{ "BLOCK_LOOKING_AT": [ { "tipID": "dirt", "tipName": "Dirt Tip", "block": "minecraft:dirt", "desc": "Use Dirt to Grow plants" }, { "tipID": "grass", "tipName": "Grass Tip", "block": "minecraft:grass", "desc": "Use Grass to feed sheep" }, { "tipID": "wood", "tipName": "Wood Tip", "block": "minecraft:log", "desc": "Use Wood to make stuff", "useOreDictonary": true } ], "TOOLTIP": [ { "tipID": "redstone", "tipName": "Redstone ToolTip", "item": "minecraft:redstone", "desc": "Use redstone to power \nyour devices" } ], "INFO": [ { "tipID": "info1", "tipName": "Dont Dig Down", "desc": "Never dig down as you could fall into lava or a deep cavern!" } ], "DIMENSION": [ { "tipID": "nether", "tipName": "Enter the Nether", "dimid": -1, "desc": "You have Entered the Nether. \nThis place is very dangerous. Keep armor, a sword, and a bow handy." } ] }