None: 0 --You can actually just not include the research tag completely instead of using this if you want Basics: 1 Water: 2 Earth: 3 Fire: 4 Air: 5 Light: 6 Dark: 7 Water Tools: 8 Earth Tools: 9 Fire Tools: 10 Air Tools: 11 Light Tools: 12 Dark Tools: 13 Arcane Forge: 14 Crystallisation: 15 Void Eye: 16 Advanced Forge: 17 Staff: 18 Advanced Staves: 19 Ultimate Staves: 20 Thelos: 21 Infused Fabric: 22 Water Robes: 23 Earth Robes: 24 Fire Robes: 25 Air Robes: 26 Light Robes: 27 Dark Robes: 28 Ore Processing: 29 Transmutation: 30 Infused Tools: 31 Gem Tools: 32 Arcane Crafting: 33 || \/ Tier 2 Elements \/ || Ice: 34 Steam: 35 Metal: 36 Plant: 37 Hellfire: 38 Dragon: 39 Self: 40 Other: 41 Corruption: 42 Calm: 43 Shadow: 44 Void: 45 || /\ Tier 2 Elements /\ || Equipment: 46 Runestones: 47 Translocation: 48 Transform: 49 Void Power: 50 Tier 1 Element: 51 --Essentially checks if you have picked an element Elemental Robes: 52 --You have completed robe research within at least one element Elemental Tools: 53 --You have completed Tools research within at least one element Tier 2 Water: 54 --You have picked a tier 2 water research Tier 2 Earth: 55 --You have picked a tier 2 earth research Tier 2 Fire: 56 --You have picked a tier 2 fire research Tier 2 Air: 57 --You have picked a tier 2 air research Tier 2 Light: 58 --You have picked a tier 2 light research Tier 2 Dark: 59 --You have picked a tier 2 dark research