{ "questIDHigh:4": 0, "preRequisites:9": { "0:10": { "questIDHigh:4": 0, "questIDLow:4": 2209 } }, "questIDLow:4": 2211, "properties:10": { "betterquesting:10": { "snd_complete:8": "random.levelup", "taskLogic:8": "AND", "partySingleReward:1": 0, "visibility:8": "NORMAL", "isMain:1": 0, "simultaneous:1": 0, "icon:10": { "id:8": "minecraft:book", "Count:3": 1, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" }, "snd_update:8": "random.levelup", "repeatTime:3": -1, "globalShare:1": 1, "questLogic:8": "AND", "repeat_relative:1": 1, "name:8": "Basic Bee Stats", "isGlobal:1": 0, "lockedProgress:1": 0, "autoClaim:1": 0, "isSilent:1": 0, "desc:8": "There are a couple of basic bees that have good stats you will want to breed into your breeding stock.\n\nCave Dwelling - Rocky - This lets you put the bee housing underneath or inside. Handy for putting a chest on top for products.\n\nNocturnal - Rocky - This keeps your bees working all night long, and in the dark.\n\nRain Tolerant - Water - Keep producing even when it is raining.\n\nHigh Fertility - Wintry - For breeding purposes, you want the maximum number of drones produced.\n\nReminder - Specialty products from bees require Jubilant state. That means the bee is in its §lNATURAL§r preferred climate. So it must not be in a biome it can tolerate due to temp/humidity improvements. For example, a Salt bee needs Warm/Normal climate. Even if it has +- humidity and temp, it will not produce its Salt comb unless it is in a Warm/Normal climate. Use Alveary upgrades to make sure it is in its preferred temp/humidity." } }, "tasks:9": { "0:10": { "index:3": 0, "taskID:8": "bq_standard:checkbox" } }, "rewards:9": { "0:10": { "rewardID:8": "bq_standard:choice", "index:3": 0, "choices:9": { "0:10": { "id:8": "Forestry:beeDroneGE", "Count:3": 4, "tag:10": { "MaxH:3": 20, "Health:3": 20, "IsAnalyzed:1": 0, "Genome:10": { "Chromosomes:9": { "0:10": { "UID1:8": "magicbees.speciesUnusual", "UID0:8": "magicbees.speciesUnusual", "Slot:1": 0 }, "1:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.speedSlowest", "UID0:8": "forestry.speedSlowest", "Slot:1": 1 }, "2:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.lifespanShorter", "UID0:8": "forestry.lifespanShorter", "Slot:1": 2 }, "3:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.fertilityNormal", "UID0:8": "forestry.fertilityNormal", "Slot:1": 3 }, "4:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.toleranceBoth2", "UID0:8": "forestry.toleranceBoth2", "Slot:1": 4 }, "5:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "UID0:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "Slot:1": 5 }, "6:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.toleranceNone", "UID0:8": "forestry.toleranceNone", "Slot:1": 7 }, "7:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.boolTrue", "UID0:8": "forestry.boolTrue", "Slot:1": 8 }, "8:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "UID0:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "Slot:1": 9 }, "9:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.flowersVanilla", "UID0:8": "forestry.flowersVanilla", "Slot:1": 10 }, "10:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.floweringSlowest", "UID0:8": "forestry.floweringSlowest", "Slot:1": 11 }, "11:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.territoryAverage", "UID0:8": "forestry.territoryAverage", "Slot:1": 12 }, "12:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.effectNone", "UID0:8": "forestry.effectNone", "Slot:1": 13 } } } }, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" }, "1:10": { "id:8": "Forestry:beeDroneGE", "Count:3": 4, "tag:10": { "MaxH:3": 20, "Health:3": 20, "IsAnalyzed:1": 0, "Genome:10": { "Chromosomes:9": { "0:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.speciesForest", "UID0:8": "forestry.speciesForest", "Slot:1": 0 }, "1:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.speedSlowest", "UID0:8": "forestry.speedSlowest", "Slot:1": 1 }, "2:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.lifespanShorter", "UID0:8": "forestry.lifespanShorter", "Slot:1": 2 }, "3:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.fertilityHigh", "UID0:8": "forestry.fertilityHigh", "Slot:1": 3 }, "4:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.toleranceNone", "UID0:8": "forestry.toleranceNone", "Slot:1": 4 }, "5:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "UID0:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "Slot:1": 5 }, "6:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.toleranceNone", "UID0:8": "forestry.toleranceNone", "Slot:1": 7 }, "7:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "UID0:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "Slot:1": 8 }, "8:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "UID0:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "Slot:1": 9 }, "9:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.flowersVanilla", "UID0:8": "forestry.flowersVanilla", "Slot:1": 10 }, "10:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.floweringSlower", "UID0:8": "forestry.floweringSlower", "Slot:1": 11 }, "11:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.territoryAverage", "UID0:8": "forestry.territoryAverage", "Slot:1": 