language.region=US language.code=en_US # Miscellaneous strings # -- Updater strings. Please try to keep these to one line if possible. magicbees.versioning.newVersion=A new version of Magic Bees is available: %s magicbees.versioning.critical=Magic Bees has a critical update ready: %s - Please update! magicbees.versioning.clickDownload=Click to open the Download page. Hover for update info. magicbees.config.category.general=General magicbees.config.category.general.tooltip=General mod configs magicbees.config.category.debug=Debug magicbees.config.category.debug.tooltip=디버깅 또는 정보 메시지를 활성화하는 옵션 magicbees.config.category.modules=모듈 magicbees.config.category.modules.tooltip=Options to enable or disable integration magicbees.config.category.botania=Botania magicbees.config.category.botania.tooltip=Botania integration options # -- Mysterious Magnet levels misc.level=Level %s misc.magnetActive=%s - Active misc.magnetInactive=%s - Inactive #Items of Jelly Babies Scoop Scoop Grafter Grafter Magnet Moon Dial Scoop Grafter's Bee Ring #Tiles Collector's Jar Apiary Apiary Booster's Drainer Apiary Booster Hive Hive Hive Hive Hive Hive Earth #Combs comb.mundane=평범한 벌집 comb.molten=녹아내린 벌집 comb.occult=신비로운 벌집 comb.otherworldly=Otherworldy Comb comb.transmuted=변화하는 벌집 comb.paper=Papery Comb comb.soul=영혼 벌집 comb.furtive=Furtive Comb comb.aware=Memory Comb comb.time=Temporal Comb comb.forgotten=Forgotten Comb comb.air=Windy Comb Comb comb.water=Watery Comb Comb comb.TCair=Glittering Windy Comb comb.TCfire=Glittering Firey Comb comb.TCwater=Glittering Watery Comb comb.TCearth=Glittering Earthy Comb comb.TCorder=Glittering Ordered Comb comb.TCchaos=Glittering Entropic Comb comb.essence=Essence Comb comb.potent=Potent Comb comb.TEcarbon=Carbon Comb comb.TEelectric=Electric Comb comb.TElux=Lux Comb comb.TEendearing=Endearing Comb #Waxes wax.magic=Magic Wax wax.soul=Soulful Wax wax.amnesic=Amnesic Wax #Drops drop.enchanting=Enchanting Drop drop.intellect=Intellect Drop drop.destabilized=Destabilized Drop drop.carbon=Carbon Drop drop.lux=Lux Drop drop.endearing=Endearing Drop #Pollens pollen.unusual=Unusual Pollen pollen.phased=Phased Pollen #Nuggets nugget.iron=Iron Nugget nugget.steel=Steel Nugget nugget.copper=Copper Nugget nugget.tin=Tin Nugget nugget.silver=Silver Nugget nugget.lead=Lead Nugget nugget.diamond=Diamond Shard nugget.emerald=Emerald Shard nugget.apatite=Apatite Shard #Propolises propolis.dull=Ordered Propolis propolis.air=Breezey Propolis Propolis propolis.water=Flowing Propolis Propolis propolis.magic=Chaotic Propolis propolis.unstable=Unstable Propolis #Misc resources resource.fragment=Lore Fragment resource.lump=Aromatic Lump resource.fertilizer=Concentrated Compound resource.skullChip=Wither Skeleton Bone Chip resource.skullFragment=Wither Skeleton Skull Fragment resource.dragonDust=Draconic Dust resource.dragonChunk=Draconic Chunk resource.essenceLife=Essence of False Life resource.essenceDeath=Essence of a Shallow Grave resource.essenceTime=Essence of Lost Time resource.essenceDurability=Essence of Everlasting Durability resource.essenceOblivion=Essence of Scornful Oblivion resource.essenceMutable=Essence of Fickle Permanence resource.TCairDust=Air Infused Dust resource.TCfireDust=Fire Infused Dust resource.TCwaterDust=Water Infused Dust resource.TCearthDust=Earth Infused Dust resource.TCorderDust=Order Infused Dust resource.TCchaosDust=Chaos Infused Dust resource.dimensionalSingularity=Dimensional Singularity resource.startNode=Bees and Magic resource.crystalAspect=Crystalized %s Aspect #Frames Frame Frame Frame Frame Frame Frame Frame Artus Frame of Frenzy Frame #Capsules capsule.magic=%s Magic Capsule capsule.void=%s Void Capsule #Liquids liquid.=Empty liquid.water=Water liquid.lava=Lava liquid.biomass=Biomass liquid.bioethanol=Bioethanol liquid.oil=Oil liquid.fuel=Fuel liquid.seedoil=Seed Oil liquid.honey=Honey liquid.juice=Juice liquid.milk=Milk liquid.acid=Acid liquid.poison=Poison liquid.liquidnitrogen=Liquid Nitrogen liquid.liquiddna=Liquid DNA liquid.creosote=Creosote Oil liquid.steam=Steam Redstone liquid.glowstone=Energized Glowstone liquid.ender=Resonant Ender liquid.pyrotheum=Blazing Pyrotheum liquid.cryotheum=Gelid Cryotheum liquid.mana=Primal Mana liquid.coal=Liquifacted Coal #Moondial & Mutation moon phase conditions moon.full=Full Moon moon.gibbousWaning=Waning Gibbous moon.gibbousWaxing=Waxing Gibbous moon.halfWaning=Waning Half moon.halfWaxing=Waxing Half moon.crescentWaning=Waning Crescent moon.crescentWaxing=Waxing Crescent Moon # Alternate moon names for languages that require a different kind of localization. Remove # to activate. # If missing, will fall back on the non-alternate versions. #moon.alt.full= #moon.alt.gibbousWaning= #moon.alt.gibbousWaxing= #moon.alt.halfWaning= #moon.alt.halfWaxing= #moon.alt.crescentWaning= #moon.alt.crescentWaxing= #Backpack backpack.thaumaturge=Thaumaturge's Backpack #Itemgroups itemGroup.magicBees=Magic Bees #Botania flowers; Lexicon entries nearer the end. tile.botania:flower.beegonia.lore=We won't bee seeing you any more... tile.botania:flower.hiveacynth.lore=In a Morvelaira's Garden tile.botania:flower.hibeescus.lore=The puns may sting a bit #Research research.requiresBlock=Requires a foundation of %s research.requiresPhase=Occurs between the %s and %s research.requiresPhaseSingle=During the %s research.bonusPhase=Better success between the %s and %s. research.bonusPhaseSingle=Better success during the %s. research.requiresNode=Only occurs when a node is near research.requiresNodeSpecific=Only occurs within influence of a %s node research.requiresBiome=Occurs within a %s biome research.requiresNight=Only occurs after sundown research.node.pure=Pure research.node.dark=Dark research.node.chaotic=Chaotic research.block.crystals=Crystal Cluster #Blood Magic Compat tc.research_name.MB_BloodFrame=Sanguis Artus tc.research_text.MB_BloodFrame=Welcome, honored guest. To the birthplace of our Dynasty! tc.research_name.MB_FrenziedFrame=Maddening Frame of Frenzy tc.research_text.MB_FrenziedFrame=May chaos take the world! May chaos take the world! frenziedFrame.1=You don't know how it came to you... madness, is it not?
