§align:center ##### §nEnder Energy Manipulator§n §stack[draconicevolution:ender_energy_manipulator]{size:64} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} Don't want to risk incurring the wrath of the Enderman by killing the Ender Dragon, but you still want to get your hands on a dragon egg? No problem! This mystical device allows you to extract an egg from the Ender Dragon without killing her! To get started, simply craft this item and right-click the end portal with it (in the end) The process will begin immediately. Note: This may anger the enderman just a little, but they will get over it. It's not like you're killing the dragon after all. §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} §recipe[draconicevolution:ender_energy_manipulator]{spacing:2} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:3}