{ title: "Row Row Row Your Boat", x: -1.0d, y: -4.5d, description: "Anglers are eating your boat", text: [ "Craft a Weedwood Rowboat.", "", "It will help you traverse certain parts of the Betweenlands." ], dependencies: [ "00e136e8" ], or_tasks: true, tasks: [{ uid: "b86b21df", type: "item", items: [{ item: "thebetweenlands:weedwood_rowboat" }], ignore_damage: true, ignore_nbt: 1b }, { uid: "56220041", type: "item", items: [{ item: "thebetweenlands:weedwood_rowboat_upgrade_lantern" }], ignore_damage: true, ignore_nbt: 1b }], rewards: [{ uid: "39f77a2e", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 25L }, { uid: "96ca5547", type: "xp_levels", xp_levels: 5 }] }