general { # For debugging purposes debug=false locale="en_us" locale-override {} # False: Mod will not be loaded. # True: Mod will be added to the classloader. mod {} } integration { # Biomes O' Plenty biomesoplenty { # If 'true', automatically removes boats from the world boat-purge=false } # Botania botania { # If 'true', prevents Botania from creating islands island-creation=false } # Forge forge { # Removes recipes which output blacklisted items blacklisted-recipe-items=[] # If 'true', forces permission check for OP based commands check-permissions=false # If 'true', the package containing the command class will be prepended to the permission check package-permissions=false } # Mist mist { # If 'true', fixes Misty World portal issues portal=false } # Primal primal { # If 'true', fixes (Fixed in 0.6.56 according to Dev) flake=false } # SpongeForge / SpongeVanilla sponge { # If 'true', prevents movement outside of the world border border=false # If 'true', prevents sending blank death messages death=false } } mixin { # AbyssalCraft abyssalcraft { # If 'true', fixes item duplication item-duplication=false } # Actually Additions actually-additions { # If 'true', prevents the AtomicReconstructor from using the Disruption Lens. disruption-lens=false } # Armor Underwear armor-under { # If 'true', fixes NullPointerException in ITemperatureChangeable::clearBonusTemperature. clear-bonus-temperature=false } # Astral Sorcery astral-sorcery { # If 'true', fixes data serializers registration. data-serializers=false } # Barrels, Drums, Storage & More bdsm { # If 'true', process PacketBdsm on the Main Thread player-interact=false } # Better Questing betterquesting { # If 'true', waits for enqueued tasks to complete await-io=false # For debugging purposes debug=false } # Bewitchment bewitchment { # If 'true', disables Ritual of the Deluge disable-ritual-deluge=false # If 'true', disables Ritual of the Parched Sands disable-ritual-drought=false # If 'true', disables Ritual of the High Moon disable-ritual-high-moon=false # If 'true', disables Rite of the Rising Twigs disable-ritual-rising-twigs=false # If 'true', disables Ritual of the Sands of Time disable-ritual-sands-of-time=false # If 'true', disables Ritual of Solar Glory disable-ritual-solar-glory=false # If 'true', prevents Friendship Potion & Thyrsus from taming already tamed mobs prevent-tame-stealing=false # If 'true', prevents Friendship Potion & Thyrsus from taming mobs listed in tame-deny-list. tame-deny=false # Mobs that are not allowed to be tamed tame-deny-list=[ "minecraft:ender_dragon" ] } # BiblioCraft bibliocraft { # If 'true', fixes AbstractMethodError caused by missing getStackInSlot method abstract-stack-in-slot=false } # Biomes O' Plenty biomesoplenty { # If 'true', prevents Boats from crashing the client boat-crash=false } # Career Bees careerbees { # If 'true', disables the acceleration effect disable-effect-acceleration=false } # Carry On carry-on { # If 'true', fixes a ConcurrentModificationException caused by the onWorldTick method. concurrent-modification-exception=false } # Champions champions { # If 'true', prevents AffixReflecting from reflecting AffixReflecting. reflecting=false # If 'true', ignores the LivingDamageEvent if the entity is damaging itself. self-damage=false } # Chest Transporter chesttransporter { # If 'true', fixes YabbaBarrel dropping on pickup yabba-barrel-drop=false } # Construct's Armory conarm { # If 'true', fixes magnetic trait voiding items magnetic-void=false } # Minecraft core { # If 'true', advancements will not be reloaded on world load. advancement-reload=false # If 'true', prints a single message instead of a stacktrace for advancement errors. advancement-stacktrace=true # If 'true', fixes banners freezing when the world is old enough (MC-63720). banner-freezing=false # If 'true', fixes NullPointerException in BiomeProvider::findBiomePosition. biome-provider=true # If 'true', prevents Grass turning into Dirt. block-grass=false # If 'true', prevents Ice turning into Water. block-ice=false # If 'true', alert players with permission (sledgehammer.broadcast.chunksave) when a chunk fails to save. chunk-save-alert=false # Items to remove from chunks. chunk-save-blacklist=[ "minecraft:writable_book", "minecraft:written_book" ] # If 'true', removes all