# Configuration file avaton { # Avaton strength [1-1000] D:"avaton attack"=55.0 # Maximum Avaton health [1-1000] D:"avaton health"=300.0 # Set the spawn rate of Avaton [0-100] I:"avaton spawn rate"=20 # Set the cooldown of summoning Weta [0-100] I:"avaton summon cooldown"=8 # Set the max number of Weta summoned [0-100] I:"avaton summon max"=16 # Set the number of Weta summoned per cast [0-100] I:"avaton summon number"=2 } banshee { # Banshee strength [1-1000] D:"banshee attack"=30.0 # Maximum Banshee health [1-1000] D:"banshee health"=340.0 # Set the effect radius of Banshee scream [1-1000] D:"banshee scream radius"=8.0 # Set the spawn rate of Banshee [0-100] I:"banshee spawn rate"=3 } ciuperca { I:"zombiemushroom spawn rate"=40 } foglet { # Foglet strength [1-1000] D:"foglet attack"=2.0 # Should Foglet call reinforcement when attacking [false/true] B:"foglet call reinforcement"=true # Maximum Foglet health [1-1000] D:"foglet health"=16.0 # Set the spawn rate of Foglet [0-10000] I:"foglet spawn rate"=20 } forsaken { # Forsaken strength [1-1000] D:"forsaken attack"=4.0 # Maximum Forsaken health [1-1000] D:"forsaken health"=30.0 # Set the spawn rate of Forsaken [0-10000] I:"forsaken spawn rate"=10 } frigid { # Frigid strength [1-1000] D:"frigid attack"=3.0 # Maximum Frigid health [1-1000] D:"frigid health"=200.0 # Set the spawn rate of Frigid [0-10000] I:"frigid spawn rate"=20 } general { # Allow Molten Hammer active effect to hit players [false/true] B:"allow molten hammer pvp"=true B:"allow shattered ice drop"=true # BlackBanlist for items that Golden Heart are unable to mend. Ex. "minecraft:shears" or "mod_lavacow:moltenhammer" [default: ] S:"banlisted items from golden heart" < > S:"blacklisted items from golden heart" < > # Set the bonus damage of Bone Sword to X% [0-100] I:"bonesword bonus damage"=2 # Set the bonus damage cap of Bone Sword [0-10000] I:"bonesword bonus damage cap"=30 # Set the drop rate of Acidic Heart [0-100] I:"boneworm drop heart"=10 # Cemetery are only allowed to spawn in these dimensions' IDs I:"cemetery spawn allow dimensions" < 0 > # Spawn rate of Cemetery (higher number = less frequent) [1-10000] I:"cemetery spawn rate"=1000 # Cemetery spawns Unburied occasionally. [0-100] I:"cemetery spawns unburied"=40 # Spawn rate of Desert Tomb (higher number = less frequent) [0-10000] I:"desert tomb spawn rate"=750 # Set the duribility of Dreamcatcher, 0 = Infinite [0-10000] I:"dreamcatcher duribility"=80 # Set the drop rate of Undying Heart [0-100] I:"drop heart"=10 # Set the drop rate of Poisonous Spore [0-100] I:"drop poisonous spore"=2 # Adding new brewing recipe (existing property will be preserved). [false/true] B:"enable brewing recipe"=true # Adding new enchantment (existing property will be preserved). [false/true] B:"enable enchantment"=true # Set the drop rate of Intestine [0-100] I:"entity drop intestine"=4 # Allow Potion of Fission to be used on entites from other mods [false/true] B:"fission potion works on entities from other mods"=false # Set the height limit to X blocks above the ground for flyers, 0 = Infinite [0-100] I:"flying height limit"=16 B:"foglet call reinforcement"=true I:"foglet spawn rate"=20 # Generate Cemetery in the Overworld. [false/true] B:"generate cemetery"=true # Generate Desert Tomb in the Overworld. [false/true] B:"generate desert tomb"=true B:"glowshroom generation"=true I:"glowshroom spawn rate"=20 I:"glowshroom spread rate"=100 # Set the duribility of Golden Heart, 0 = Infinite [0-10000] I:"golden heart duribility"=250 # Enables the Regeneration effect of the Golden Heart. [false/true] B:"golden heart grants regeneration"=true # Allow the Golden Heart to repair worn