"Server" { # This is a randomly generated id that clients will use to map their tool config settings to this server. S:"serverID"="fc3f2896-0b2d-499e-aae6-1bc54bac14f5" # This can be used to limit the maximum speed boost allowed by the modular armor. # A value of for example 1 means a maximum boost of +100% over default character speed. # Set to -1 for no limit, Default: 16 (+1600%) D:"armorSpeedLimit"=16.0 # Allows you to disable elytra flight supplied by DE's armor B:"enableElytraFlight"=true # Allows you to disable creative flight supplied by DE's armor B:"enableCreativeFlight"=true # Allows you to disable draconium ore generation in the End B:"enableOreEnd"=true # Allows you to disable draconium ore generation in the Overworld B:"enableOreOverworld"=true # Allows you to disable draconium ore generation in the Nether B:"enableOreNether"=true # Sets the maximum blink range for the Advanced Dislocator I:"dislocatorBlinkRange"=32 # Sets the blinks to regular fuel ratio. Default 1 regular fuel (1 pearl) allows 4 blinks. I:"dislocatorBlinksPerPearl"=4 # Sets how far fusion crafting injectors can be from the fusion crafting core I:"fusionInjectorRange"=16 I:"fusionInjectorRadius"=1 # Sets the minimum distance a fusion injector must be from the fusion crafting core. I:"fusionInjectorMinDist"=2 # Time in ticks required for charging phase of fusion crafting with each injector tier. Draconium, Wyvern, Draconic, Chaotic I:"fusionChargeTime" < 300 220 140 60 > # Time in ticks required for crafting phase of fusion crafting with each injector tier. Draconium, Wyvern, Draconic, Chaotic # The time selected is based on the lowest tier injector used in the craft. # Max value for any of these is 32,767 (27.3 minutes) I:"fusionCraftTime" < 300 220 140 60 > # This is a list of entities that the "Projectile Immunity Cancellation" module will work on. Add additional entities as required. (Let me know if i missed any) S:"projectileAntiImmuneEntities" < minecraft:enderman minecraft:wither minecraft:ender_dragon draconicevolution:guardian_wither > # Config values related to the chaos guardian fight. # The default values of -99 are markers indicating the internal hard coded value should be used. # This allows these values to be updated between mod versions for balance adjustments. Setting them to anything other than -99 will override the internal values. "Guardian Fight" { # Sets the base shield strength for chaos guardian crystals. # Default: 512 I:"guardianCrystalShield"=-99 # Sets how long the guarian crystal's shield will be unstable after receiving damage from the chaos guardian # Default: 200 (10 seconds) I:"guardianCrystalUnstableWindow"=-99 # Sets the guardians base health value (After you break through the guardians shield) # Default: 1000 I:"guardianHealth"=-99 # Sets the guardians shield capacity (You will need to break through this after disabling the guardian crystals) # Keep in mind there is no limit to how fast you can hit the guardians shield so this will melt with a high damage rapid fire bow. # Default: 16000 I:"guardianShield"=-99 # Allows chaotic weapons to destabilize the guardian crystal shields. # This makes it much easier to farm the guardian but only after you have chaos tier weapons. B:"chaoticBypassCrystalShield"=true # Number of chaos shards dropped by the chaos crystal when broken by a player I:"chaosDropCount"=5 } # Sets the maximum fuel that can be added to an Advanced Dislocator. I:"dislocatorMaxFuel"=1024 # Sets maximum area (in blocks) for a DE portal, The default value 65536 is equivalent to a 256x256 portal I:"portalMaxArea"=65536 # This is more for sanity than actually limiting portal size. Sets the max distance a portal block can be from the receptacle I:"portalMaxDistance"=256 # These are all config fields related to the Stabilized Spawner and mob souls "Stabilized Spawner" { # Mobs have a 1 in {this number} chance to drop a soul when killed with the Reaper enchantment. Note: This is the base value; higher enchantment levels increase this chance. I:"soulDropChance"=1000 # Passive (Animals) Mobs have a 1 in {this number} chance to drop a soul when killed with the Reaper enchantment. Note: This is the base value; higher enchantment levels increase this chance. I:"passiveSoulDropChance"=800 # By default, any entities added to this list will not drop their souls and will not be spawnable by the Stabilized Spawner. S:"spawnerList" < > # Changes the spawner list to a whitelist instead of a blacklist. B:"spawnerListWhiteList"=false # Enabling this allows boss souls to drop. Use with caution! B:"allowBossSouls"=false # Sets the min and max spawn delay in ticks for each spawner tier. Order is as follows.