B:"Applied Energistics 2"=true # If TRUE, support for Astral Sorcery is enabled. [default: true] B:"Astral Sorcery"=true # If TRUE, support for Biomes O' Plenty is enabled. [default: true] B:"Biomes O' Plenty"=true # If TRUE, support for Chisel is enabled. [default: true] B:Chisel=true # If TRUE, support for Computronics is enabled. [default: true] B:Computronics=true # If TRUE, support for Elemental Dimensions is enabled. [default: true] B:"Elemental Dimensions"=true # If TRUE, support for Ender IO is enabled. [default: true] B:"Ender IO"=true # If TRUE, support for EvilCraft is enabled. [default: true] B:EvilCraft=true # If TRUE, support for Extra Alchemy is enabled. [default: true] B:"Extra Alchemy"=true # If TRUE, support for Extra Bees is enabled. [default: true] B:"Extra Bees"=true # If TRUE, support for Extra Trees is enabled. [default: true] B:"Extra Trees"=true # If TRUE, support for Extra Utilities 2 is enabled. [default: true] B:"Extra Utilities 2"=true # If TRUE, support for Familiar Fauna is enabled. [default: true] B:"Familiar Fauna"=true # If TRUE, support for Forestry is enabled. [default: true] B:Forestry=true # If TRUE, support for Gendustry is enabled. [default: true] B:Gendustry=true # If TRUE, support for Gregtech Classic is enabled. [default: true] B:"Gregtech Classic"=true # If TRUE, support for Gregtech Classic Expansion is enabled. [default: true] B:"Gregtech Classic Expansion"=true # If TRUE, support for Ice and Fire is enabled. [default: true] B:"Ice and Fire"=true # If TRUE, support for Immersive Engineering is enabled. [default: true] B:"Immersive Engineering"=true # If TRUE, support for IndustrialCraft 2 is enabled. [default: true] B:"IndustrialCraft 2"=true # If TRUE, support for Integrated Dynamics is enabled. [default: true] B:"Integrated Dynamics"=true # If TRUE, support for Magic Bees is enabled. [default: true] B:"Magic Bees"=true # If TRUE, support for Mowzie's Mobs is enabled. [default: true] B:"Mowzie's Mobs"=true # If TRUE, support for Mystical Agriculture is enabled. [default: true] B:"Mystical Agriculture"=true # If TRUE, support for Mystical Wildlife is enabled. [default: true] B:"Mystical Wildlife"=true # If TRUE, support for Natura is enabled. [default: true] B:Natura=true # If TRUE, support for Pam's BoneCraft is enabled. [default: true] B:"Pam's BoneCraft"=true # If TRUE, support for Pam's HarvestCraft is enabled. [default: true] B:"Pam's HarvestCraft"=true # If TRUE, support for Pam's Redbud Tree is enabled. [default: true] B:"Pam's Redbud Tree"=true # If TRUE, support for Pam's Spooky Tree is enabled. [default: true] B:"Pam's Spooky Tree"=true # If TRUE, support for Plants is enabled. [default: true] B:Plants=true # If TRUE, support for Primal Core is enabled. [default: true] B:"Primal Core"=true # If TRUE, support for Quark is enabled. [default: true] B:Quark=true # If TRUE, support for Rustic is enabled. [default: true] B:Rustic=true # If TRUE, support for Tech Reborn is enabled. [default: true] B:"Tech Reborn"=true # If TRUE, support for Terraqueous is enabled. [default: true] B:Terraqueous=true # If TRUE, support for Thaumcraft is enabled. [default: true] B:Thaumcraft=true # If TRUE, support for The Betweenlands is enabled. [default: true] B:"The Betweenlands"=true # If TRUE, support for The One Probe is enabled. [default: true] B:"The One Probe"=true # If TRUE, support for Tinkers' Construct is enabled. [default: true] B:"Tinkers' Construct"=true # If TRUE, support for Traverse is enabled. [default: true] B:Traverse=true # If TRUE, support for Tropicraft is enabled. [default: true] B:Tropicraft=true # If TRUE, support for Twilight Forest is enabled. [default: true] B:"Twilight Forest"=true # If TRUE, support for Underground Biomes is enabled. [default: true] B:"Underground Biomes"=true "Mystical