equipment. [false/true] B:"golden heart repairs equipment"=true # Set the bonus damage of Halo Necklace to X% [0-10000] I:"halo necklace bonus damage"=10 I:"lavacow spawn rate"=0 # Customize Items and their drop rates for the Intestine. Ex. "minecraft:slime_ball,0.4" or "mod_lavacow:sharptooth,0.1" [default: [minecraft:slime_ball,0.4], [minecraft:dye,0.4,15], [mod_lavacow:sharptooth,0.1], [minecraft:beetroot_seeds,0.1], [minecraft:wheat_seeds,0.1], [minecraft:melon_seeds,0.1], [minecraft:pumpkin_seeds,0.1], [minecraft:clay_ball,0.1], [mod_lavacow:chitin,0.1], [minecraft:gold_nugget,0.05], [minecraft:iron_nugget,0.05], [minecraft:diamond,0.01]] S:"loot table for intestine" < minecraft:slime_ball,0.4 minecraft:dye,0.4 mod_lavacow:sharptooth,0.1 minecraft:beetroot_seeds,0.1 minecraft:wheat_seeds,0.1 minecraft:melon_seeds,0.1 minecraft:pumpkin_seeds,0.1 minecraft:clay_ball,0.1 minecraft:gold_nugget,0.05 minecraft:iron_nugget,0.05 minecraft:diamond,0.01 progressivebosses:nether_star_shard,0.005347 rats:fish_barrel,0.04 rats:rat_nugget_ore,0.1 rats:cheese,0.1 > # Customize drop rates of the items which ravens can find. Ex. "minecraft:fish@3,0.4,2" or "mod_lavacow:sharptooth,0.1" [default: [minecraft:beetroot_seeds,0.15], [minecraft:wheat_seeds,0.15,2], [minecraft:melon_seeds,0.15], [minecraft:pumpkin_seeds,0.15], [minecraft:gold_nugget,0.1,2], [minecraft:iron_nugget,0.1,2]] S:"loot table for ravens" < minecraft:beetroot_seeds,0.15 minecraft:wheat_seeds,0.15,2 minecraft:melon_seeds,0.15 minecraft:pumpkin_seeds,0.15 minecraft:gold_nugget,0.1,2 minecraft:iron_nugget,0.1,2 > # Customize drop rates of the items which seagulls can find. Ex. "minecraft:fish@3,0.4,2" or "mod_lavacow:sharptooth,0.1" [default: [minecraft:fish@0,0.15], [minecraft:fish@2,0.15]] S:"loot table for seagulls" < minecraft:fish@0,0.15 minecraft:fish@2,0.15 > # Customize drop rates of the items which spectral ravens can find. Ex. "minecraft:fish@3,0.4,2" or "mod_lavacow:sharptooth,0.1" [default: [minecraft:gold_nugget,0.15,3], [minecraft:iron_nugget,0.15,3]] S:"loot table for spectral ravens" < minecraft:gold_nugget,0.15,3 minecraft:iron_nugget,0.15,3 > # Ability cooldown of Midnight Mourne [1-10000] I:"midnight mourne cooldown"=60 I:"mimicrab spawn rate"=0 # All mobs are only allowed to spawn in these dimensions' IDs I:"mob spawn allow dimensions" < 0 -1 1 > # Customize the banlist for which mobs that intestines shouldn't drop from. Ex. "minecraft:slime" or "mod_lavacow:vespa" [default: [minecraft:blaze], [minecraft:slime], [minecraft:skeleton]] S:"mobs that intestine should not drop from" < minecraft:blaze minecraft:slime minecraft:skeleton > # Set the fire damage reduction of Molten Heart to X% [0-10000] I:"molten heart damage reduction"=20 B:"parasite attacks by attaching onto target"=true B:"parasite attacks everything"=false I:"parasite from sand blocks"=0 I:"parasite spawn rate"=5 # Ability cooldown of "Pestilence" [1-10000] I:"pestilence cooldown"=60 # Should Piranha and Swarmer attack innocent animals [false/true] B:"piranha attacks animals"=true I:"piranha spawn rate"=1 I:"ptera spawn rate"=40 # Add additional content that works with Quark. [false/true] B:"quark compatibility"=true I:"raven spawn rate"=8 I:"salamander spawn rate"=15 I:"scarecrow spawn rate"=15 I:"sludge lord spawn rate"=15 # Customize the Spawn list for the Dreamcatcher. Ex. "mod_lavacow:foglet,40,1,2" or "mod_lavacow:vespa,20,1,1" [default: [mod_lavacow:foglet,40,1,2], [mod_lavacow:undeadswine,20,1,1], [mod_lavacow:ithaqua,20,1,1], [mod_lavacow:sludgelord,20,1,1], [mod_lavacow:vespa,20,1,1], [mod_lavacow:scarecrow,20,1,1], [mod_lavacow:boneworm,20,1,1], [mod_lavacow:pingu,40,4,8], [mod_lavacow:undertaker,20,1,1], [mod_lavacow:banshee,20,1,1], [mod_lavacow:avaton,20,1,1]] S:"spawn