# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # data model mob names #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Register entities that count towards leveling up the model # Format is modname:entity_name ########################################################################################################## "data model mob names" { # Blaze S:blaze < minecraft:blaze > # Creeper S:creeper < minecraft:creeper > # Dragon S:dragon < minecraft:ender_dragon > # Enderman S:enderman < minecraft:enderman deepmoblearning:trial_enderman > # Ghast S:ghast < minecraft:ghast > # Guardian S:guardian < minecraft:elder_guardian minecraft:guardian > # Shulker S:shulker < minecraft:shulker > # Creeper S:skeleton < minecraft:stray minecraft:skeleton twilightforest:skeleton_druid > # Slime S:slime < minecraft:slime minecraft:magma_cube deepmoblearning:trial_slime > # Spider S:spider < minecraft:spider minecraft:cave_spider twilightforest:hedge_spider twilightforest:king_spider deepmoblearning:trial_spider deepmoblearning:trial_cave_spider > # Thermal Elemental S:thermalelemental < thermalfoundation:blizz thermalfoundation:blitz thermalfoundation:basalz > # Witch S:witch < minecraft:witch > # Wither S:wither < minecraft:wither > # Wither Skeleton S:witherskeleton < minecraft:wither_skeleton > # Zombie S:zombie < minecraft:husk minecraft:zombie minecraft:zombie_villager minecraft:zombie_pigman > } ########################################################################################################## # data model simulation costs #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Simulation costs for all the data models (in RF/t) # Cost should not exceed a full machine buffer (Max 6666 RF/t) # Values over the max will be set to the max ########################################################################################################## "data model simulation costs" { I:blaze=1024 I:creeper=64 I:dragon=6666 I:enderman=2048 I:ghast=1024 I:guardian=1024 I:shulker=512 I:skeleton=64 I:slime=64 I:spider=64 I:thermalelemental=1024 I:witch=512 I:wither=6666 I:witherskeleton=1024 I:zombie=64 } general { # Horizontal spacing from the selected corner, values can be both positive and negative I:guiOverlayHorizontalSpacing=0 # Which position on the screen the Deep learner gui will appear on. (bottomleft will clash with the chat) [values: topleft/topright/bottomleft/bottomright] S:guiOverlaySide=bottomright # Vertical spacing from the selected corner, values can be both positive and negative I:guiOverlayVerticalSpacing=0 # Set to false to disable the creative flight portion of the Glitch armorset. B:isGlitchArmorCreativeFlightEnabled=true # Enable the Crafting of sooted redstone on Vanilla blocks of coal B:isSootedRedstoneCraftingEnabled=false # RF/t cost for the Loot Fabricator, roof is 18k RF/t I:rfCostLootFabricator=1000 } ########################################################################################################## # matter experience #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Experience values for the different "realm" matters, maxValue: 999 ########################################################################################################## "matter experience" { I:extraterrestrial=25 I:hellish=20 I:overworldian=10 } ########################################################################################################## # model experience tweaks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # DISCLAIMER: Please tweak these values responsibly if you're building modpacks for the public, This mods intent is not to be grindy or "timegated" # Remember that a high kill multiplier devalues how much you can use the simulation chamber for leveling # For example, a killmultiplier of 100 and 2 required kills to next tier is the equivalent of 200 simulations # Data formula: killmultiplier * requiredKills # Max multiplier: 100 # Max kills to next tier: 500 ########################################################################################################## "model experience tweaks" { # How much data you get per kill on the Faulty tier (It's Best to leave this at 1, as a baseline) I:killMultiplierTier0=1 # How much data you get per kill on the Basic tier I:killMultiplierTier1=1 # How much data you get per kill on the Advanced tier I:killMultiplierTier2=1 # How much data you get per kill on the Superior tier I:killMultiplierTier3=1 # Number of kills to reach the Basic tier. I:killsToTier1=0 # Number of kills to reach the Advanced tier. I:killsToTier2=50 # Number of kills to reach the Superior tier. I:killsToTier3=250 # Number of kills to reach the Self Aware tier. I:killsToTier4=500 } ########################################################################################################## # pristine matter chance #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # The chance to output pristine matter from the various tiers # Starts at basic since faulty models can't be used in the simulation chamber ########################################################################################################## "pristine matter chance" { I:tier1=5 I:tier2=10 I:tier3=20 I:tier4=30 } ########################################################################################################## # pristine output items #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Entries for Loot fabricator outputs from the different pristine items. # Input format "minecraft:coal,64,0" # Where minecraft:coal is the registryName, 64 is the amount and 0 is the damagevalue/meta. "," is the delimiter. # Optionally supports NBT tags, example: # deepmoblearning:glitch_infused_sword,1,0,{display:{Name:"Not a sword really"}} ########################################################################################################## "pristine output items" { # Blaze S:blaze < minecraft:blaze_rod,10,0 gregtech:meta_dust,32,103 minecraft:magma,32,0 > # Creeper S:creeper < minecraft:gunpowder,32,0 minecraft:coal,32,0 minecraft:skull,6,4 > # Dragon S:dragon < armorplus:material,1,3 minecraft:dragon_breath,1,0 contenttweaker:dragonlairdata,1,0 > # Enderman S:enderman < minecraft:ender_pearl,6,0 minecraft:emerald,6,0 enderio:block_enderman_skull,2,0 contenttweaker:impossiblerealmdata,1,0 > # Ghast S:ghast < minecraft:ghast_tear,2,0 gregtech:meta_ingot,12,100 > # Guardian S:guardian < minecraft:prismarine_shard,32,0 minecraft:prismarine_crystals,32,0 minecraft:fish,64,0 minecraft:gold_ingot,8,0 gregtech:meta_dust,12,2 armorplus:material,4,1 > # Shulker S:shulker < minecraft:shulker_shell,6,0 minecraft:diamond,6,0 > # Skeleton S:skeleton < minecraft:bone,64,0 minecraft:arrow,64,0 minecraft:skull,6,0 gregtech:meta_ingot,8,112 > # Slime S:slime < minecraft:slime_ball,32,0 gregtech:meta_ingot,4,69 thermalfoundation:coin,8,64 thermalfoundation:coin,6,66 thermalfoundation:coin,2,1 thermalfoundation:coin,1,70 > # Spider S:spider < minecraft:spider_eye,8,0 minecraft:string,32,0 gregtech:meta_ingot,12,25 > # Thermal Elemental S:thermalelemental < gregtech:meta_dust,16,313 gregtech:meta_dust,16,297 minecraft:snowball,64,0 thermalfoundation:material,8,2050 thermalfoundation:material,8,2052 thermalfoundation:material,8,2048 > # Witch S:witch < minecraft:redstone,16,0 minecraft:glowstone_dust,16,0 minecraft:sugar,16,0 > # Wither S:wither < armorplus:material,1,2 extrautils2:ingredients,1,10 contenttweaker:witherrealmdata,1,0 > # Wither Skeleton S:witherskeleton < minecraft:skull,4,1 gregtech:meta_ingot,12,55 > # Zombie S:zombie < minecraft:rotten_flesh,64,0 minecraft:iron_ingot,12,0 minecraft:carrot,32,0 minecraft:potato,32,0 minecraft:skull,6,2 > } ########################################################################################################## # trial max tier rewards #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Rewards for the Max tier of trials. # CAUTION: Max 3 items per list, anything after that will be trimmed. # Input format "minecraft:coal,64,0" # Where minecraft:coal is the registryName, 64 is the amount and 0 is the damagevalue/meta. "," is the delimiter. # Optionally supports NBT tags, example: # deepmoblearning:glitch_infused_sword,1,0,{display:{Name:"Not a sword really"}} ########################################################################################################## "trial max tier rewards" { # Enderman Trial Reward S:enderman < deepmoblearning:glitch_heart,5,0 > # Skeleton Trial Reward S:skeleton < deepmoblearning:glitch_heart,3,0 > # Slime Trial Reward S:slime < deepmoblearning:glitch_heart,3,0 > # Spider Trial Reward S:spider < deepmoblearning:glitch_heart,4,0 > # Witch Trial Reward S:witch < deepmoblearning:glitch_heart,6,0 > # Slime Trial Reward S:witherskeleton < deepmoblearning:glitch_heart,5,0 > # Zombie Trial Reward S:zombie < deepmoblearning:glitch_heart,3,0 > }