# Configuration file captureblacklist { D:"minecraft:ender_dragon"=-1.0 D:"minecraft:wither"=2.0 } ########################################################################################################## # general #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # General configuration ########################################################################################################## general { # If this is >= 1 then the protection data will be synced to the client with this frequency (in ticks). This makes protection cleaner at the cost of network traffic I:clientSideProtection=-1 # If this is true then the protection wand will prevent ALL kind of interaction with protected blocks. If this is false then only block breaking is prevented B:interactionProtection=false # Set this to false if you don't want the durability bar for wands using RF B:showDurabilityBarForRF=true # A global setting to control all wands at once for RF/XP/Durability usage. If set to 'default' then every wand can configure this on its own (i.e. normal mode). You can also use 'easy_rf', 'normal_rf', or 'hard_rf' to set the wands to use RF in various difficulty modes [default: default] S:wandSettingPreset=normal_rf } movingblacklist { D:"minecraft:bedrock"=-1.0 D:"minecraft:end_portal"=-1.0 D:"minecraft:mob_spawner"=5.0 D:"minecraft:portal"=-1.0 D:"rftools:invisible_shield_block"=-1.0 D:"rftools:notick_invisible_shield_block"=-1.0 D:"rftools:notick_shield_block"=-1.0 D:"rftools:shield_block"=-1.0 D:"rftools:shield_block1"=-1.0 D:"rftools:shield_block2"=-1.0 D:"rftools:shield_block3"=-1.0 D:"rftools:shield_block4"=-1.0 D:"immersiveengineering:metal_device1"=-1.0 D:"fluxnetworks:fluxplug"=-1.0 D:"fluxnetworks:fluxpoint"=-1.0 D:"fluxnetworks:fluxcontroller"=-1.0 D:"fluxnetworks:fluxstorage"=-1.0 D:"fluxnetworks:herculeanfluxstorage"=-1.0 D:"fluxnetworks:gargantuanfluxstorage"=-1.0 D:"refinedstorage:disk_drive"=-1.0 D:"refinedstorage:disk_manipulator"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_ore_miner_cont_1"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_ore_miner_cont_2"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_ore_miner_cont_3"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_ore_miner_cont_4"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_ore_miner_cont_5"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_ore_miner_cont_6"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_res_miner_cont_1"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_res_miner_cont_2"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_res_miner_cont_3"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_res_miner_cont_4"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_res_miner_cont_5"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_res_miner_cont_6"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_botanic_miner_cont_1"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_botanic_miner_cont_2"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_botanic_miner_cont_3"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_botanic_miner_cont_4"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_botanic_miner_cont_5"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:void_botanic_miner_cont_6"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:lightning_cont_1"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:lightning_cont_2"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:lightning_cont_3"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:lightning_cont_4"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:lightning_cont_5"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:lightning_cont_6"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:nano_cont_ranged_1"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:nano_cont_ranged_2"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:nano_cont_ranged_3"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:nano_cont_ranged_4"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:nano_cont_ranged_5"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:nano_cont_ranged_6"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:nano_cont_personal_1"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:nano_cont_personal_2"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:nano_cont_personal_3"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:nano_cont_personal_4"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:nano_cont_personal_5"=-1.0 D:"environmentaltech:nano_cont_personal_6"=-1.0 D:"ftbquests:loot_crate_opener"=-1.0 D:"ftbquests:loot_crate_storage"=-1.0 D:"yabba:item_barrel"=-1.0 D:"yabba:item_barrel_connector"=-1.0 D:"yabba:antibarrel"=-1.0 D:"yabba:decorative_block"=-1.0 } ########################################################################################################## # wandsettings #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Wand configuration ########################################################################################################## wandsettings { # Factor to apply to the cost when this wand is used by a fake player (a machine). Set to -1 to disable its use this way D:acceleration_wand_fakePlayerFactor=-1 # If true this wand will be less effective for fake players B:acceleration_wand_lessEffectiveForFakePlayer=false # How rare should this wand be in chests? Lower is more rare (0 is not in chests) I:acceleration_wand_lootRarity=2 # Maximum durability for this wand I:acceleration_wand_maxdurability=0 # Maximum RF this wand can hold I:acceleration_wand_maxrf=0 # How much RF this wand should consume on usage I:acceleration_wand_needsrf=0 # How much levels this wand should consume on usage I:acceleration_wand_needsxp=5 # How rare should this wand be in chests? Lower is more rare (0 is not in chests) I:building_wand_lootRarity=3 # Maximum durability for this wand I:building_wand_maxdurability=0 # Maximum RF this wand can hold I:building_wand_maxrf=0 # How much RF this wand should consume on usage I:building_wand_needsrf=0 # How much levels this wand should consume on usage I:building_wand_needsxp=1 # Allow capturing hostile mobs B:capturing_wand_allowHostile=true # Allow capturing passive mobs B:capturing_wand_allowPassive=true # Add this to the HP * difficultyMult to get the final difficulty scale that affects XP/RF usage (a final result of 1.0 means