#A list of class:method strings (render methods) that the dark shader will not be applied to. #Each string consists of the class and the method (or any substring) to block the dark shader. #For example, 'renderHunger' is sufficient to block 'net.minecraftforge.client.gui.overlay.ForgeGui:renderFood' (either will work). METHOD_SHADER_BLACKLIST = ["mezz.jei.common.render.FluidTankRenderer:drawTextureWithMasking", "mezz.jei.library.render.FluidTankRenderer:drawTextureWithMasking", "renderCrosshair", "m_93080_", "net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.TitleScreen", "renderSky", "m_202423_", "renderHotbar", "m_93009_", "m_193837_", "setupOverlayRenderState", "net.minecraftforge.client.gui.overlay.ForgeGui", "renderFood", "squeek.appleskin.client.HUDOverlayHandler", "renderExperienceBar", "m_93071_", "configured.client.screen.ListMenuScreen", "OnlineServerEntry:drawIcon", "OnlineServerEntry:m_99889_", "WorldSelectionList$WorldListEntry:render", "WorldSelectionList$WorldListEntry:m_6311_", "CubeMap:render", "CubeMap:m_108849_", "squeek.appleskin.client.HUDOverlayHandler", "shadows.packmenu.ExtendedMenuScreen"] #Enabling this config will (every 5 seconds) dump which methods were used to render GUIs that the dark shader was applied to #The dump will consist of a list of class:method strings, e.g. 'net.minecraftforge.client.gui.overlay.ForgeGui:renderFood' #Use this feature to help find the render method strings of GUIs you would like to blacklist. METHOD_SHADER_DUMP = false ["Main Menu Button"] #Enabled SHOW = true #Pixels away from the left of the GUI in the x axis #Range: > 0 MAIN_X = 4 #Pixels away from the bottom of the GUI in the y axis #Range: > 0 MAIN_Y = 40 ["Inventory Button"] #Pixels away from the left of the GUI in the x axis #Range: > 0 X = 32 #Pixels away from the bottom of the GUI in the y axis #Range: > 0 Y = 2