You remember yourself swearing to others that you heard some kind of voice in the back of your mind, almost silently... screaming? You can vaguely remember its ghastly call, screaming for you to burn the world in the purifying flames of chaos.
You took it into your hands, and you distinctly remember feeling the chaotic energies burning through your body, singeing your very mind in its fire.

But... surely you didn't, that would be madness after all... bloodFrame.1=You feel a shiver pulse through your very soul as you hold this frame. You feel... horrified.
You aren't quite sure what you created while you were entranced in a blood-enraged frenzy, but you can only watch in abject terror as your bees slowly crumble before your very eyes, only to be replaced in a flash by grotesque simulacrum.
You almost swear you can see it... beating? As if somehow it were alive?
But... surely not, that would be madness after all... #Species magicbees.speciesMystical=Mystical magicbees.speciesMystical.description=Common in many parts of the world, these bees have a little extra whimsy about them.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesSorcerous=Sorcerous magicbees.speciesSorcerous.description=Fond of warm, dry environments, they seem to have the ability to conjure water from thin air.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesUnusual=Unusual magicbees.speciesUnusual.description="A curious specimen for my collection!"|Junior Apiarist magicbees.speciesAttuned=Attuned magicbees.speciesAttuned.description=They fly as though guided by unseen threads through the air.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesEldritch=Eldritch magicbees.speciesEldritch.description=The potential that was locked within this bee's ancestors has now come to the fore.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesEsoteric=Esoteric magicbees.speciesEsoteric.description=An unusual crossbreed which seems to have magical properties.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesMysterious=Mysterious magicbees.speciesMysterious.description=These bees have been to the end of the world and back, and their power has grown.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesArcane=Arcane magicbees.speciesArcane.description="Their produce is charged with magic."|Azanor, Master Thaumaturge magicbees.speciesCharmed=Charmed magicbees.speciesCharmed.description=Your first experiments in Thaumaturgical Apiculture have yielded fruit. Buzzing fruit.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesEnchanted=Enchanted magicbees.speciesEnchanted.description=Successive generations of Charmed bees have reinforced their connection to the unknown.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesSupernatural=Supernatural magicbees.speciesSupernatural.description=These bees walk the line between this world and the unseen.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesEthereal=Ethereal magicbees.speciesEthereal.description=Ghostly, and charged with energy from beyond.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesWatery=Watery magicbees.speciesWatery.description=Fond of damp spots and flowing water.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesEarthen=Earthen magicbees.speciesEarthen.description=They have an iron-strong connection with stone and dirt.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesFirey=Firey magicbees.speciesFirey.description=As close as you can get to living flame without involving candescence.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesWindy=Windy magicbees.speciesWindy.description=Rarely seen in flat, wide open spaces. Their territories are vast.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesPupil=Pupil magicbees.speciesPupil.description="What does that bee want with my paper?!"|Yorae, Librarian magicbees.speciesScholarly=Scholarly magicbees.speciesScholarly.description="I can't be sure, but I think they might be smarter than me..."|Yorae, Librarian magicbees.speciesSavant=Savant magicbees.speciesSavant.description=lim(x^(i / pi)/ log(e * 7 - ln(32/x^-pi))). Solve for honey.|Note found on Yorae's desk magicbees.speciesAware=Aware magicbees.speciesAware.description="They can see into your soul!"|Florastar, Expert Beekeeper magicbees.speciesSpirit=Spirit magicbees.speciesSpirit.description=It is said these bees are able to contact the dead.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesSoul=Soul magicbees.speciesSoul.description="The Dread Pirate Roberts has come for your SOOOOOOULS!"|Dread Pirate Roberts magicbees.speciesSkulking=Skulking magicbees.speciesSkulking.description=These bees have become xenophobic and bad-tempered. Use caution.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesGhastly=Ghastly magicbees.speciesGhastly.description="*sigh*... Really, Myst?"|Taveria, irritated Apiarist magicbees.speciesSpidery=Spidery magicbees.speciesSpidery.description=Spiderbee; n. Does whatever a spider-bee does.|Unknown magicbees.speciesSmouldering=Smouldering magicbees.speciesSmouldering.description=The Skulking bees have become alight with the fire of the ever-burning Blazes.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesBigBad=Big Bad magicbees.speciesBigBad.description="Who is afraid of the Big Bad Chris?"|Pahimar, last words magicbees.speciesTCBrainy=Brainy magicbees.speciesTCBrainy.description=Their combs may be fetid and foul-smelling, but their intelligence is well-developed.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTCBatty=Batty magicbees.speciesTCBatty.description=They tend to attract bats to their hives through means unknown.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTCChicken=Poultry magicbees.speciesTCChicken.description="Cluck. Cluck cluck! ... You heard me."|Confused bee magicbees.speciesTCBeef=Beefy magicbees.speciesTCBeef.description="Moo, moo, moo. Wait, what?"|Confused bee magicbees.speciesTCPork=Porcine magicbees.speciesTCPork.description="Oink, oink. Er.... bzzz?"|Confused bee magicbees.speciesSheepish=Sheepish magicbees.speciesSheepish.description="Baa baaaazzzzz bzzz"|Confused bee magicbees.speciesCatty=Catty magicbees.speciesCatty.description="Purr purr meowwwzzzzz"|Confused bee magicbees.speciesHorse=Neighsayer magicbees.speciesHorse.description="Nay! I mean Neigh."