Entities and TileEntities from chunks that fail to save. chunk-save-purge-all=false # If 'true', removes all blacklisted items from chunks that fail to save. chunk-save-purge-blacklist=false # If 'true', generates a crash report and safely stops the server if a chunk fails to save. chunk-save-shutdown=false # If 'true', fixes BlockRendererDispatcher.renderBlockBrightness producing extremely dark blocks in certain cirumstances (MC-6932, MC-41825). dark-blocks=true # If 'true', prevents ID 0 from being assigned to entities. Fixes bugs like MC-111480. entity-id-offset=false # If 'true', prevents ConcurrentModificationException in EntityTracker. entity-tracker=true # If 'true', adjusts the despawn ranges of mobs (32/128 blocks) on low render distances. Requires fix-mobs-not-despawning so that mobs are eligible for despawning. This has no effect on Sponge as it makes these settings configurable. fix-impossible-mob-despawn-range=false # If 'true', avoids MC-2536 by running mob despawning checks in lazy chunks. This will probably break farms which rely on vanilla 1.12 mechanics. You have been warned. fix-mobs-not-despawning=false # If 'true', adds TileEntity data to the crash report from calls to 'getUpdateTag' that fail. get-update-tag-crash=true # If 'true', fixes some minor rendering glitches in vanilla. gl-state-bugs=true # If 'true', prevents crash due to invalid translation keys. invalid-translation=false # If 'true', fixes MC-134716 - Player kick exploit. itemstack-exploit=true # If 'true', makes LazyLoad Thread-safe (Should fix MC-68381). lazyload-thread-safe=true # If 'true', allows players to exit the sleep screen. leave-sleep=false # If 'true', enforces limits for books to 50 pages with 255 characters for each. limit-books=false # If 'true', fixes potential deadlock on shutdown. network-system=true # If 'true', fixes depth calculation that causes unnecessary block updates. optimize-liquid-drain=true # If 'true', prevents ConcurrentModificationException in PlayerChunkMap. player-chunk-map=false # If 'true', fixes MC-88176 (entities culled too aggresively at subchunk boundaries) and MC-72166 (banners invisible at some angles). premature-culling=false # If 'true', prevents the top of the world from being considered completely dark. Fixes MC-68565. roof-lighting=true # If 'true', changes the renderer's target FPS to be 30 (matching 1.15-pre1) instead of the maximum FPS in game options. This helps with chunks not loading on the client. speed-up-chunk-rendering=true # If 'true', prevents unloading TileEntities from loading chunks tile-entity-chunk-unload=true # If 'true', removes the box around the player at low Y levels. void-box=false # If 'true', increases the maximum length for a WorldType name in SPacketJoinGame packet. world-type-length=false } # DankNull dank-null { # If 'true', fixes NullPointerException caused by PacketConfigSyncHandler packet-config-sync=false } # Embers embers { # If 'true', fixes item duplication item-duplication=false } # Ender IO enderio { # If 'true', fixes EnderIO RecipeFactory logging recipe-factory-stacktrace=false # If 'true', prevents Redstone Conduits from keeping chunks loaded redstone-conduit-chunk-unload=false } # Ender Storage enderstorage { # If 'true', fixes NullPointerException caused by handleVisiblityPacket visibility-packet=true } # Flux Networks flux-networks { # If 'true', fixes item spawn packet exploit. packet-exploit=false } # Forge forge { # If 'true', reverts Forge-chunkloaded chunk ticking to behave like vanilla (requiring a 5x5 area). entity-chunk-churn=false # If 'true', reduces network usage by postponing flush. flush-network-on-tick=false # If 'true', disables SearchTree reloading (Speeds up server connection process). nuke-search-tree=false # If 'true', disables SearchTree reloading on shutdown. nuke-search-tree-shutdown=false # If 'true', cancels packets sent by LootBags due to poorly written networking. packet-spam=false # If 'true', prevents mods from writing CustomTileData, This isn't allowed. tile-entity-forge-data=false } # Immersive Engineering immersiveengineering { # If 'true', fixes offset deserialization. offset-deserialization=false } # Industrial Foregoing industrialforegoing { # If 'true', fixes NullPointerException in FluidPumpTile::work. fluid-pump-work=false } # Integrated Dynamics integrateddynamics { # If 'true', fixes item spawn packet exploit. packet-exploit=false } # Just Enough Throwing In Fluids jetif { # If 'true', fixes Flux Networks integration. flux-networks=false } # JourneyMap journeymap { # If 'true', disables certain debugging messages. debug-spam=false } # KubeJS kubejs { # If 'true', fixes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on server shutdown server-stopping=false } # Logistics Pipes logistics-pipes { # If 'true', fixes chunk loading caused by DoubleCoordinates::blockExists block-exists=true } # Matter Overdrive matter-overdrive { # If 'true', fixes IllegalArgumentException caused by the canConnectFromSide method. can-connect-from-side=false } # Morph morph { # If 'true', fixes NullPointerException caused by onUpdate entity-update=false } # Mowzie's Mobs mowziesmobs { # If 'true', fixes ConcurrentModificationException entity-tracker=false } # Nature's Aura naturesaura { # If 'true', disables the Shifting Sundial. disable-time-changer=false } # PneumaticCraft: Repressurized pneumaticcraft { # If 'true', disables Pneumatic Helmet hacking disable-hacking=false } # Primitive Mobs primitive-mobs { # If 'true', fixes NullPointerException caused by MessagePrimitiveJumping networking=false # If 'true', fixes (Sponge only). traveling-merchant=false } # Primitive Crafting primitivecrafting { # If 'true', fixes item spawn packet exploit. packet-exploit=false } # Project Red project-red { # If 'true', fixes gates-pull-wrong-signals=true # If 'true', fixes item spawn packet exploit. packet-exploit=true } # Pyrotech pyrotech { # If 'true', fixes item handling in TileActivePile which is incompatible with Sponge tile-active-pile-sponge=false } # Quantum Minecraft Dynamics qmd { # If 'true', fixes NullPointerException caused by getTileInventory tile-inventory=false } # Quark quark { # If 'true', disables Improved Sleeping Module. improved-sleeping=false } # Random Things randomthings { # If 'true', disables Eclipsed Clock disable-eclipsed-clock=false } # Real Filing Cabinet realfilingcabinet { # If 'true', fixes item duplication item-duplication=false } # Ruins (Structure Spawning System) ruins { # If 'true', disables ruins debugging messages. message-spam=false } # SpongeForge / SpongeVanilla sponge { # If 'true', catches an IllegalStateException thrown by Sponge. advancement-initialized=false # If 'true', disables inventory debugging messages. inventory-debug=false # If 'true', prevents or deletes any items that attempt to teleport across dimensions. item-teleport=false # Don't prevent these items from teleporting. item-teleport-whitelist=[ "draconicevolution:ender_energy_manipulator" ] # If 'true', prevents StackOverflow on writeToNBT. tile-entity-stack-overflow=false } # Storage Network storage-network { # If 'true', fixes item spawn packet exploit. packet-exploit=false } # Tinkers' Evolution tconevo { # If 'true', fixes unintended upgrading of Draconic Modifiers draconic-upgrade=false # If 'true', fixes NoClassDefFoundError with Redstone Repository redstone-repository=false } # Tinkers Construct tconstruct { # If 'true', prevents LevelAspects from exceeding the maximum level clamp-level-aspect=false # If 'true', fixes magnetic trait voiding items magnetic-void=false # If 'true', fixes item duplication when renaming items in the Tool Forge text-sync=false } # Thaumic Wonders thaumicwonders { # If 'true', prevents the Meteorb Action from changing the weather. meteorb-action=false # If 'true', prevents the Timewinder Action from changing the time. timewinder-action=false } # Tomb Many Graves tomb-many-graves { # If 'true', disables TombManyGraves functionality. functionality=false } # Topography topography { # If 'true', disables onDimensionChange event. dimension-change=false } # Totemic totemic { # If 'true', prevents the Rain Dance Ceremony from changing the weather. rain-dance-ceremony=false } # Vaultopic - Early Inventory Management vaultopic { # If 'true', fixes NullPointerException in Projector::loadMatrixes. load-matrixes=false # If 'true', processes VTOpenVice and VTRecipe packets on the Main Thread packet-handling=false } # Hearth Well wolforce { # If 'true', fixes inventory handling in BlockGraftingTray which is incompatible with Sponge block-grafting-tray-sponge=false } }