# Configuration file settings { # Whether the End is also supposed to have its minimum light removed [default: false] B:"Dark End"=false # Whether the Nether is also supposed to have its minimum light removed [default: true] B:"Dark Nether"=false # Whether it should be dark in the Twilight Forest [default: false] B:"Dark Twilight Forest"=false # A list of dimension ids in which Hardcore Darkness will be completely disabled # Example: S:"Dimension Blacklist"=-1,1 [default: ] S:"Dimension Blacklist"=7 # 0: No minimum sky & block light, 1: No minimum block light, 2: Skylight is dependent on moon phase I:Mode=0 # Attempts to remove the blue sky light that occurs when using mode 1 or 2 [default: true] B:RemoveBlue=true }