{ "name": "Affixes", "icon": "patchouli:guide_book{\"patchouli:book\":\"deepmoblearning:book\"}", "category": "2_trials", "sortnum": 2, "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "$(item)Affixes$() will alter what happens during a $(l:2_trials/1_trials)Trial$(). The behaviour and events of an $(item)Affix$() varies greatly, an $(item)Affix$() could be a $(item)Buff$() or a $(item)Debuff$() to the$(br)$(item)Player$() / $(item)Mobs$() or some$(br)in-world event.$(br2)The remaining pages of this chapter will describe the various $(item)Affixes$()." }, { "type": "text", "title": "Speed", "text": "This $(item)Affix$() applies a permanent speed increase to the $(item)Mobs$() specific to the $(l:2_trials/1_trials)Trial$().$(br2)Does not affect the $(item)Player$() or $(item)Mobs$() spawned in by other $(item)Affixes$()." }, { "type": "text", "title": "Regen Party", "text": "This $(item)Affix$() will sometimes cause a rip in time and space, causing the skies to open up and fling a $(item)Lingering Regen Potion$() into the air." }, { "type": "text", "title": "Empowered Glitches", "text": "This $(item)Affix$() will $(item)Empower$() the$(br)$(l:3_system_malfunction/0_system_glitches)System Glitches$() that sometimes appear within a $(l:2_trials/1_trials)Trial$().$(br2)They gain more $(item)Health$() and launch more $(item)Orbs$() which also deals more $(item)Damage$()." }, { "type": "text", "title": "Knockback Immunity", "text": "This $(item)Affix$() will apply a permanent $(item)Knockback Immunity$() to the $(item)Mobs$() specific to the $(l:2_trials/1_trials)Trial$().$(br2)Does not affect the $(item)Player$() or $(item)Mobs$() spawned in by other $(item)Affixes$()." }, { "type": "text", "title": "Blaze Invaders", "text": "This $(item)Affix$() will sometimes make $(item)Blazes$() appear inside of the $(l:2_trials/1_trials)Trial$().$(br2)Try to not get yourself $(item)Burned$()" }, { "type": "text", "title": "Loot Hoarders", "text": "This $(item)Affix$() will lure in the smaller and more greedy $(item)Zombies$() of the world to the $(l:2_trials/1_trials)Trial$().$(br2)They may carry $(item)Valuables$()." }, { "type": "text", "title": "THUNDERDOME", "text": "This $(item)Affix$() will add $(item)Creatures of Thunder$() to the $(l:2_trials/1_trials)Trial$().$(br2)May occasionally spawn in $(item)Charged Creepers$() and $(item)Witches$()." } ] }