{ title: "Bishop Gear", loot_size: 50, rewards: [{ item: "minecraft:cooked_fish 1 1", count: 24, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "minecraft:written_book", tag: { generation: 3, pages: [ "{\"text\":\"1 - Thou shalt smite any undead they lay eyes upon\\n2 - Thou shalt not commit any unholy acts\\n3 - Thou shalt not steal\\n4 - Thou shalt praise thy divine one upon each sunrise\\n5 - Thou shalt do the dance\"}" ], author: "????", title: "5 Commandments", resolved: 1b } }, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "minecraft:iron_boots", tag: { Quality: {}, display: { Name: "Priest Boots" } } }, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "minecraft:iron_leggings", tag: { "Quark:ItemNameDye": 15, Quality: {}, display: { Name: "Priest Leggings" } } }, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "minecraft:iron_chestplate", tag: { "Quark:ItemNameDye": 15, Quality: {}, display: { Name: "Priest Gown" } } }, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "mysticalworld:silver_helmet", tag: { Quality: {}, display: { Name: "Priest Helmet" } } }, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "xreliquary:mercy_cross", tag: { "Quark:ItemNameDye": 1, Quality: {}, display: { Lore: [ "A cross found in the midnight sea" ], Name: "Holy Diver" } } }, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "spartanweaponry:mace_bronze", tag: { "Quark:RuneColor": 0, ench: [{ lvl: 1s, id: 17 }], "Quark:ItemNameDye": 1, Quality: {}, display: { Lore: [ "Bash and Bludgeon until it is done" ], Name: "Undead Basher" }, "Quark:RuneAttached": 1b } }, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "minecraft:splash_potion", tag: { CustomPotionEffects: [{ Duration: 300, Id: 2, Amplifier: 0 }, { Duration: 600, Id: 6, Amplifier: 0 }], CustomPotionColor: 16777215, display: { Lore: [ "Used For Purging Unholy beings", "or annoying neighbours" ], Name: "Holy Water" } } }, count: 4, only_one: true }], loot_crate: { string_id: "bishop", item_name: "Crate Of Bishop Gear", color: 16777215, drops: { boss: 0, passive: 0, monster: 0 } } }