\nBasic MIN, MAX, Wyvern MIN, MAX, Draconic MIN, MAX, Chaotic MIN MAX I:"spawnerDelays" < 200 800 100 400 50 200 25 100 > } # These are all (server side) config fields related to the reactor "Reactor" { # Adjusts the energy output multiplier of the reactor. D:"reactorOutputMultiplier"=1.0 # Adjusts the fuel usage multiplier of the reactor. D:"reactorFuelUsageMultiplier"=1.0 # Allows you to adjust the overall scale of the reactor explosion. Use \"disableLargeReactorBoom\" to disable explosion completely. D:"reactorExplosionScale"=1.0 # If true, this will disable the massive reactor explosion and replace it with a much smaller one. B:"disableLargeReactorBoom"=false } # Config values related to ore generation. "Ore Generation" { # How many veins per chunk in the end I:"veinsPerChunkEnd"=2 # Maximum vein size in the end I:"veinSizeEnd"=8 # Maximum vein size in the overworld I:"veinSizeOverworld"=8 # Maximum vein size in the nether I:"veinSizeNether"=16 # Maximum ore generation height in the overworld I:"overworldMaxOreHeight"=16 # Maximum ore generation height in the nether I:"netherMaxOreHeight"=16 } # This can be used to adjust the amount of Draconium Dust the Ender Dragon drops when killed. # The amount dropped will be this number +/- 10% I:"dragonDustLootModifier"=64 # By default, the dragon egg only ever spawns once. This forces it to spawn every time the dragon is killed. B:"dragonEggSpawnOverride"=true # This is a blacklist of key words that can be used to prevent certain storage items from being stored in a draconium chest. # If the items registry name contains any or these strings it will not be allowed S:"chestBlacklist" < draconium_chest shulker_box pouch bag strongbox > # For the weapon slot in the mob grinder. If the item is a powered weapon this is the energy that will be extracted per enemy killed. # Note: not all energy items allow energy to be extracted. If energy can not be extracted from a weapon it will not be used. I:"grinderItemSlotEnergy"=1024 } # These are client side config properties. "Client" { # Set this to false to disable the fancy 3D tool models. (Requires restart) B:"fancyToolModels"=true # Set this to false to disable tool shaders. B:"toolShaders"=true # Set this to false to disable crystal shaders. B:"crystalShaders"=true # Set this to false to disable reactor shaders. B:"reactorShaders"=true # Set this to false to disable all other shaders. B:"otherShaders"=true # These settings is accessible in game via the "Configure Equipment" gui. "itemConfigGUI" { # Setting this to false will prevent properties from being displayed if their associated item is not in your inventory. B:"showUnavailable"=true # Setting this to false will disable property window snapping. B:"enableSnapping"=true # Setting this to false will disable the highlight/animation that occurs over a properties associated item when hovering over or editing a property. B:"enableVisualization"=true # Setting this to false will hide the "Add Group" button. B:"enableAddGroupButton"=true # Setting this to false will hide the "Delete Zone" B:"enableDeleteZone"=true # If enabled your configured properties, property groups and presets will still be accessible when in the simple configuration mode. B:"enableAdvancedXOver"=false } # Enable / Disable item dislocator pickup sound B:"itemDislocatorSound"=true # Set this to false to disable chaos guardian shaders. (May visually break some stuff but could be useful if you are experiencing gl crashes.) B:"guardianShaders"=true # Set to false to disable the warning that is displayed when you switch to creative mode. B:"creativeWarning"=true } # These settings allow you to override the base stats for DE's equipment. # Please note the generated default values "-99" is actually a marker that tells DE to use the actual internal default value. # This value is listed in each properties description but may not be valid if this config was generated by a previous version of DE. "Equipment" { # Internal Default Value: 10.0 D:"draconiumEfficiency"=-99.0 # Internal Default Value: 15.0 D:"wyvernEfficiency"=-99.0 # Internal Default Value: 25.0 D:"draconicEfficiency"=-99.0 # Internal Default Value: 50.0 D:"chaoticEfficiency"=-99.0 # Base Attack Damage # Internal Default Value: 1.125 D:"draconiumDamage"=-99.0 # Base Attack Damage # Internal Default Value: 1.25 D:"wyvernDamage"=-99.0 # Base Attack Damage # Internal Default Value: 1.75 D:"draconicDamage"=-99.0 # Base Attack Damage # Internal Default Value: 2.5 D:"chaoticDamage"=-99.0 # Base Attack Speed (How many times you can attack at full power per second) # Internal Default Value: 1.125 D:"draconiumSpeed"=-99.0 # Base Attack Speed (How many times you can attack at full power per second) # Internal Default Value: 1.25 D:"wyvernSpeed"=-99.0 # Base Attack Speed (How many times you can attack at full power per second) # Internal Default Value: 1.5 D:"draconicSpeed"=-99.0 # Base Attack Speed (How many times you can attack at full power per second) # Internal Default Value: 2.0 D:"chaoticSpeed"=-99.0 # Internal Default Value: 12 I:"draconiumEnchantability"=-99 # Internal Default Value: 15 I:"wyvernEnchantability"=-99 # Internal Default Value: 25 I:"draconicEnchantability"=-99 # Internal Default Value: 35 I:"chaoticEnchantability"=-99 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base attack damage # Internal Default Value: 