# Configuration file core { # If the recipe loader should crash when finding invalid recipes. B:general.crashOnInvalidRecipe=false # If mod compatibility loader should crash hard if errors occur in that process. B:general.crashOnModCompatCrash=false # Set 'true' to enable development debug mode. This will result in a lower performance! B:general.debug=false # Config version for EvilCraft-Compat. # DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY! S:general.version=1.0.0 } item { B:bound_blood_drop=true # If held buckets should be autofilled when enabled. B:bound_blood_drop.autoFillBuckets=false I:bound_blood_drop.maxCapacity=250000 B:veined_scribing_tools=true } "mod compat" { # Bound Blood Drop item to directly drain Blood from your soul network. B:bloodmagic=true # Capabilities support B:commoncapabilities=true # Integration for EvilCraft recipes. B:crafttweaker=true B:enderio=true # Multifarm, squeezer and backpack support. B:forestry=true # squeezer support. B:immersiveengineering=true # Blood Infuser and Environmental Accumulator recipes. B:jei=true # Blood chest repair support for tinker tools. B:tconstruct=true B:thaumcraft=true # Sawmill, Pulverizer, Magma Crucible and Fluid Transposer recipes. B:thermalexpansion=true } worldgeneration { # The amount of ticks the server should wait before sending a soul network update. (only for servers) I:bound_blood_drop.maxUpdateTicks=40 }