[advanced] #Debug mode enabled DebugMode = false #Display search bar in the center CenterSearch = false #Set low-memory mode (makes search very slow, but uses less RAM) LowMemorySlowSearchEnabled = false #Enable cheating items into the hotbar by using the shift+number keys. CheatToHotbarUsingHotkeysEnabled = false #How items should be handed to you #Allowed Values: INVENTORY, MOUSE_PICKUP GiveMode = "INVENTORY" #Max. recipe gui height #Range: > 175 RecipeGuiHeight = 350 [colors] #Color values to search for SearchColors = ["White:EEEEEE", "LightBlue:7492cc", "Cyan:00EEEE", "Blue:2222dd", "LapisBlue:25418b", "Teal:008080", "Yellow:cacb58", "GoldenYellow:EED700", "Orange:d97634", "Pink:D1899D", "HotPink:FC0FC0", "Magenta:b24bbb", "Purple:813eb9", "JadedPurple:43324f", "EvilPurple:2e1649", "Lavender:B57EDC", "Indigo:480082", "Sand:dbd3a0", "Tan:bb9b63", "LightBrown:A0522D", "Brown:634b33", "DarkBrown:3a2d13", "LimeGreen:43b239", "SlimeGreen:83cb73", "Green:008000", "DarkGreen:224d22", "GrassGreen:548049", "Red:963430", "BrickRed:b0604b", "NetherBrick:2a1516", "Redstone:ce3e36", "Black:181515", "CharcoalGray:464646", "IronGray:646464", "Gray:808080", "Silver:C0C0C0"] [sorting] #Sorting order for the ingredient list. Valid stages: [MOD_NAME, INGREDIENT_TYPE, ALPHABETICAL, CREATIVE_MENU, TAG, TOOL_TYPE, WEAPON_DAMAGE, ARMOR, MAX_DURABILITY] IngredientSortStages = ["MOD_NAME", "INGREDIENT_TYPE", "CREATIVE_MENU"] [search] #Search mode for Mod Names (prefix: @) #Allowed Values: ENABLED, REQUIRE_PREFIX, DISABLED ModNameSearchMode = "REQUIRE_PREFIX" #Search mode for Tooltips (prefix: #) #Allowed Values: ENABLED, REQUIRE_PREFIX, DISABLED TooltipSearchMode = "ENABLED" #Search mode for Tag Names (prefix: $) #Allowed Values: ENABLED, REQUIRE_PREFIX, DISABLED TagSearchMode = "REQUIRE_PREFIX" #Search mode for Creative Tab Names (prefix: %) #Allowed Values: ENABLED, REQUIRE_PREFIX, DISABLED CreativeTabSearchMode = "DISABLED" #Search mode for Colors (prefix: ^) #Allowed Values: ENABLED, REQUIRE_PREFIX, DISABLED ColorSearchMode = "DISABLED" #Search mode for resources locations (prefix: &) #Allowed Values: ENABLED, REQUIRE_PREFIX, DISABLED ResourceLocationSearchMode = "DISABLED" #Search advanced tooltips (visible with F3+H) SearchAdvancedTooltips = false [modname] #Formatting for mod name tooltip #Use these formatting colors: #black, dark_blue, dark_green, dark_aqua, dark_red, dark_purple, gold, gray, dark_gray, blue, green, aqua, red, light_purple, yellow, white #With these formatting options: #obfuscated, bold, strikethrough, underline, italic ModNameFormat = "blue italic" [IngredientList] #Max number of rows shown #Range: 1 ~ 100 MaxRows = 16 #Max number of columns shown #Range: 4 ~ 100 MaxColumns = 9 #Horizontal alignment of the ingredient grid inside the available area #Allowed Values: LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT HorizontalAlignment = "RIGHT" #Horizontal alignment of the ingredient grid inside the available area #Allowed Values: TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM VerticalAlignment = "TOP" #Visibility of the top page buttons. Use AUTO_HIDE to only show it when there are multiple pages. #Allowed Values: ENABLED, AUTO_HIDE, DISABLED ButtonNavigationVisibility = "ENABLED" #Set to true to draw a background texture behind the gui. DrawBackground = false [BookmarkList] #Max number of rows shown #Range: 1 ~ 100 MaxRows = 16 #Max number of columns shown #Range: 4 ~ 100 MaxColumns = 9 #Horizontal alignment of the ingredient grid inside the available area #Allowed Values: LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT HorizontalAlignment = "LEFT" #Horizontal alignment of the ingredient grid inside the available area #Allowed Values: TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM VerticalAlignment = "TOP" #Visibility of the top page buttons. Use AUTO_HIDE to only show it when there are multiple pages. #Allowed Values: ENABLED, AUTO_HIDE, DISABLED ButtonNavigationVisibility = "ENABLED" #Set to true to draw a background texture behind the gui. DrawBackground = false