9.0 D:"staffDamageMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base attack damage # Internal Default Value: 7.0 D:"swordDamageMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base attack damage # Internal Default Value: 9.0 D:"axeDamageMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base attack damage # Internal Default Value: 5.0 D:"pickaxeDamageMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base attack damage # Internal Default Value: 5.5 D:"shovelDamageMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base attack damage # Internal Default Value: 1.0 D:"hoeDamageMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base attack speed # Internal Default Value: 0.5 D:"staffSpeedMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base attack speed # Internal Default Value: 1.6 D:"swordSpeedMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base attack speed # Internal Default Value: 1.0 D:"axeSpeedMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base attack speed # Internal Default Value: 1.2 D:"pickaxeSpeedMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base attack speed # Internal Default Value: 1.0 D:"shovelSpeedMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base attack speed # Internal Default Value: 4.0 D:"hoeSpeedMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is an efficiency multiplier specifically for the staff of power. # The staff gets its own multiplier because its a "special tool" # Internal Default Value: 3.0 D:"staffEfficiencyMultiplier"=-99.0 # This is the base energy value for each tier before the type multiplier is applied. # Internal Default Value: 0 L:"draconiumBaseEnergy"=-99 # This is the base energy value for each tier before the type multiplier is applied. # Internal Default Value: 0 L:"wyvernBaseEnergy"=-99 # This is the base energy value for each tier before the type multiplier is applied. # Internal Default Value: 0 L:"draconicBaseEnergy"=-99 # This is the base energy value for each tier before the type multiplier is applied. # Internal Default Value: 0 L:"chaoticBaseEnergy"=-99 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base energy value. # Internal Default Value: 3.0 D:"staffEnergyMult"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base energy value. # Internal Default Value: 1.0 D:"toolEnergyMult"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base energy value. # Internal Default Value: 8.0 D:"capacitorEnergyMult"=-99.0 # This is a multiplier that is applied to the base energy value. # Internal Default Value: 2.0 D:"chestpieceEnergyMult"=-99.0 # This is the per block energy requirement of all mining tools. # Internal Default Value: 256 I:"energyHarvest"=-99 # This is the energy requirement for weapons. This is multiplied by the weapons attack damage. # Internal Default Value: 1024 I:"energyAttack"=-99 # Shield recharge base energy per shield point. # Internal Default Value: 8192 I:"energyShieldChg"=-99 # This controls the shield's passive power usage. The formula is: passiveDraw = (shieldPoints^2 * shieldPassiveModifier) OP/t # Internal Default Value: 5.0E-4 D:"shieldPassiveModifier"=-99.0 # Elytra flight energy use per tick. # Internal Default Value: 1024 I:"elytraFlightEnergy"=-99 # Creative flight energy use per tick. # Internal Default Value: 4096 I:"creativeFlightEnergy"=-99 # Elytra boost energy per tick, Internal Default Value: 1024 I:"elytraWyvernEnergy"=-99 # Elytra boost energy per tick, Internal Default Value: 2048 I:"elytraDraconicEnergy"=-99 # Elytra boost energy per tick, Internal Default Value: 8192 I:"elytraChaoticEnergy"=-99 # Bow base energy per calculated damage point, per shot, Internal Default Value: 1024 I:"bowBaseEnergy"=-99 } # These settings allow you to override the base module grid sizes for DE's modular items. # The format is: # I:"configTag" < # width # height # > # Leave blank to use the internal default value. # This value is listed in each properties description but may not be valid if this config was generated by a previous version of DE. # Please note reducing grid size will not remove modules from existing items but will instead leave modules in an invalid state where they are # still fully functional but installed outside of the grid bounds. "Module Grids" { # (read category description) # Setting this to true will cause invalid modules to be deleted from the module grid. B:"removeInvalidModules"=false # Internal Default Value: 4 x 4 I:"wyvernTools" < > # Internal Default Value: 6 x 5 I:"draconicTools" < > # Internal Default Value: 8 x 6 I:"chaoticTools" < > # Internal Default Value: 8 x 6 I:"draconicStaff" < > # Internal Default Value: 10 x 8 I:"chaoticStaff" < > # Internal Default Value: 6 x 5 I:"wyvernChestpiece" < > # Internal Default Value: 8 x 6 I:"draconicChestpiece" < > # Internal Default Value: 10 x 8 I:"chaoticChestpiece" < > # Internal Default Value: 4 x 4 I:"wyvernCapacitor" < > # Internal Default Value: 5 x 5 I:"draconicCapacitor" < > # Internal Default Value: 8 x 6 I:"chaoticCapacitor" < > }