list for dreamcatcher" < mod_lavacow:foglet,40,1,2 mod_lavacow:undeadswine,20,1,1 mod_lavacow:ithaqua,20,1,1 mod_lavacow:sludgelord,20,1,1 mod_lavacow:vespa,20,1,1 mod_lavacow:scarecrow,20,1,1 mod_lavacow:boneworm,20,1,1 mod_lavacow:pingu,40,4,8 > # Entities summoned by other mobs die when their summoner dies. [false/true] B:"suicidal minion"=true # Mobs in this mod will not burn under daylight. [false/true] B:"sunscreen mode"=false I:"swarmer spawn rate"=1 # Adding new materials to Tinkers Construct. [false/true] B:"tinkers compatibility"=true I:"undeadswine drop heart"=10 I:"undeadswine spawn rate"=15 I:"vespa spawn rate"=20 B:"wendigo attacks animals"=true I:"wendigo spawn rate"=15 I:"zombiefrozen spawn rate"=20 I:"zombiemushroom drop spore"=2 I:"zombiemushroom spawn rate"=40 } "ghost ray" { # Maximum Ghost Ray health [1-1000] D:"ghost ray health"=80.0 # Set the spawn rate of Ghost Ray [0-100] I:"ghost ray spawn rate"=10 } glowshroom { # Generate Glowshroom in the overworld [false/true] B:"glowshroom generation"=true # Set the spawn rate of Glowshroom [0-100] I:"glowshroom spawn rate"=20 # Set the spread rate of Glowshroom [0-100] I:"glowshroom spread rate"=100 } ingheta { I:"zombiefrozen spawn rate"=20 } ithaqua { # Ithaqua strength [1-1000] D:"ithaqua attack"=850.0 # Should Ithaqua attack innocent animals [false/true] B:"ithaqua attacks animals"=true # Maximum Ithaqua health [1-1000] D:"ithaqua health"=3500.0 # Set the spawn rate of Ithaqua [0-10000] I:"ithaqua spawn rate"=15 } "lil'sludge" { # Lil'Sludge strength [1-1000] D:"lil'sludge attack"=11.0 # Maximum Lil'Sludge health [1-1000] D:"lil'sludge health"=50.0 # Lil'Sludge lifespan [1-10000] I:"lil'sludge lifespan"=60 } mimicrab { # Mimicrab strength [1-1000] D:"mimicrab attack"=8.0 # Maximum Mimicrab health [1-1000] D:"mimicrab health"=10.0 # Set the spawn rate of Mimicrab [0-10000] I:"mimicrab spawn rate"=0 # Set the spawn rate of Mimicrab near player death [0-1000] I:"mimicrab spawn rate near player death"=250 } moogma { I:"lavacow spawn rate"=0 # Maximum Moogma health [1-1000] D:"moogma health"=10.0 # Set the spawn rate of Moogma [0-10000] I:"moogma spawn rate"=0 } mummy { # Mummy strength [1-1000] D:"mummy attack"=4.0 # Maximum Mummy health [1-1000] D:"mummy health"=24.0 # Set the spawn rate of Mummy [0-10000] I:"mummy spawn rate"=100 } mycosis { # Mycosis strength [1-1000] D:"mycosis attack"=3.0 # Maximum Mycosis health [1-1000] D:"mycosis health"=20.0 # Set the spawn rate of Mycosis [0-10000] I:"mycosis spawn rate"=40 } osvermis { # OsVermis strength [1-1000] D:"boneworm attack"=130.0 # Maximum OsVermis health [1-1000] D:"boneworm health"=920.0 # Set the spawn rate of OsVermis [0-100] I:"boneworm spawn rate"=20 } parasite { # Allow Parasite to spawn from listed mob. Ex. "minecraft:zombie" or "mod_lavacow:zombiefrozen" [default: [minecraft:zombie], [minecraft:husk], [mod_lavacow:zombiefrozen], [mod_lavacow:zombiemushroom], [mod_lavacow:unburied], [mod_lavacow:mummy]] S:"available host for parasite" < minecraft:zombie minecraft:husk mod_lavacow:zombiefrozen mod_lavacow:zombiemushroom mod_lavacow:unburied mod_lavacow:mummy > # Parasite strength [1-1000] D:"parasite attack"=1.0 # Parasite will attack their target by attaching on them [false/true] B:"parasite attacks by attaching onto target"=true # Should Parasite attack ALL livings [false/true] B:"parasite attacks everything"=false # Rate of spawning Parasite when destroying sand blocks in the desert [0-100] I:"parasite from sand blocks"=0 # Maximum Parasite health [1-1000] D:"parasite health"=6.0 # Set the spawn rate of Parasite [0-100] I:"parasite