/* This file uses the ".json5" file extension which allows for comments like this in a json file! Your text editor may show this file with invalid/no syntax, if so, we recommend you download: VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/ JSON5 plugin(for VSCode): https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=mrmlnc.vscode-json5 to make editing this file much easier. */ { // Add custom BYG Structures? "add_custom_structures": true, // Add custom BYG Villagers & Structures to villages? "add_custom_villagers": true, /* Add global BYG features to non BYG biomes? By disabling this, you remove BYG placed features not designated to specific BYG biomes. Such features include but are not limited to: -Ores -Stones -Palm Trees To configure the features that spawn using this, use the "/corgilib worldRegistryExport" command and edit the files found at: "byg/worldgen/placed_feature/global/" "byg/worldgen/placed_feature/global/placed_feature/" "byg/worldgen/configured_feature/global/" in the output folder. */ "add_global_biome_placed_features": true, /* Add BYG items automatically to applicable loot tables? For example BYG may add: -Piglin trades to the piglin trade loot table. -Loot to vanilla structures such as Abandoned Mineshafts or Jungle temples. To configure these loot tables or add your own, create a datapack with loot tables matching the following path: "data/modid/append_loot_tables/file_path_to_loot_table_you_want_to_append" Examples: BYG's added Piglin trades: "data/byg/append_loot_tables/minecraft/gameplay/piglin_bartering.json", BYG's added loot to abandoned mineshafts: "data/byg/append_loot_tables/minecraft/chests/abandoned_mineshaft.json" BYG's added loot to Repurposed Structure's Jungle Village Jungle House: "data/byg/append_loot_tables/repurposed_structures/chests/villages/jungle_house.json" */ "add_loot_tables": true, // Logger settings. "logger_settings": { /* Exclude BYG loggers that may contain any of the words or phrases in this list. Example: "exclude": [ "event", "load event", "loaded" ] */ "exclude": [], "log_debug": false, "log_info": false, "log_warnings": true }, // Use BYG world generation? "world_generation": true }