// Mod Version: 1.3.12 { // Food included in the food group "food": { // A list of Ore Dictionary entries // This example adds two oredictionary entries created by Pam's HarvestCraft, // including all fruit and all berries "oredict": [ "listAllfruit", "listAllberry" ], // A list of items in "mod:name:meta" format // This example adds red apples and golden apples (golden_apple with metadata 0), // thereby excluding enchanted golden apples (golden_apple with metadata 1) "items": [ "minecraft:apple", "minecraft:golden_apple:0" ] }, // Food excluded from the food group, takes precedence over items in "food" // Optional; uses the same format as the "food" property "exclude": { // This example excludes HarvestCraft strawberrys, which would have // otherwise been included in the "listAllberry" oredict inclusion "items": [ "harvestcraft:strawberryItem" ] }, // The name that will be shown in the tooltip. // Can be localized. Unused for hidden food groups. // Optional; default if not defined: "spiceoflife.foodgroup." "name": "Example", // Optional; default if not defined: true "enabled": false, // If true, the foods in this food group will be excluded from diminishing returns // Optional; default if not defined: false "blacklist": false, // If true, this food group will not be shown in the tooltip // Note: blacklist food groups are always hidden // Optional; default if not defined: false "hidden": false, // If defined, this formula will be used for this food group // instead of the main diminishing returns formula // See the food.modifier.formula config option in the main SpiceOfLife.cfg for documentation // Optional; default if not defined: food.modifier.formula from SpiceOfLife.cfg "formula": "MAX(0, 1 - count/2)", // Used to set the style of the food group name in tooltips, etc // Valid values: // black, dark_blue, dark_green, dark_aqua, dark_red, dark_purple, gold, // gray, dark_gray, blue, green, aqua, red, light_purple, yellow, white, // obfuscated, bold, strikethrough, underline, italic // Optional; default if not defined: gray "color": "gold" }