#Tips for the loading screen #Thanks to 0lafe, boubou19, chochem, interestingusernam3, glowredman, GTNH-Afx237v7, leagris, LewisSaber, Nvidiot, Regian24, richardhendricks, yukieiji and others for tip suggestions # #Maximal characters for a tip: 77 (more can go out of the screen) #The line below, including the "#" are 77 chars #Adventurer's backpack? Did you mean integrated crafting grid, bed and fluid # Infinite water sources are disabled Got a question? Join our Discord server: discord.com/invite/EXshrPV Don't give ideas to 0lafe Don't feed your machines after midnight! Make sure you have installed a backup mod Material tiers play a role when breaking pipes If a machine catches fire, it can explode Adding water to an empty but hot Boiler will make a loud bang! Avoid eldritch obelisks! You can bind the quests menu to a key, instead of using the book Pam's gardens can be picked up with right-click Placing a garden makes it spread Water gardens grow on water Battlegear slots are convenient for holding weapons Taking lava without gloves hurts! Watch out, food loses saturation Loot Games give helpful rewards Using too many translocators can cause TPS lag Be sure to check out what you can do with Mouse Tweaks Protect your machines on all sides from rain! Build multiblocks within the same chunk! You will lose your first piece of aluminium dust in the EBF Shift-right-clicking with a wrench on a fluid pipe makes it output-only The Bending Machine makes plates more efficiently Multiblocks can share walls You can't use the front side of machines Disable a machine with a Soft Mallet if it can not finish a recipe Forestry Worktables are a must! Try the Midnight Theme for the questbook Try the Realistic Sky resourcepack Literally flint and steel! Tinker's tools can levelup: more modifiers and mining level bonus! Farm Glowflowers for glowstone Making steel armour? Check out the Composite Chestplate Adventurer's backpack: integrated crafting grid, bed and fluid storage Beware of cable power loss! Machines that get a higher Voltage than they can handle go BOOM! Loss on uninsulated cables is twice as big as on insulated ones Power requirements are based solely on the recipes A machine draws electricity from its internal buffer first Tinker's faucets can pour fluids and also gasses(!) into containers Beware of pollution! Found a bug? Report it on GitHub Tinker's smeltery does not double ores Be sure to check out the wiki: gtnh.miraheze.org Perditio and vanadiumsteel picks and hammers are really fast Look for ore chunks Nerfs incoming! You can plant oreberries on cropsticks IC2 Crops can receive bonus environmental statistics based on biome Weeds spread to empty crop sticks and destroy other crops Use Machine Hulls or Transvector Interfaces to ease machine access Steam in pipes or coming out of machines hurts! You can apply Fortune to brittle charcoal if using the Charcoal Pile Igniter Pay attention to Voltage and Amperage of cables and machines! Warp is no fun, got a wither in your base already? There are fifteen Voltage tiers: from ULV(8V) to MAX(2147483647V) Going one Voltage tier up, means quadrupling Voltage requirements Ten first Voltage tiers are fully implemented Shift-click with a GT-Block on a cable/pipe/etc to auto-connect it Read the quest book, it explains many mechanics You can bookmark items with NEI ("a" by default) It's NEI, not JEI. Use it frequently. Your pick is not ready Put the "Mine" back in Minecraft This pack is pushing my mental capacity - thcv Noooooooooooooooo! (after cleanroom explosion) - moronwmachinegun If it's not too costly - tsutaaja Idiots! Do not upgrade your backpack with important stuff inside! - DreamMasterXXL It's already quite the list of errands - Chaotick F*ck this mod is complicated - LogicFalls Blood, sweat, and tiers - Codewarrior0 No more making any of this irritating sh*t - Chewy It's never enough - moronwmachinegun this game wants so much stuff... - Mondfaust GTNH is basically pain for win - K1ngMX RNGesus hates you. - Pao This modpack makes me unhappy. But it's the good kind of unhappy. - LogicFalls GTNH you never fail to frustrate, but i love you all the same - Elusive Ent I've jabbed my screwdriver and my fist into it every way I can think of. - Axiflare Useless coins that are actually useful. - Scribit If a fluid cell doesn't work, try using a fluid canner Use /xu_tps to see if the server's lagging. 20 TPS is normal! Use an elevator to get in your Cleanroom, so you won't lose cleanliness! If you aren't lucky enough, try enchanting your lootbags with Fortune III! You can't enter the Twilight Forest without a Quick And Dirty Portal Generator Press T while hovering on an item in NEI to see where it is in your world. Using a Circuit Assembler will make circuits cheaper! Using a Cleanroom will make circuits even cheaper! GT stands for Grind and Tedium Don't go out at night! Mobs can have up to 300 HP Steam is hot! It will burn Wooden Fluid Pipes Don't break rubber trees without a treetap Make Muffler Moint Mup (Point up) Your EBF won't work if the muffler doesn't point to the sky! Eating too many of the same food will make you hate it! Remember to check if there are Natura clouds when you launch a rocket! Abandon all vanilla knowledge all ye who enter here With the power of Duct Tape, I solved all of your maintenance problems! When you open a Twilight Portal, you'll get hit by lightning #Sometimes it's better to flee than fight some mobs Sometimes the best combat strategy is "Run away!" You can power machines by putting batteries in their energy slots You can charge your jetpack by putting it in the Energy slot of LV machines Be prepared to take hours to craft a single machine! Oil + Thunder = Fire. Remember to put cobblestone over your oil wells! Nuclear Reactor configs give 10x the energy they give in IC2! Remember to plant cotton - you'll need a ton of it It's aluminIum, not aluminum #Sometimes it's better to buy than to craft Many ingots can only be smelted in the Electric Blast Furnace Use F7 to see spots where mobs can spawn! Use F9 to see chunk borders! Need seed oil for Forestry? Plant some peanuts Microcrafting is love, microcrafting is life Meta-Tip! You can see the list of loading screen tips in the config Hahahaha, coin quests go brrrrrrr If you're making a Project Red system, make sure to use a wall of drawers! How many circuits have you crafted in your life? JOURNEYMAP: PRESS[j] Not by Vazkii sqrt(-1) loves you! (MultiMC > Curse) && (Technic > Curse): true All you had to do was tho follow the damn quest line, CJ! Click on an item in the quest book to show its recipe in NEI Why not visit GregTech? We have... microcrafting Cables are | || || |_ y Varying foods gives hearts! You can change InGame Info XML scale in ingame configs Look for sulfur in the Nether Game mechanics datasheet: bit.ly/gtnh-datasheets If it's too tedious you're doing it wrong Do you also watch your oven while baking food? There's always something else you can do while waiting Use F3 + S to reload the sound if it's gone Life's all about opening issues, not closing them - Rongmario Batteries can be charged and discharged in the same slot 3D-printed Lave 12 is the future - Sampsa Don't hold machines in your hotbar when playing with cables Was making HV connection. Missclicked and placed MV engraver - LewisSaber Destroyed once a Tier 1 rocket by accidentally pressing shift - Regian Visit r/feedthememes! I WANT ROCKET I WANT MOON - St4o Shift + Right Click on a GregTech Cover to open the menu Looking for Infused Stones? Try putting Amber in an Ore Finder Wand Remove plates from machines using a crowbar To divide items with a ratio, use the Distributor. Configure with a screwdriver Stay one tier ahead of DreamMasterXXL! You can power machines by putting redstone in their energy slots UwU HV to MV, yes - Threefold Daddy Kitten has no power over staff - boubou_19