#How much time (ms) to wait before reporting an exception again #Range: 1 ~ 10000000 loggingThrowableTimeout = 20000 #Is the probe needed to show the tooltip? 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = yes and clients cannot override, 3 = probe needed for extended info only #Range: 0 ~ 3 needsProbe = 0 #If true the probe will automatically show extended information if it is in your main hand (so not required to sneak) extendedInMain = true #If true there will be a bauble version of the probe if baubles is present supportBaubles = true #If true there will be a readme note for first-time players spawnNote = false #If true show the color of the collar of a wolf showCollarColor = true #How to display RF: 0 = do not show, 1 = show in a bar, 2 = show as text #Range: 0 ~ 2 showRF = 1 #How to display tank contents: 0 = do not show, 1 = show in fluid bar, 2 = show in a bar, 3 = show as text #Range: 0 ~ 3 showTank = 1 #Format for displaying RF rfFormat = "COMPACT" #Format for displaying tank contents tankFormat = "COMPACT" #If true show debug info with creative probe showDebugInfo = true #If true equal stacks will be compacted in the chest contents overlay compactEqualStacks = true #Color for the RF bar rfbarFilledColor = "ffdd0000" #Alternate color for the RF bar rfbarAlternateFilledColor = "ff430000" #Color for the RF bar border rfbarBorderColor = "ff555555" #Color for the tank bar tankbarFilledColor = "ff0000dd" #Alternate color for the tank bar tankbarAlternateFilledColor = "ff000043" #Color for the tank bar border tankbarBorderColor = "ff555555" #If the number of items in an inventory is lower or equal then this number then more info is shown #Range: 0 ~ 20 showItemDetailThresshold = 4 #The maximum amount of slots (empty or not) to show without sneaking #Range: 0 ~ 1000 showSmallChestContentsWithoutSneaking = 0 #A list of blocks for which we automatically show chest contents even if not sneaking showContentsWithoutSneaking = ["storagedrawers:basicdrawers", "storagedrawersextra:extra_drawers"] #A list of blocks for which we don't show chest contents automatically except if sneaking dontShowContentsUnlessSneaking = [] #A list of blocks for which we don't send NBT over the network. This is mostly useful for blocks that have HUGE NBT in their pickblock (itemstack) dontSendNBT = []