# Configuration file general { # Allow crafting of the Ring O' Experience. [default: true] B:allowGenericCrafting=true # Allow crafting of the Greater Ring O' Experience [default: true] B:allowGreaterCrafting=true # Allow crafting of the Lesser Ring O' Experience. [default: false] B:allowLesserCrafting=false # Allow the existence of the Greater Ring O' Experience [default: true] B:allowLesserRing=true # Allow the existence of the Ring Holding Station [default: false] B:allowRingStation=true # Allow crafting of the Ring Holding Station [default: false] B:allowStationCrafting=true # Allow crafting of Bottles O' Experience from the Lesser Ring O' Experience [default: true] B:allowXPCrafting=true # Number of Bottles O' Experience to craft from the Lesser Ring O' Experience. Set to <1 to disable. [range: 0 ~ 64, default: 2] I:bottlesCrafted=2 # Chance for Lesser Rings O' Experience to spawn in Dungeon Chests. Set to <1 to disable. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 2] I:dungeonSpawnChance=2 # Radius of the Lesser Ring O' Experience. [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 5] I:genericRingRadius=5 # Radius of the Lesser Ring O' Experience. [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 12] I:greaterRingRadius=12 # Radius of the Lesser Ring O' Experience. [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 2] I:lesserRingRadius=2 } misc { # Allow players to steal experience from other players. [default: false] B:allowXPTheft=false # The minimum radius a ring needs to be to steal experience off another player [range: 0 ~ 64, default: 12] I:minimumTheftRadius=12 # The likelihood that the theft will be a success. (1 in 'n' chance) [range: 0 ~ 1024, default: 15] I:theftChance=15 }