{ title: "Power Rangers in Tool Form", x: 10.0d, y: 1.5d, description: "Together, you have the best tools", text: [ "Lest you become insane because of it.", "", "Infuse this tool set." ], dependencies: [ "d61d7f87" ], size: 1.5d, tasks: [{ uid: "6b3ec5db", type: "item", items: [{ id: "thaumcraft:elemental_axe", tag: { Quality: {}, infench: [{ lvl: 1s, id: 2s }, { lvl: 1s, id: 0s }] } }], ignore_damage: true, ignore_nbt: 1b }, { uid: "c7c99840", type: "item", items: [{ id: "thaumcraft:elemental_sword", tag: { Quality: { Slots: [ "mainhand" ], Color: "yellow", AttributeModifiers: [{ UUIDMost: -1184524524507542285L, UUIDLeast: -7268948568105854056L, Amount: -0.10000000149011612d, AttributeName: "potioncore.digSpeed", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }, { UUIDMost: 3413082977842186019L, UUIDLeast: -8881306827668067144L, Amount: 0.05000000074505806d, AttributeName: "generic.attackDamage", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }], Name: "quality.pokey.name" }, infench: [{ lvl: 2s, id: 5s }] } }], ignore_damage: true, ignore_nbt: 1b }, { uid: "af010097", type: "item", items: [{ id: "thaumcraft:elemental_shovel", tag: { Quality: { Slots: [ "mainhand" ], Color: "yellow", AttributeModifiers: [{ UUIDMost: 3944588590974386547L, UUIDLeast: -5065400696880512911L, Amount: -0.05000000074505806d, AttributeName: "potioncore.digSpeed", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }, { UUIDMost: 6891994096718073732L, UUIDLeast: -7120388912089728457L, Amount: -0.05000000074505806d, AttributeName: "generic.attackSpeed", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }, { UUIDMost: -4468894244941577696L, UUIDLeast: -8709826639159437325L, Amount: 0.10000000149011612d, AttributeName: "generic.attackDamage", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }], Name: "quality.broad.name" }, infench: [{ lvl: 1s, id: 1s }] } }], ignore_damage: true, ignore_nbt: 1b }, { uid: "48b65f77", type: "item", items: [{ id: "thaumcraft:elemental_pick", tag: { Quality: { Slots: [ "mainhand" ], Color: "light_purple", AttributeModifiers: [{ UUIDMost: -2289094127277621240L, UUIDLeast: -9100585029852842402L, Amount: 0.10000000149011612d, AttributeName: "potioncore.digSpeed", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }, { UUIDMost: -5352314445755757267L, UUIDLeast: -6396522763582050137L, Amount: 0.10000000149011612d, AttributeName: "generic.attackSpeed", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }, { UUIDMost: 8489261662970463698L, UUIDLeast: -5795958413868746009L, Amount: 0.15000000596046448d, AttributeName: "generic.attackDamage", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }, { UUIDMost: -6514274232096436939L, UUIDLeast: -7415945538025849552L, Amount: 0.5d, AttributeName: "generic.reachDistance", Operation: 0, Name: "qualitytools" }], Name: "quality.legendary.name" }, infench: [{ lvl: 1s, id: 4s }, { lvl: 2s, id: 3s }] } }], ignore_damage: true, ignore_nbt: 1b }, { uid: "ec2a6ba1", type: "item", items: [{ id: "thaumcraft:elemental_hoe", tag: { Quality: { Slots: [ "mainhand" ], Color: "red", AttributeModifiers: [{ UUIDMost: 4918784836922328651L, UUIDLeast: -6264738965570314028L, Amount: -0.05000000074505806d, AttributeName: "generic.attackSpeed", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }, { UUIDMost: 9055359652616421959L, UUIDLeast: -5968327817901466752L, Amount: -0.05000000074505806d, AttributeName: "generic.attackDamage", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }], Name: "quality.chipped.name" } } }], ignore_damage: true, ignore_nbt: 1b }], rewards: [{ uid: "8bdaf96d", type: "item", item: { id: "ftbquests:lootcrate", tag: { type: "rare_tier_rewards" } } }, { uid: "13e30fc2", type: "xp_levels", xp_levels: 5 }, { uid: "ee86b929", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 100L }] }