# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # general #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # General settings ########################################################################################################## general { B:abortCraftWhenOutOfMana=false B:abortCraftWhenOutOfRf=false # How much RF/t the advanced RF Storage block can contribute to crafting [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 100] I:advancedRfStorageInternalFlow=1000 # The maximum amount of RF for the advanced RF Storage block [range: 1 ~ 10000000, default: 100000] I:advancedRfStorageMax=1000000 # The ambient temperature of the boiler when no heat is below it [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 20.0] S:ambientBoilerTemperature=20.0 # The volume for the beeps sound (0.0 is off) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2] S:baseBeepsVolume=0.2 # The volume for the machine sound (0.0 is off) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:baseMachineVolume=1.0 # The volume for the sparks sound (0.0 is off) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.7] S:baseSparksVolume=0.7 # The volume for the steam sound (0.0 is off) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:baseSteamVolume=1.0 # Every tick the boiler will cool down this amount if there is no source of heat below it [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 0.3] S:boilerCoolTemperature=0.3 # Every tick the boiler will heat up this amount if there is a source of heat below it [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:boilerRiseTemperature=0.5 # Number of ticks that the animation of the crafter will speed up during auto crafting [range: 1 ~ 100000, default: 40] I:craftAnimationBoost=40 # Every tick the animation of the crafter will speed up during auto crafting (and during boost) [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 3.0] S:craftAnimationSpeedUp=3.0 # If not auto crafting this is the speed at which the speed of the animation of the crafter will decrease [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.3] S:craftAnimationSpinDown=0.3 # Number of ticks between every auto craft operation [range: 1 ~ 100000, default: 10] I:crafterDelay=10 # Number of ticks that the rotating spheres will speed up during mana crafting [range: 1 ~ 100000, default: 40] I:manaRotationBoost=40 # Every tick the rotating spheres will speed up during mana crafting (and during boost) [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 2.0] S:manaRotationSpeedUp=2.0 # If not mana crafting this is the speed at which the speed of the rotating spheres will decrease [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.3] S:manaRotationSpinDown=0.3 # The maximum temperature for the boiler (it generates steam over 100C) [range: 100.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 200.0] S:maxBoilerTemperature=200.0 # Maximum speed factor for the animation of the crafter during auto crafting [range: 1.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 20.0] S:maxCraftAnimationSpeed=20.0 # Maximum amount of mana that can be stored in the mana receptacle [range: 1 ~ 100000000, default: 10000] I:maxMana=10000 # Maximum speed factor for the rotating spheres of the mana receptacle during mana crafting [range: 1.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 20.0] S:maxManaRotationSpeed=20.0 # Maximum amount of mana that can be used per tick per mana receptacle [range: 1 ~ 10000000, default: 1000] I:maxManaUsage=1000 # The maximum speed bonus on a liquid crafting operation [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 2] I:maxPipeSpeedBonus=2 # The maximum speed bonus on a crafting operation you can get by adding multiple machine parts [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 4] I:maxSpeedupBonus=4 # Maximum speed factor for the spinning wheel of the stean engine during steam crafting [range: 1.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 20.0] S:maxSteamWheelSpeed=20.0 # How much RF/t the RF Control block can receive [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 10] I:rfControlInputPerTick=50 # The maximum amount of RF for the RF Control block [range: 1 ~ 10000000, default: 20] I:rfControlMax=50 # How much RF/t the RF Storage block can receive [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 50] I:rfStorageInputPerTick=1000000 # How much RF/t the RF Storage block can contribute to crafting [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 30] I:rfStorageInternalFlow=250 # The maximum amount of RF for the RF Storage block [range: 1 ~ 10000000, default: 10000] I:rfStorageMax=100000 # Amount of ticks that the beeps sound should play [range: 0 ~ 1000000, default: 8] I:soundBeepsTicks=8 # Amount of ticks that the gearbox sound should play [range: 0 ~ 1000000, default: 50] I:soundMachineTicks=50 # Amount of ticks that the sparks sound should play [range: 0 ~ 1000000, default: 25] I:soundSparksTicks=25 # Amount of ticks that the steam sound should play [range: 0 ~ 1000000, default: 50] I:soundSteamTicks=50 # Number of ticks that the steam wheel will speed up during steam crafting [range: 1 ~ 100000, default: 40] I:steamWheelBoost=40 # Every tick the steam wheel will speed up during steam crafting (and during boost) [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 2.0] S:steamWheelSpeedUp=2.0 # If not steam crafting this is the speed at which the speed of the wheel will decrease [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.3] S:steamWheelSpinDown=0.3 # Capacity of each tank (tier 2) block in MB [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 64000] I:tank2Capacity=64000 # Capacity of each tank block in MB [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 16000] I:tankCapacity=16000 # If -1 then the efab will pause the crafting until mana is available. Otherwise it will allow a delay of the specified amount of ticks before aborting [range: -1 ~ 1000000000, default: 1] I:ticksAllowedWithoutMana=1 # If -1 then the efab will pause the crafting until power is available. Otherwise it will allow a delay of the specified amount of ticks before aborting [range: -1 ~ 1000000000, default: 1] I:ticksAllowedWithoutRF=1 # The amount of time needed for the grid/crafter to craft normal vanilla recipes [range: 0 ~ 1000000, default: 1] I:vanillaCraftTime=1 # If enabled the EFab grid and crafter will also support vanilla recipes. If disabled they don't [default: true] B:vanillaCraftingAllowed=false # Amount of water per tick that is being consumed during a steam crafting operation [range: 0 ~ 1000000, default: 5] I:waterSteamCraftingConsumption=5 # Amount of water that is needed to be able to start a steam crafting operation [range: 0 ~ 1000000, default: 500] I:waterSteamStartAmount=500 }