spawn rate"=10 } penghoul { # Penghoul strength [1-1000] D:"penghoul attack"=14.0 # Maximum Penghoul health [1-1000] D:"penghoul health"=10.0 # Set the spawn rate of Penghoul [0-100] I:"penghoul spawn rate"=20 } pingu { I:"pingu spawn rate"=20 } piranha { # Piranha strength [1-1000] D:"piranha attack"=100.0 # Maximum Piranha health [1-1000] D:"piranha health"=3.0 # Set the spawn rate of Piranha [0-100] I:"piranha spawn rate"=80 } ptera { # Ptera strength [1-1000] D:"ptera attack"=3.0 # Maximum Ptera health [1-1000] D:"ptera health"=10.0 # Set the spawn rate of Ptera [0-10000] I:"ptera spawn rate"=20 } raven { # Maximum Raven health [1-1000] D:"raven health"=6.0 # Should tamed Raven perch on owner's head [false/true] B:"raven perching"=true # Should perching Raven slow down owner's falling speed [false/true] B:"raven slow down falling"=true # Set the spawn rate of Raven [0-10000] I:"raven spawn rate"=8 } salamander { # Salamander strength [1-1000] D:"salamander attack"=30.0 # Maximum Salamander health [1-1000] D:"salamander health"=600.0 # Set the spawn rate of Salamander [0-10000] I:"salamander spawn rate"=30 } scarecrow { # Set the spawn rate of Plague Doctor Scarecrow when a Raven was killed. [0-100] I:"plague doctor scarecrow spawn rate"=30 # Scarecrow strength [1-1000] D:"scarecrow attack"=36.0 # Maximum Scarecrow health [1-1000] D:"scarecrow health"=350.0 # Set the spawn rate of Scarecrow [0-100] I:"scarecrow spawn rate"=15 } "skeleton king" { # Skeleton King strength [1-1000] D:"skeleton king attack"=86.0 # Maximum Skeleton King health [1-1000] D:"skeleton king health"=4360.0 # Should Skeleton King be summoned with the crown [false/true] B:"skeleton king summon"=true } "sludge lord" { # Sludge Lord strength [1-1000] D:"sludge lord attack"=300.0 # Maximum Sludge Lord health [1-1000] D:"sludge lord health"=1500.0 # Set the spawn rate of Sludge Lord [0-10000] I:"sludge lord spawn rate"=15 # Set the cooldown of summoning Lil'Sludge [0-100] I:"sludge lord summon cooldown"=17 # Set the max number of Lil'Sludge summoned [0-100] I:"sludge lord summon max"=8 # Set the number of Lil'Sludge summoned per cast [0-100] I:"sludge lord summon number"=3 } swarmer { # Swarmer strength [1-1000] D:"swarmer attack"=9.0 # Maximum Swarmer health [1-1000] D:"swarmer health"=8.0 # Set the spawn rate of Swarmer [0-100] I:"swarmer spawn rate"=40 } unburied { # Unburied strength [1-1000] D:"unburied attack"=3.0 # Maximum Unburied health [1-1000] D:"unburied health"=30.0 # Unburied lifespan [1-10000] I:"unburied lifespan"=20 } "undead swine" { # Undead Swine strength [1-1000] D:"undeadswine attack"=90.0 # Maximum Undead Swine health [1-1000] D:"undeadswine health"=300.0 # Set the spawn rate of Undead swine [0-10000] I:"undeadswine spawn rate"=15 } undertaker { # Undertaker strength [1-1000] D:"undertaker attack"=40.0 # Maximum Undertaker health [1-1000] D:"undertaker health"=850.0 # Set the spawn rate of Undertaker [0-100] I:"undertaker spawn rate"=3 # Set the cooldown of summoning Unburied [0-100] I:"undertaker summon cooldown"=15 # Set the max number of Unburied summoned [0-100] I:"undertaker summon max"=4 # Set the number of Unburied summoned per cast [0-100] I:"undertaker summon number"=1 } vespa { # Vespa strength [1-1000] D:"vespa attack"=250.0 # Maximum Vespa health [1-1000] D:"vespa health"=2500.0 # Set the spawn rate of Vespa [0-100] I:"vespa spawn rate"=20 } wendigo { D:"wendigo attack"=300.0 B:"wendigo attacks animals"=true D:"wendigo health"=3500.0 I:"wendigo spawn rate"=15 } weta { # Weta strength [1-1000] D:"weta attack"=17.0 # Maximum Weta health [1-1000] D:"weta health"=34.0 # Set the spawn rate of Weta [0-100] I:"weta spawn rate"=30 }