|Confused bee magicbees.speciesTimely=Timely magicbees.speciesTimely.description="An apiarist is never late. He arrives precisely when he means to!"|Sengir, Mad Apiarist magicbees.speciesLordly=Lordly magicbees.speciesLordly.description=They live in peace, within the sight of the Eye of Harmony|Tattered Remains of ancient Apinomicon magicbees.speciesDoctoral=Doctoral magicbees.speciesDoctoral.description="Would you like a Jelly Baby?"|Passing stranger with a great scarf and a blue box magicbees.speciesInfernal=Infernal magicbees.speciesInfernal.description=Spawned deep within the hellish realm, none have survived long enough to determine their abilities.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesHateful=Hateful magicbees.speciesHateful.description=Continued exposure to the Nether has not improved their temperament in the least. Use caution.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesSpiteful=Spiteful magicbees.speciesSpiteful.description=They guard their territory fiercely, with the zeal of fiends, and welts of fire.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesWithering=Withering magicbees.speciesWithering.description=Their mere passing causes life to fail, slowly drawing all energy from their territory.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesOblivion=Oblivion magicbees.speciesOblivion.description=It is unclear whether these bees are native to this world, or some other.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesNameless=Nameless magicbees.speciesNameless.description="Other naturalists have refused to study these bees. I must know why."|Tattered Research Notes magicbees.speciesAbandoned=Abandoned magicbees.speciesAbandoned.description="The more I study these bees, the more I feel they do not belong here, or anywhere else."|Tattered Research Notes magicbees.speciesForlorn=Forlorn magicbees.speciesForlorn.description="I am now convinced they were left in our universe on purpose by some unknowable beings."|Tattered Research Notes magicbees.speciesDraconic=Draconic magicbees.speciesDraconic.description="With a fel sound, they erupted from their hive. That was the last we ever saw of Gerald."|Tattered Research Notes magicbees.speciesIron=Ferrous magicbees.speciesIron.description=Having absorbed some of the base metal, these bees can concentrate the essence of iron from the region.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesGold=Auric magicbees.speciesGold.description=Not all that glitters is gold.|Ancient Aphorism magicbees.speciesCopper=Cuprum magicbees.speciesCopper.description=A base metal common in many applications; these bees are helpful for resource-starved magicians.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTin=Stannum magicbees.speciesTin.description=While metalic, these bees are suprisingly fragile.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesSilver=Argentum magicbees.speciesSilver.description=While they do not recieve as much attention as Golden bees, they are nonetheless valuable.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesLead=Plumbum magicbees.speciesLead.description=A favourite of amateur alchemists, they believe they can transform these bees into gold.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesAluminum=Aluminum magicbees.speciesAluminum.description=Crinkly, shiny, and extremely malleable.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesArdite=Ardite magicbees.speciesArdite.description=Fond of yellowish-orange material found in hellish areas.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesCobalt=Cobalt magicbees.speciesCobalt.description=The unstable properties of this material seem to not affect the bees in the slightest.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesManyullyn=Manyullyn magicbees.speciesManyullyn.description="Doot doo-dee-doot doot!" magicbees.speciesSilicon=Silicon magicbees.speciesSilicon.description="Not to be confused with Silicone bees, AKA the Boo Bees!"|Myrathi, Wearer of Headpants magicbees.speciesCertus=Certus magicbees.speciesCertus.description=The OTHER kind of Quartz, slightly bluer, but no less valuable.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesFluix=Fluix magicbees.speciesFluix.description=Fusing properties of Redstone, Nether Quartz and Certus Quartz, the Fluix crystal itself is unusual, unstable, and volatile if struck with TNT.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesDiamond=Diamandi magicbees.speciesDiamond.description=Crystalline, glittering, and harder than dragon's teeth. These bees are none of those.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesEmerald=Esmeraldi magicbees.speciesEmerald.description=It is said they have been to a land ruled by a Great Wizard, and have taken the aspect of his city.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesApatite=Apatine magicbees.speciesApatite.description=Day and night the whining droned on. I barricaded the windows and hid in the cellar, but everywhere the high-pitched noise of the apatine bees penetrated the walls and drove me to distraction.|Beekeeping 101 magicbees.speciesMutable=Mutable magicbees.speciesMutable.description=Changeable in nature, mercurial in personality.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTransmuting=Transmuting magicbees.speciesTransmuting.description="I could've sworn this was made out of stone yesterday!"|Sengir, Mad Apiarist magicbees.speciesCrumbling=Crumbling magicbees.speciesCrumbling.description=They have a corrosive effect on their surroundings, rapidly aging them.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesInvisible=Invisible magicbees.speciesInvisible.description=Easy to miss, their glassy body is difficult to spot in the countryside.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTCAir=Aer magicbees.speciesTCAir.description="They work so fast it's breathtaking."|Sengir, Mad Apiarist magicbees.speciesTCFire=Ignis magicbees.speciesTCFire.description=Caution: Contents of hive extremely hot.|Warning label on Azanor's apiary magicbees.speciesTCWater=Aqua magicbees.speciesTCWater.description="I tried to breed them once, but that was a wash."