Mechanics Node Matrix Node Matrix tooltip.nodalmechanics.matrix.attuned=Faintly humming... tooltip.nodalmechanics.matrix.unattuned=Empty tooltip.nodalmechanics.matrix.recipe=You can attune it multiple times! tc.research_name.NODECATALYZATION=Node Catalyzation tc.research_text.NODECATALYZATION=From nothing... Something nodalmechanics.nodecatalyzation.research=By applying your knowledge of nodes and warded jars, you have successfully devised a method of catalyzing the formation of new nodes.
By attuning a freshly-crafted blank node matrix (or already attuned one - it is recursive process) towards any combination of essentia to provide the seed for a node's growth, you can then infuse it with a large amount of compatible vis to spark the node's growth.