{ "_comment": { "item": "Place the item id you want to drop", "meta": "enter the metadata into default: 0", "weight": "Enter the weight random chance for this item. -1 means it will always drop.", "stackSize": "The stack size of the item. If you want random drop you can add min/max like this: 3~8", "nbt": "input nbtdata here." }, "dragon_head": { "item": "minecraft:skull", "meta": 5, "weight": -1, "stackSize": 1 }, "elytra": { "item": "minecraft:elytra", "meta": 0, "weight": -1, "stackSize": 1 }, "overworld_cake": { "item": "telepastries:overworld_cake", "meta": 0, "weight": -1, "stackSize": 1 }, "sapling": { "item": "minecraft:sapling", "meta": 0, "weight": -1, "stackSize": 32 }, "golden_apple": { "item": "minecraft:golden_apple", "weight": 10, "stackSize": 1 }, "golden_apple_enc": { "item": "minecraft:golden_apple", "meta": 1, "weight": 5, "stackSize": 1 }, "dragon_breath": { "item": "minecraft:dragon_breath", "weight": 20, "stackSize": 1 }, "diamond_block": { "item": "minecraft:diamond_block", "weight": 10, "stackSize": "1~2" }, "pearls": { "item": "minecraft:ender_pearl", "weight": 30, "stackSize": "3~8" }, "ender_chest": { "item": "minecraft:ender_chest", "weight": 5, "stackSize": 1 }, "diamonds": { "item": "minecraft:diamond", "weight": 20, "stackSize": "3~8" }, "experiance": { "item": "minecraft:experience_bottle", "weight": 30, "stackSize": "5~10" }, "emeralds": { "item": "minecraft:emerald", "weight": 15, "stackSize": "2~6" }, "potion_regen": { "item": "minecraft:potion", "weight": 10, "stackSize": 1, "nbt": { "Potion": "minecraft:long_regeneration" } }, "potion_strength": { "item": "minecraft:potion", "weight": 10, "stackSize": 1, "nbt": { "Potion": "minecraft:long_strength" } }, "potion_switftness": { "item": "minecraft:potion", "weight": 10, "stackSize": 1, "nbt": { "Potion": "minecraft:long_swiftness" } }, "potion_leaping": { "item": "minecraft:potion", "weight": 10, "stackSize": 1, "nbt": { "Potion": "minecraft:long_leaping" } }, "potion_nightvision": { "item": "minecraft:potion", "weight": 10, "stackSize": 1, "nbt": { "Potion": "minecraft:night_vision" } }, "potion_invisibility": { "item": "minecraft:potion", "weight": 10, "stackSize": 1, "nbt": { "Potion": "minecraft:long_invisibility" } } }