|MysteriousAges, Apprentice Thaumaturge magicbees.speciesTCEarth=Solum magicbees.speciesTCEarth.description="You're really gonna dig these bees, but watch out - they bore quite easily."|MysteriousAges, Apprentice Comedian magicbees.speciesTCOrder=Ordered magicbees.speciesTCOrder.description=Their combs are nearly perfect, each part mirroring the pattern of the whole.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTCChaos=Chaotic magicbees.speciesTCChaos.description=The social structure of their hives seems to vary day by day, making it more flexible and resillient than others, but significantly more unpredictable.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTCEssentia=Essentia magicbees.speciesTCEssentia.description="Why spam Essentia Condensers when you can just use bees?"|Quantumly, Condenser Enjoyer magicbees.speciesTCVis=Vis magicbees.speciesTCVis.description="They can feel changes in the aura, but are not yet able to affect it."|Azanor, research notes magicbees.speciesTCRejuvenating=Rejuvenating magicbees.speciesTCRejuvenating.description=The hum of the hive is magical, and over time is absorbed by nearby nodes.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTCEmpowering=Empowering magicbees.speciesTCEmpowering.description=So charged with aura are they, that nodes seem to wax in their presence.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTCNexus=Nexus magicbees.speciesTCNexus.description=Spoken only of in hushed whispers, their abilities to pass through nodes into the other side is scoffed at as imagined and fantasy.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTCFlux=Flux magicbees.speciesTCFlux.description="I thought they would help clean up, but it only makes things worse!"|Kreicus, Apprentice Thaumaturge magicbees.speciesTCPure=Pure magicbees.speciesTCPure.description="It's like a bee janitor!"|MysteriousAges, Thaumaturge magicbees.speciesTCHungry=Ravening magicbees.speciesTCHungry.description=It is unknown how the bees take raw essence from the nodes and what they do with it, but the process eventually transforms the node into a terrifying vortex.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTCVoid=Void # Description is gibberish; don't bother translating. <3 magicbees.speciesTCVoid.description=§kNeque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit|????? magicbees.speciesTCWispy=Wispy magicbees.speciesTCWispy.description=Their language is garbled and unintelligible. It is probable they are speaking to unnatural beings.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesEEMinium=Minium magicbees.speciesEEMinium.description=It may be possible to exploit their mercurial and changeable nature.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesAMEssence=Essence magicbees.speciesAMEssence.description=Drawing from motes of dust in the air and ground, they concentrate the energy magicbees.speciesAMQuintessence=Quintessential magicbees.speciesAMQuintessence.description=The heart of magic lies dormant in all things.|Apinomicon, preface magicbees.speciesAMEarth=Terrestric magicbees.speciesAMEarth.description=Empowered by the Earth, their produce is infused with its essence.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesAMAir=Aiolic magicbees.speciesAMAir.description=Swift as the wind, and lighter than air.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesAMFire=Igneous magicbees.speciesAMFire.description=Their colony can reach temperatures that boil water and melt metals.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesAMWater=Aqueous magicbees.speciesAMWater.description=Through prolonged exposure to liquids, their combs are quite wet and heavy.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesAMLightning=Fulguric magicbees.speciesAMLightning.description=They can travel vast distances in a blink, and are known for starting many wildfires.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesAMPlant=Fruticic magicbees.speciesAMPlant.description=They have an affinity for all that is green and grows.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesAMIce=Glacic magicbees.speciesAMIce.description="They keep stealing stuff from me, and I never see them. They're far too slippery."|MysteriousAges, incorrigible punster magicbees.speciesAMMagma=Magmatic magicbees.speciesAMMagma.description=As they fly by, they sear the surface of the landscape, eventually scouring all plants and fragile minerals away.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesAMArcane=Arcane magicbees.speciesAMArcane.description="Curious creatures, though their produce is quite useful."|Mithion, Adept magicbees.speciesAMVortex=Vortex magicbees.speciesAMVortex.description=Ravenous for mana, they may be dangerous for any caster.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesAMWight=Wight magicbees.speciesAMWight.description="They attract magical spirits; not always docile."|Mithion, Adept magicbees.speciesTEBlizzy=Blizzy magicbees.speciesTEBlizzy.description=Frigid and cold, like miniature snowmen.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTEGelid=Gelid magicbees.speciesTEGelid.description=Liquid coolant producers.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTEDante=Dante magicbees.speciesTEDante.description=Mixing bees in an inferno produces surprising results.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTEPyro=Pyro magicbees.speciesTEPyro.description=You Monster.|Everyone, to you. magicbees.speciesTEShocking=Shocking magicbees.speciesTEShocking.description=Their hives attract static charge through an unknown mechanism. Use caution when collecting combs.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTEAmped=Amped magicbees.speciesTEAmped.description="They're really excited. Like, CRAZY excited. You'd have to measure it in terms of electric current, that's how excited they are."|Marquis Muskrat magicbees.speciesTEGrounded=Grounded magicbees.speciesTEGrounded.description=They have an affinity for music, especially of the variety with electric guitars and screamed vocals.|Apinomiconl magicbees.speciesTERocking=Rockin' magicbees.speciesTERocking.description=[guitar solo] magicbees.speciesTEElectrum=Electrum magicbees.speciesTEElectrum.description=The best of both precious metals, but somehow greater than both.