§align:center ##### §nMob Soul§n §stack[draconicevolution:mob_soul,1,0,{EntityName:"[Random-Display]"}]{size:92} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} Mob souls are occasionally dropped my mobs when killed by a player using a weapon with the Reaper modifier. The drop chance is extremely low. 1 in 1000 for hostile mobs and 1 in 800 for passive mobs (configurable) for unenchanted wyvern weapons. But the chances of getting a soul can be improved using the reaper enchant. DE tools essentially have a built-in reaper modifier equivalent to reaper lvl 1 for Wyvern, lvl 2 for Draconic and lvl 3 for the Staff of Power. The calculation to figure out your drop chance is the base drop chance divided by the weapons built in reaper modifier plus the reaper enchant lvl. So the calculation for say.. A Draconic sword with reaper 5 would be as follows, built-in modifier = 2, reaper lvl = 5, drop chance = 1000 / (2 + 5) Result: Drop chance is 1 in 142 If the reaper modifier is 0 (so a non-DE weapon without the reaper enchant) there is 0 chance of getting a soul. Some mods may implement the reaper modifier on their weapons but as of the time of writing this, I do not know of any that do. The main use for a mob soul is setting the spawn type for a Stabilized spawner but they can also be used to spawn their respective entity by shift right clicking on a block with a soul (Doing this consumes the soul) §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} §recipe[draconicevolution:mob_soul]{spacing:2}