12 }, "12:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.effectNone", "UID0:8": "forestry.effectNone", "Slot:1": 13 } } } }, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" }, "2:10": { "id:8": "Forestry:beeDroneGE", "Count:3": 4, "tag:10": { "MaxH:3": 30, "Health:3": 30, "IsAnalyzed:1": 0, "Genome:10": { "Chromosomes:9": { "0:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.speciesModest", "UID0:8": "forestry.speciesModest", "Slot:1": 0 }, "1:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.speedSlower", "UID0:8": "forestry.speedSlower", "Slot:1": 1 }, "2:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.lifespanShort", "UID0:8": "forestry.lifespanShort", "Slot:1": 2 }, "3:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.fertilityNormal", "UID0:8": "forestry.fertilityNormal", "Slot:1": 3 }, "4:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.toleranceBoth1", "UID0:8": "forestry.toleranceBoth1", "Slot:1": 4 }, "5:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.boolTrue", "UID0:8": "forestry.boolTrue", "Slot:1": 5 }, "6:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.toleranceDown1", "UID0:8": "forestry.toleranceDown1", "Slot:1": 7 }, "7:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "UID0:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "Slot:1": 8 }, "8:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "UID0:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "Slot:1": 9 }, "9:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.flowersCacti", "UID0:8": "forestry.flowersCacti", "Slot:1": 10 }, "10:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.floweringSlowest", "UID0:8": "forestry.floweringSlowest", "Slot:1": 11 }, "11:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.territoryAverage", "UID0:8": "forestry.territoryAverage", "Slot:1": 12 }, "12:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.effectNone", "UID0:8": "forestry.effectNone", "Slot:1": 13 } } } }, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" }, "3:10": { "id:8": "Forestry:beeDroneGE", "Count:3": 4, "tag:10": { "MaxH:3": 30, "Health:3": 30, "IsAnalyzed:1": 0, "Genome:10": { "Chromosomes:9": { "0:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.speciesTropical", "UID0:8": "forestry.speciesTropical", "Slot:1": 0 }, "1:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.speedSlower", "UID0:8": "forestry.speedSlower", "Slot:1": 1 }, "2:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.lifespanShort", "UID0:8": 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"UID0:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "Slot:1": 9 }, "9:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.flowersSnow", "UID0:8": "forestry.flowersSnow", "Slot:1": 10 }, "10:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.floweringSlowest", "UID0:8": "forestry.floweringSlowest", "Slot:1": 11 }, "11:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.territoryAverage", "UID0:8": "forestry.territoryAverage", "Slot:1": 12 }, "12:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.effectGlacial", "UID0:8": "forestry.effectGlacial", "Slot:1": 13 } } } }, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" }, "5:10": { "id:8": "Forestry:beeDroneGE", "Count:3": 4, "tag:10": { "MaxH:3": 20, "Health:3": 20, "IsAnalyzed:1": 0, "Genome:10": { "Chromosomes:9": { "0:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.speciesMarshy", "UID0:8": "forestry.speciesMarshy", "Slot:1": 0 }, "1:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.speedSlowest", "UID0:8": "forestry.speedSlowest", "Slot:1": 1 }, "2:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.lifespanShorter", "UID0:8": "forestry.lifespanShorter", "Slot:1": 2 }, "3:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.fertilityNormal", "UID0:8": "forestry.fertilityNormal", "Slot:1": 3 }, "4:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.toleranceBoth1", "UID0:8": "forestry.toleranceBoth1", "Slot:1": 4 }, "5:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "UID0:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "Slot:1": 5 }, "6:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.toleranceNone", "UID0:8": "forestry.toleranceNone", "Slot:1": 7 }, "7:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "UID0:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "Slot:1": 8 }, "8:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "UID0:8": "forestry.boolFalse", "Slot:1": 9 }, "9:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.flowersMushrooms", "UID0:8": "forestry.flowersMushrooms", "Slot:1": 10 }, "10:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.floweringSlower", "UID0:8": "forestry.floweringSlower", "Slot:1": 11 }, "11:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.territoryAverage", "UID0:8": "forestry.territoryAverage", "Slot:1": 12 }, "12:10": { "UID1:8": "forestry.effectNone", "UID0:8": "forestry.effectNone", "Slot:1": 13 } } } }, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" }, "6:10": { "id:8": "Forestry:beeDroneGE", 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