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTEPlatinum=Platinum magicbees.speciesTEPlatinum.description=Precious, malleable, and unbelieveably shiny.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTENickel=Nickel magicbees.speciesTENickel.description="If I had a Nickel every time I've heard that... I'd have a hive!"|Marquis Muskrat magicbees.speciesTEInvar=Invar magicbees.speciesTEInvar.description="The coefficient of thermal expansion is quite low. Also, it's a pun!"|Marquis Muskrat magicbees.speciesTEBronze=Bronzed magicbees.speciesTEBronze.description="I love these bees so much, I had them preserved for later."|Marquis Muskrat magicbees.speciesTECoal=Carbon magicbees.speciesTECoal.description="Geeze, these ones are a CARBON copy of the ones in Extra Bees!"|Marquis Muskrat magicbees.speciesTEDestabilized=Destabilized magicbees.speciesTEDestabilized.description=These bees started out unstable; they didn't get better with time.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTELux=Lux magicbees.speciesTELux.description="Let there be light!"|Marquis Muskrat magicbees.speciesTEWinsome=Winsome magicbees.speciesTEWinsome.description="I like these ones, they're so adorable!"|Jadedcat, maker of packs magicbees.speciesTEEndearing=Endearing magicbees.speciesTEEndearing.description="Hypnotic powers and vicious temperment aside, these bees are the cutest!"|Jadedcat, maker of packs magicbees.speciesTESignalus=Signalus magicbees.speciesTESignalus.description=These bees are their own security measures.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesTELumius=Lumius magicbees.speciesTELumius.description=Bearing more resemblance to fireflies than bees, this species literally glows.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesRSAFluxed=Fluxed magicbees.speciesRSAFluxed.description="What? Bees are OP."|Marquis Muskrat magicbees.speciesBotRooted=Rooted magicbees.speciesBotRooted.description="If you square these bees, they won't be rooted anymore."|MysteriousAges, bad at math jokes magicbees.speciesBotBotanic=Botanic magicbees.speciesBotBotanic.description=Infused with mystical life, they propogate mystical flowers.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesBotBlossom=Blossom magicbees.speciesBotBlossom.description=The mere presence of these bees encourages buds to flower faster.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesBotFloral=Floral magicbees.speciesBotFloral.description=They love flowers so much, they pratically bring the blossoms back to the hive.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesBotVazbee=Vazbee magicbees.speciesBotVazbee.description=This isn't a cosplay bee!|Lexica Botania magicbees.speciesBotSomnolent=Somnolent magicbees.speciesBotSomnolent.description=Slow and sluggish, they work slowly compared to most other species.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesBotDreaming=Dreaming magicbees.speciesBotDreaming.description=These bees spend an inordinate time inactive and asleep; there is no way to know what they dream of.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesBotAlfheim=Alfheim magicbees.speciesBotAlfheim.description=They recall their time in Alfheim, and yearn for a world infused with mana, and seek to make it so.|Apinomicon magicbees.speciesAESkystone=Skystone magicbees.speciesAESkystone.description=Born of the union of the Earth and the Sky, falling to the ground, wreathed in flame.|Apinomicon magicbees.species= magicbees.species.description= magicbees.speedBlinding=Blinding magicbees.effectCurative=Cleansing binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectCurative.desc=Removes negative effects from players magicbees.effectDigSpeed=채굴 binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectDigSpeed.desc=Causes players to dig faster magicbees.effectMoveSpeed=Swiftness binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectMoveSpeed.desc=Causes players to move faster magicbees.effectSlowSpeed=Time Warp binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectSlowSpeed.desc=May cause nausea as players travel through time distortions magicbees.effectWithering=Withering binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectWithering.desc=Curses nearby players with wasting sickness magicbees.effectTransmuting=Transmuting binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectTransmuting.desc=Transforms materials depending on many factors magicbees.effectCrumbling=Crumbling binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectCrumbling.desc=Causes hard materials to become softer ones magicbees.effectInvisibility=Invsbl. binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectInvisiblility.desc=Turns players invisible magicbees.effectVisRecharge=Recharging binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectVisRecharge.desc=Recharges nearby Aura Nodes magicbees.effectNodeEmpower=Empowering binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectNodeEmpower.desc=Overcharges nearby Aura Nodes permanently magicbees.effectNodeRepair=Magnification binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectNodeRepair.desc=Makes Aura Nodes more vibrant magicbees.effectNodeTainting=Tainting binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectNodeTainting.desc=Pollutes Aura Nodes magicbees.effectNodePurifying=Purifying binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectNodePurifying.desc=Purifies Aura Nodes magicbees.effectNodeRavening=Ravening binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectNodeRavening.desc=Starves Aura Nodes, changing their nature in an unusual way magicbees.effectBrainy=Brainy binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectBrainy.desc=Randomly spawns strong zombies magicbees.effectBatty=Batty binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectBatty.desc=Randomly spawns Bats magicbees.effectWispy=Wispy binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectWispy.desc=Randomly spawns Wisps magicbees.effectGhastly=Ghastly binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectGhastly.desc=Randomly spawns ghasts magicbees.effectSpidery=Spidery binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectSpidery.desc=Randomly spawns spiders magicbees.effectAblaze=Ablaze binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectAblaze.desc=Randomly spawns blazes magicbees.effectCanine=Howling binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectCanine.desc=Randomly spawns wolves magicbees.effectManaDrainer=Vortex binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectManaDrainer.desc=Randomly spawns mana creepers magicbees.effectAMWisp=Spiritual binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectAMWisp.desc=Randomly spawns spirits magicbees.effectTEBlizzy=Blizzy binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectTEBlizzy.desc=Randomly spawns Blizzes magicbees.effectTEBlitz=Blitzy binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectTEBlitz.desc=Randomly spawns Blitzes magicbees.effectTEBasalz=Basalzy binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectTEBasalz.desc=Randomly spawns Basalzes magicbees.effectDreaming=Dreaming binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectDreaming.desc=Transforms mundane materials into Botannical ones magicbees.effectPorcine=Porcine binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectPorcine.desc=Causes pigs to appear. magicbees.effectBovine=Bovine binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectBovine.desc=Attracts cows. magicbees.effectChicken=Plucky binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectChicken.desc=Attracts chickens. magicbees.effectSheep=Wooly binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectSheep.desc=Manufactures wool farms. magicbees.effectCatty=Catty binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectCatty.desc=Causes cats to gather. magicbees.effectHorse=Neighsayer binniecore.allele.magicbees.effectHorse.desc=Causes horses to appear. flowerProvider.magic=Thaumic Flowers flowerProvider.arsmagica=Exotic Flowers flowerProvider.node=Node flowerProvider.botania=Mystical Flowers classification.veiled=Veiled classification.veiled.description=The curious species found scattered through the world may have abilities beyond one's reasoning.|Apinomicon classification.arcane=Arcane classification.arcane.description=These bees have inexplicable affinity for magic.|Apinomicon classification.supernatural=Supernatural classification.supernatural.description=No longer ordinary bees, they have been associated with many odd occurances.|Apinomicon classification.scholarly=Scholarly classification.scholarly.description=The caste of bees which have great intellect and deductive ability.|Apinomicon classification.skulking=Skulking classification.skulking.description=Unpleasant and malicious. Treat this group with caution.|Apinomicon classification.magic=Aware classification.magic.description=It is unclear whether they are sentient, but they have suprising awareness of their surroundings.|Apinomicon classification.time=Time classification.time.description=Though clever use of time travel, these bees accomplish twice as much in one day.|Apinomicon classification.soul=Soulful classification.soul.description=It would be eerie to think that they collected the souls of the deceased.|Apinomicon classification.abominable=Abominable classification.abominable.description=Spawned in the firey depths of the Nether, there is nothing pleasant about these creatures.|Apinomicon classification.Extrinsic=Extrinsic classification.Extrinsic.description=It is unknown whether these creatures gave rise to the family Apidae in this universe, or if these evolved seperately.|Apinomicon classification.metallic=Metallic classification.metallic.description=They collect fragments of metal and combine them into larger portions.|Apinomicon classification.gem=Gem classification.gem.description=They collect fragments of precious gems in their combs.|Apinomicon classification.transmuting=Polymorphic classification.transmuting.description=Reality seems to be somewhat volatile around bees of this family.|Apinomicon classification.thaumic=Thaumic classification.thaumic.description=These bees have an increased affinity to magic and aura.|Apinomicon classification.fleshy=Fleshy classification.fleshy.description=Through an unknown mechanism, these bees accrue chunks of animal flesh. Somehow, it's still edible.|Apinomicon classification.alchemical=Alchemical classification.alchemical.description=These bees have a changeable nature.|Apinomicon classification.essential=Essential classification.essential.description=These bees have an increased affinity for aspected magic.|Apinomicon classification.botanical=Botanical classification.botanical.description=A peculiar variant of mundane bees, they seem to have a hightened affinity for flowers.|Apinomicon tc.aspect.tempus=Time, Moment, Eternity tc.research_category.MAGICBEES=Apimancy tc.research_name.MB_Root=Apimancy tc.research_text.MB_Root=Adding some sparkle to your buzz. tc.research_page.MB_Root.1=Welcome to Apimancy! As a budding keeper of magical bees, there are a few things you should know before diving in. As your acceptance letter to the Academy of Austere Apimancers has mentioned, there are several new tools available to discover. These include some improved versions of Forestry tools, each with their own particular quirks and new frames for your apiaries. You may also discover that there are new bee strains available to discover, if you can coax them to live in certain conditions. The Forestry Escritoire will help you discover them and become the envy tc.research_page.MB_Root.2=of your former, nonmagical colleagues. Also take note of the several new strains of wild bees that have appeared: these are the key to progressing into the magical lineages of your small winged charges. tc.research_name.MB_LoreFragment=Lore Fragments tc.research_text.MB_LoreFragment=Research? More like BEEsearch! tc.research_page.MB_LoreFragment.1=While experimenting with bee breeds, you may run accross a strain whose intellectual capabilities are a match for your own. Well, maybe, however unlikely that is. It's possible that they may unearth some obscure reference or a snippet of information that your great intellect may have missed while exploiting the greater mysteries of the universe.
