# Configuration file caching { # [Client + Server] Define the maximum size of a dimension in MB that can be processed in a single pass. Reduce this number if you run into memory issues during the initial world scan (OutOfMemoryException). I:maxDimensionSizeMBForFastScanning=10000 } general { # [SERVER] Minimum between log updates to show progress when caching save files. This happens only ONCE! I:cacheGenerationLogUpdateMinTime=5 # [CLIENT] Enable mod developer overlays, not useful for gameplay B:enableDeveloperOverlays=false # [CLIENT] You may want to disable prospecting for low-performance clients. B:enableProspecting=true # [Server] Limit the RAM size in MB of what can players use to synchronize their map data. I:maxTransferCacheSizeMB=50 # [CLIENT] Minimum zoom level at which ore veins labels are displayed. Zoom starts at 0 and increments linearly. I:minZoomLevelForOreLabel=1 # [CLIENT] Minimum zoom level at which underground fluid details are displayed. Zoom starts at 0 and increments linearly. I:minZoomLevelForUndergroundFluidDetails=2 # [SERVER] Redo GT ore vein caching if set to True. Will automatically be set back to False the next time the game is started. B:recacheVeins=false } integration { # [CLIENT / VoxelMap] Enable waypoints added by prospecting GT ore veins or underground fluids by default B:enableVoxelMapWaypointsByDefault=false } network { # [CLIENT + SERVER] Anti spam mechanic: What is the minimum delay (in milliseconds) a player is allowed to request ore vein information. I:minDelayBetweenVeinRequests=2000 # [CLIENT + SERVER] Limit the bandwidth (in B/s) a client is allowed to transmit when uploading its prospection data. If exceeded, the client will be kicked! I:uploadBandwidth=2000000 }