Agriculture" { # Secondary chance for seeds when using Phyto-Gro. [range: 0 ~ 150, default: 100] I:BaseSecondaryChance=100 # Secondary chance for seeds when using Fluxed Phyto-Gro. [range: 0 ~ 150, default: 110] I:FluxedSecondaryChance=110 # Secondary chance for seeds when using Rich Phyto-Gro. [range: 0 ~ 150, default: 105] I:RichSecondaryChance=105 } } Storage { Cell { # Adjust this value to change the amount of Energy (in RF) stored by a Basic Cell. This base value will scale with block level. [range: 50000 ~ 20000000, default: 2000000] I:BaseCapacity=2000000 # Adjust this value to change the amount of Energy (in RF/t) that can be received by a Basic Cell. This base value will scale with block level. [range: 100 ~ 10000, default: 1000] I:BaseReceive=1000 # Adjust this value to change the amount of Energy (in RF/t) that can be sent by a Basic Cell. This base value will scale with block level. [range: 100 ~ 10000, default: 1000] I:BaseSend=1000 # If TRUE, 'Classic' Crafting is enabled - Non-Creative Upgrade Kits WILL NOT WORK in a Crafting Grid. B:ClassicCrafting=false # If TRUE, Energy Cells may be turned into Creative versions using a Creative Conversion Kit. B:Creative=true # If TRUE, Energy Cells are enabled. B:Enable=true # If TRUE, Energy Cells are securable. B:Securable=true # If TRUE, Energy Cells can be upgraded in a Crafting Grid using Kits. If Classic Crafting is enabled, only the Creative Conversion Kit may be used in this fashion. B:UpgradeKitCrafting=false } Tank { # Adjust this value to change the amount of Fluid (in mB) stored by a Basic Tank. This base value will scale with block level. [range: 2000 ~ 1000000, default: 20000] I:BaseCapacity=20000 # If TRUE, 'Classic' Crafting is enabled - Non-Creative Upgrade Kits WILL NOT WORK in a Crafting Grid. B:ClassicCrafting=false # If TRUE, Tanks may be turned into Creative versions using a Creative Conversion Kit. B:Creative=true # If TRUE, Tanks are enabled. B:Enable=true # If TRUE, Tanks are securable. B:Securable=true # If TRUE, Tanks can be upgraded in a Crafting Grid using Kits. If Classic Crafting is enabled, only the Creative Conversion Kit may be used in this fashion. B:UpgradeKitCrafting=false } Cache { # Adjust this value to change the amount of Items stored by a Basic Cache. This base value will scale with block level. [range: 500 ~ 500000, default: 20000] I:BaseCapacity=20000 # If TRUE, 'Classic' Crafting is enabled - Non-Creative Upgrade Kits WILL NOT WORK in a Crafting Grid. B:ClassicCrafting=false # If TRUE, Caches may be turned into Creative versions using a Creative Conversion Kit. B:Creative=true # If TRUE, Caches are enabled. B:Enable=true # If TRUE, Caches can be upgraded in a Crafting Grid using Kits. If Classic Crafting is enabled, only the Creative Conversion Kit may be used in this fashion. B:UpgradeKitCrafting=false } Strongbox { # If TRUE, 'Classic' Crafting is enabled - Non-Creative Upgrade Kits WILL NOT WORK in a Crafting Grid. B:ClassicCrafting=false # If TRUE, Strongboxes may be turned into Creative versions using a Creative Conversion Kit. B:Creative=true # If TRUE, Strongboxes are enabled. B:Enable=true # If TRUE, Strongboxes are securable. B:Securable=true # If TRUE, Strongboxes can be upgraded in a Crafting Grid using Kits. If Classic Crafting is enabled, only the Creative Conversion Kit may be used in this fashion. B:UpgradeKitCrafting=false } } Upgrades { # This sets the minimum upgradeable block tier for Automatic Input functionality. [range: 0 ~ 4, default: 0] I:LevelAutoInput=0 # This sets the minimum upgradeable block tier for Automatic Output functionality. [range: 0 ~ 4, default: 0] I:LevelAutoOutput=0 # This sets the minimum upgradeable block tier for Redstone Control functionality. [range: 0 ~ 4, default: 0] I:LevelRedstoneControl=0 } Version { S:Identifier=5.5.7 }