Should your helpful buzzing friends happen to locate this sort of item for you, it may be possible to combine the scraps together into something a little more cohesive. tc.research_name.MB_FrameMagic=Magic Frame tc.research_text.MB_FrameMagic=Putting magic into beekeeping contexts tc.research_page.MB_FrameMagic.1=The Magic Frame is a simple improvement over your regular, run-of-the-mill Untreated Frames. Still fairly simple to produce, it is capable of lasting three times longer in an apiary than Untreated Frames before becoming unuseable. The enchantable properties of the Magic Frame enable it to be used with several of the special essences involved in Apimancy where other frames would reject the infusion of magics. tc.research_name.MB_Scoop=Thaumium Scoop tc.research_text.MB_Scoop=Handled with care. tc.research_page.MB_Scoop.1=Normal scoops are fragile, and prone to breakage. As an authority in Apimancy, you can do better. By adding some Thaumium to the handle, and lacing it with a measure of order, your new scoop will last up to three times longer!
In addition, the Thaumium in the device will accept the Repair enchantment. tc.research_name.MB_Grafter=Thaumium Grafter tc.research_text.MB_Grafter=Saplings for every occasion. tc.research_page.MB_Grafter.1=Simple grafters are almost uselessly fragile, and while Proven Grafters are useful, the rarity of emeralds makes them annoying to procure. The solution? Make it yourself!
The Thaumium Grafter, like the Thaumium Scoop, is a tougher, enchantable version of the most basic of the Arborimancer's tools. Use caution though, for although the Repair enchantment can be applied to the grafter, its unusual properties make it exhausting to use. tc.research_name.MB_EssenceLife=Essence of False Life tc.research_text.MB_EssenceLife=A rose by any other name. . . tc.research_page.MB_EssenceLife.1=Simple to create by means of magic, this essence has unusual properties when exposed to bees. When combined with an everyday apiary frame, it has the effect of greatly extending the lifespan of a working hive. tc.research_name.MB_EssenceDeath=Essence of a Shallow Grave tc.research_text.MB_EssenceDeath=Not quite six feet under. tc.research_page.MB_EssenceDeath.1=The Essence of a Shallow Grave channels the death of many of the ... "natural" creatures that wander the world: Zombies, Skeletons, those sorts of things. Exposing bees to this energy has the effect of making them slow and sluggish, and curtails the extent of their lifespan. Some Apimancers consider using frames imbued with these Essences to be cruel, however, others view it as a natrual part of normal beekeeping, with an eye to creating their perfect strain of bees sometime within THEIR lifetime.
The Apimancer's Guild of Safety recommends handling them with telekenisis or very long tongs. tc.research_name.MB_EssenceArmor=Essence of Everlasting Durability tc.research_text.MB_EssenceArmor=The rubber to your glue tc.research_page.MB_EssenceArmor.1=This is the distilled essence of protection, bound to last forever, or until the magics stored within it weaken and eventually break. But until then, it's invincible. Mostly.
While Magic Frames are useful, they are a tad fragile. This essence takes the enchantments you weave into Magic frames to an entirely new level. Combine the essence with a magic frame, and it should have a vastly extended lifespan. tc.research_name.MB_EssenceUnstable=Essence of Fickle Permanence tc.research_text.MB_EssenceUnstable=Assured in unsurity tc.research_page.MB_EssenceUnstable.1=Unstable by nature, the Essence of Fickle Permanence has the side effect of causing normally stable objects and systems to become somewhat unreliable. While this may mostly be a bad thing, Apimancers have discovered that exposing a hive to the essence has the duel effects of both causing the bees to work faster, and the offspring to have higher mutation rates. tc.research_name.MB_EssenceTime=Essence of Lost Time tc.research_text.MB_EssenceTime=No time like the unmoment tc.research_page.MB_EssenceTime.1=Time is a fickle thing. It comes and it goes, but where exactly does it go to? As a respectable thaumaturge, it has become possible to trap these wasted moments and save them in a magical form. So, now that it is possible to collect extra time from the world, it seems only appropriate that they are used in a place that would be useful. It would be too dangerous to attempt to access these moments yourself for the moment, but perhaps it would be simple to allow your bees access to this untapped lump of time.
By combining the essence with a Magic Frame as usual will suffice to extend the lifespan of bees in your keeping by several times. tc.research_name.MB_DimensionalSingularity=Dimensional Singularity tc.research_text.MB_DimensionalSingularity=Quantum flux for them, unlimited storage for you tc.research_page.MB_DimensionalSingularity.1=While it may appear similar to the Portable Hole, it serves as a two-way link with another place, which is... probably uninhabited. It should be possible to utilize these singularities to store materials outside of your dimensional understanding - which of course means that they won't clutter up your inventory. As they are now, they are not particularly useful, but there should be ways to unlock their potential. tc.research_name.MB_EssenceOblivion=Essence of Scornful Oblivion tc.research_text.MB_EssenceOblivion=Cast aside with malice tc.research_page.MB_EssenceOblivion.1=Breeding bees for mutations can be aggrivating, especially whith long-lived species. With a little cleverness and only the slightest hint of smugness, you have found a way to utilize the Dimensional Singularity in a manner that only sucks away the life force of your tiny flying friends, bit by bit. Well, maybe significant amounts all at once. It's probably not going to affect them too badly.
It may be somewhat tricky to obtain more than one of the §5Dragon Eggs§0 nessecary to obtain more than one of these. Perhaps there is a bee species that can assist with the limitation. tc.research_name.MB_VisAuraProvider=Vis Apiary Booster tc.research_text.MB_VisAuraProvider=Vis? What about Bis? tc.research_page.MB_VisAuraProvider.1=Infusing Unusual Pollen with vis and combining it with gold creates an unusual crystal that, when fed centivis from an aura node, creates an energizing aura that bees are naturally attracted to when attuned to the environment within a Magic Apiary.§3Aqua§0 CV will double mutation rate
§8Perditio§0 CV will halve lifespan
§6Aer§0 CV will double production rate tc.research_name.MB_ApimancersDrainer=Apimancer's Drainer tc.research_text.MB_ApimancersDrainer=How long will your queen last? tc.research_page.MB_ApimancersDrainer.1=The Apimancer's Drainer is an innovative device in the field of Apimancy, designed to extract essentia from the life force of bees. It is placed beneath an apiary, establishing a direct connection with the apiary above.
