# Configuration file flags { # Specifies if tesla machines are allowed to spawn items in world in case their output inventory is full. # Warning: some machines will cause the items to be lost if not spawned in the world (WIP). # [default: true] B:allowMachinesToSpawnItems=true # Specifies if the simple tesla battery item will be registered or not. # [default: false] B:registerBattery=false # Specifies if the machine case item will be registered or not. # [default: true] B:registerMachineCase=true # Specifies if the metal powder items will be registered or not. # [default: false] B:registerPowders=false # Specifies if the metal sheet items will be registered or not. # [default: false] B:registerSheets=false # Specifies if the creative test machines will be registered or not. # [default: false] B:registerTestMachines=false addons { # Specifies if the addon items will be registered or not. # [default: true] B:registerAddons=true # Specifies if the energy addon items will be registered or not. # Only makes sense if 'registerAddons' is set to true. # [default: true] B:registerEnergyAddons=true # Specifies if the speed addon items will be registered or not. # Only makes sense if 'registerAddons' is set to true. # [default: true] B:registerSpeedAddons=true } gears { # Specify the type of gear to be registered. # Valid types are: wood, stone, iron, lapis, redstone, gold, emerald, diamond. # [default: [wood], [stone], [iron], [gold], [diamond]] S:registerGearTypes < wood stone iron gold diamond > # Specifies if the gear items will be registered or not. # [default: true] B:registerGears=false } } gui { # Allows energy GUI to change the display energy system. # [default: false] B:allowChangeEnergyDisplay=false }