that the default XP/RF is used) D:capturing_wand_diffcultyAdd=1.0 # Multiply the HP of a mob with this number to get the difficulty scale that affects XP/RF usage (a final result of 1.0 means that the default XP/RF is used) D:capturing_wand_difficultyMult=0.0 # How rare should this wand be in chests? Lower is more rare (0 is not in chests) I:capturing_wand_lootRarity=3 # Maximum durability for this wand I:capturing_wand_maxdurability=0 # Maximum RF this wand can hold I:capturing_wand_maxrf=0 # How much RF this wand should consume on usage I:capturing_wand_needsrf=0 # How much levels this wand should consume on usage I:capturing_wand_needsxp=10 # How rare should this wand be in chests? Lower is more rare (0 is not in chests) I:displacement_wand_lootRarity=3 # Max hardness this block can move.) D:displacement_wand_maxHardness=50.0 # Maximum durability for this wand I:displacement_wand_maxdurability=0 # Maximum RF this wand can hold I:displacement_wand_maxrf=0 # How much RF this wand should consume on usage I:displacement_wand_needsrf=0 # How much levels this wand should consume on usage I:displacement_wand_needsxp=1 # Allow freeze hostile mobs B:freezing_wand_allowHostile=true # Allow freeze passive mobs B:freezing_wand_allowPassive=true # Add this to the HP * difficultyMult to get the final difficulty scale that affects XP/RF usage (a final result of 1.0 means that the default XP/RF is used) D:freezing_wand_diffcultyAdd=1.0 # Multiply the HP of a mob with this number to get the difficulty scale that affects XP/RF usage (a final result of 1.0 means that the default XP/RF is used) D:freezing_wand_difficultyMult=0.0 # How rare should this wand be in chests? Lower is more rare (0 is not in chests) I:freezing_wand_lootRarity=0 # Maximum durability for this wand I:freezing_wand_maxdurability=0 # Maximum RF this wand can hold I:freezing_wand_maxrf=0 # How much RF this wand should consume on usage I:freezing_wand_needsrf=0 # How much levels this wand should consume on usage I:freezing_wand_needsxp=10 # How rare should this wand be in chests? Lower is more rare (0 is not in chests) I:illumination_wand_lootRarity=6 # Maximum durability for this wand I:illumination_wand_maxdurability=0 # Maximum RF this wand can hold I:illumination_wand_maxrf=0 # How much RF this wand should consume on usage I:illumination_wand_needsrf=0 # How much levels this wand should consume on usage I:illumination_wand_needsxp=3 # How far around the player protected blocks will be hilighted I:master_protection_wand_blockShowRadius=10 # How rare should this wand be in chests? Lower is more rare (0 is not in chests) I:master_protection_wand_lootRarity=0 # Maximum durability for this wand I:master_protection_wand_maxdurability=0 # The maximum number of blocks to protect with this wand (set to 0 for no maximum) I:master_protection_wand_maximumProtectedBlocks=0 # Maximum RF this wand can hold I:master_protection_wand_maxrf=0 # How much RF this wand should consume on usage I:master_protection_wand_needsrf=0 # How much levels this wand should consume on usage I:master_protection_wand_needsxp=0 # How rare should this wand be in chests? Lower is more rare (0 is not in chests) I:moving_wand_lootRarity=5 # Max hardness this block can move.) D:moving_wand_maxHardness=50.0 # Maximum durability for this wand I:moving_wand_maxdurability=0 # Maximum RF this wand can hold I:moving_wand_maxrf=0 # How much RF this wand should consume on usage I:moving_wand_needsrf=0 # How much levels this wand should consume on usage I:moving_wand_needsxp=3 # Distance at which to place blocks in 'in-air' mode I:moving_wand_placeDistance=4 # Allow freeze hostile mobs B:potion_wand_allowHostile=true # Allow freeze passive mobs B:potion_wand_allowPassive=true # Add this to the HP * difficultyMult to get the final difficulty scale that affects XP/RF usage (a final result of 1.0 means that the default XP/RF is used) D:potion_wand_diffcultyAdd=1.0 # Multiply the HP of a mob with this number to get the difficulty scale that affects XP/RF usage (a final result of 1.0 means that the default XP/RF is used) D:potion_wand_difficultyMult=0.0 # How rare should this wand be in chests? Lower is more rare (0 is not in chests) I:potion_wand_lootRarity=3 # Maximum durability for this wand I:potion_wand_maxdurability=0 # Maximum RF this wand can hold I:potion_wand_maxrf=0 # How much RF this wand should consume on usage I:potion_wand_needsrf=0 # How much levels this wand should consume on usage I:potion_wand_needsxp=10 # How far around the player protected blocks will be hilighted I:protection_wand_blockShowRadius=10 # How rare should this wand be in chests? Lower is more rare (0 is not in chests) I:protection_wand_lootRarity=1 # Maximum durability for this wand I:protection_wand_maxdurability=0 # The maximum number of blocks to protect with this wand (set to 0 for no maximum) I:protection_wand_maximumProtectedBlocks=16 # Maximum RF this wand can hold I:protection_wand_maxrf=0 # How much RF this wand should consume on usage I:protection_wand_needsrf=0 # How much levels this wand should consume on usage I:protection_wand_needsxp=50 # How far away the hardness can be to allow swapping (100 means basically everything allowed) D:swapping_wand_hardnessDistance=35.0 # How rare should this wand be in chests? Lower is more rare (0 is not in chests) I:swapping_wand_lootRarity=5 # Maximum durability for this wand I:swapping_wand_maxdurability=0 # Maximum RF this wand can hold I:swapping_wand_maxrf=0 # How much RF this wand should consume on usage I:swapping_wand_needsrf=0 # How much levels this wand should consume on usage I:swapping_wand_needsxp=1 # How rare should this wand be in chests? Lower is more rare (0 is not in chests) I:teleportation_wand_lootRarity=6 # Maximum teleportation distance I:teleportation_wand_maxdist=30 # Maximum durability for this wand I:teleportation_wand_maxdurability=0 # Maximum RF this wand can hold I:teleportation_wand_maxrf=0 # How much RF this wand should consume on usage I:teleportation_wand_needsrf=0 # How much levels this wand should consume on usage I:teleportation_wand_needsxp=4 # If set to true then sneak-right click will teleport through walls. Otherwise sneak-right click will teleport half distance [default: true] B:teleportation_wand_teleportThroughWalls=true # Volume of the teleportation sound (set to 0 to disable) D:teleportation_wand_volume=1.0 }