To determine the type of essentia it produces, the Drainer is attuned by tapping it with the desired essentia.
Once attuned, the Drainer converts the life energy of the queen into the selected essentia... tc.research_name.MB_ScoopVoid=Void Scoop tc.research_text.MB_ScoopVoid=The dark net tc.research_page.MB_ScoopVoid.1=Void metal is a curious thing, and it's time to see what it can bring to Apimancy. Its self-regenerative properties have seeped their way into the net as well, creating a most unsettling mesh.
Hopefully it won't affect the bees too much... tc.research_name.MB_GrafterVoid=Void Grafter tc.research_text.MB_GrafterVoid=Warping Willows tc.research_page.MB_GrafterVoid.1=While there's no doubt thaumium is an excellent material, your recent discovery of void metal, and subsequent experiments have shown much promise in use as a tool material. The delicate nature of grafters, and the repairing properties of void metal look to be a promising combination.
Much like the thaumium grafter, this one seems to induce the same exhaustion. #Botania Lexicon entries magicbees.botania.lexicon.subtitle=[Magic Bees] magicbees.botania.lexicon.manasteelTools.title=Manasteel Naturalist's Tools magicbees.botania.lexicon.manasteelTools.0=Manasteel's unusual properties lends itself well to Naturalist's tools. The &1Manasteel Scoop&0 can be used to effectively harvest hives, and the &1Manasteel Grafter&0 is a durable subsitute for the generic bronze grafters. Of course, both tools have the ability to regenerate with mana. For best results, combine the tool with Living Wood. magicbees.botania.lexicon.manasteelScoop=The &1Manasteel Scoop&0 magicbees.botania.lexicon.manasteelGrafter=The &1Manasteel Grafter&0 magicbees.botania.lexicon.beeAlfheim.title=Alfheim Apimancy for &bAlfheim Drones&0 magicbees.botania.lexicon.beeAlfheim.0=&1Elven Beekeepers&0 are anxious to discover the delights of your world's bees, and are particularly interested in the &1Dreaming Drones&0 that you can provide. In return, they will trade &bAlfheim Drones&0, the only bees that exist in Alfheim. magicbees.botania.lexicon.beegonia.0=Drones are the foundation of a healthy colony's future, but really, they can start just piling up to the point where you don't know what to do with them anymore.
The &1Beegonia&0 is a solution to the problem of overcrowding! Simply toss your spare drones in their vicinity, and they will reclaim the life force within the drone and convert it into mana! They aren't terribly picky, and will magicbees.botania.lexicon.beegonia.1=produce a constant amount of mana while they work, though it does seem more "complex" bees provide more mana than mundane bees, whatever that means. magicbees.botania.lexicon.beegonia.crafting=Syncrostrike's Elegant Solution magicbees.botania.lexicon.beegonia.2=Well. It was this or &2Beenus Fly Trap&0, but that one has its own issues. magicbees.botania.lexicon.hiveacynth.0=Finding new bees for your stock can be a bit of a pain. Thankfully, we can tap into the memories of flowers to reproduce bees with up to 74% accuracy! Maybe.
The &1Hiveacynth&0 absorbs mana from a nearby mana pool, and once it has collected enough, it begins converting it into life essence and produces a bee! It seems the species is somewhat random, though only 'mundane' bees magicbees.botania.lexicon.hiveacynth.1=will ever be produced, and roughly in proportion to how they are found in the wild.
Occasionally, the flower will give itself airs, and produce a vaunted heiress rather than a vulgar drone. A redstone signal will prevent the &1Hiveacynth&0 from converting mana into life essence. magicbees.botania.lexicon.hiveacynth.crafting=> magicbees.botania.lexicon.hibeescus.0=&5이그노블&0 벌은 &2프리스틴&0 혈통만큼 유용하지만, 100세대 정도 지나면, 병들고, 쇠약해지기 시작하고, 동료 양봉가들을 질투심으로 미치게 할 탐나는 돌연변이를 일으키기 직전에, 여러분 앞에서 죽을지도 모른다는 단 하나의 결점을 가지고 있습니다. 하지만 결국 이것에 대한 해결책이 있는 것 같습니다! 충분한 마력과 시간 그리고 아주 특별한 도움으로 magicbees.botania.lexicon.hibeescus.1=&1Hibeescus&0를 곁에 두면 &5이그노블&0 야생 벌의 수많은 유전적 약점을 제거할 수 있습니다. &1Hibeescus&0는 마법을 최대 2일까지 매우 느리게 수행하기 때문에 인내심이 필수입니다.
또한 마나가 매우 많이 소모되므로 그 힘은 아껴서 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 뿌리에 레드스톤 신호를 적용하면 새로운 공주나 여왕을 흡수하는 것을 방지할 수 있습니다. magicbees.botania.lexicon.hibeescus.2=halt the genetic cleansing operation once it has begun. magicbees.botania.lexicon.hibeescus.crafting=Only for use by Spiteful people. magicbees.botania.lexicon.manaBooster.0=The Magic Apiary is a natural way to keep bees working quickly, but its a bit... limited. Thankfully, the properties of living stone and petals have a way of apparently energizing bees, making them produce more. Simply provide the &1Mana Apiary Booster&0 with a constant supply of mana, and it will keep the apiaries working efficiently. magicbees.botania.lexicon.manaBooster.crafting=Abuzz with mana!