# Configuration file donations { I:donationAmountPerMonument=500 I:donationTrackerRefreshRate=10 S:tiltifyAppToken= I:tiltifyCampaign=0 S:tiltifyCommandRun=function internaluseonly:addmonument } entity { # Should Tropicraft's hostile land mobs spawn in the overworld? B:spawnHostileTropicsLandMobsOverworld=false # Should Tropicraft's hostile water mobs spawn in the overworld? B:spawnHostileTropicsOceanMobsOverworld=false # Should Tropicraft's passive land mobs spawn in the overworld? B:spawnPassiveTropicsLandMobsOverworld=false # Should Tropicraft's passive water mobs spawn in the overworld? B:spawnPassiveTropicsOceanMobsOverworld=false } generation { # Chance of bamboo spawn. Lower values = more common [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 20] I:bambooGenChanceOverworld=20 B:genBambooInOverworld=true B:genOverworldPalmsInBeachOnly=false B:genPalmsInOverworld=true B:genPineapplesInOverworld=true B:genTropicraftEIHInOverworld=true B:genTropicraftFlowersInOverworld=true # If false, no Tropicraft generation will occur at all in the overworld. B:genTropicraftInOverworld=true # Maximum amount of bamboo in a patch in the overworld [range: 61 ~ 1001, default: 120] I:maxBambooPerPatchOverworld=120 # Maximum amount of bamboo in a patch in the tropics [range: 61 ~ 1001, default: 120] I:maxBambooPerPatchTropics=120 # Minimum amount of bamboo in a patch in the overworld [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 60] I:minBambooPerPatchOverworld=60 # Minimum amount of bamboo in a patch in the tropics [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 60] I:minBambooPerPatchTropics=60 # Should Tropicraft flowers only generate in tropical biomes in the overworld? B:onlyGenFlowersInTropicalBiomesOverworld=true I:palmChanceOfGenInOverworld=-1 I:palmPopulationFactorInOverworld=3 # How thick should the trees in rainforest biomes be? [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 2] I:rainforestThicknessAmount=2 # Chance of pineapple/iris spawn. Lower values = more common [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 3] I:tallFlowerGenChanceOverworld=3 } misc { B:allowVolcanoEruption=true S:coconutBombWhitelist < > B:enableSwimAnimation=true I:tropicsDimensionID=-127 } rainforestthicknessamount { I:generation=2 } ########################################################################################################## # ~lovetropics #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Used for the LoveTropics charity drive. ########################################################################################################## "~lovetropics" { # Amount of $ required per monument command run I:donationAmountPerMonument=500 # How often the tracker checks for new donations, in seconds I:donationTrackerRefreshRate=10 # Add a token here to enable donation tracking, leave blank to disable S:tiltifyAppToken= # The tiltify campaign to track donations from I:tiltifyCampaign=0 # Command run when donation comes in S:tiltifyCommandRun=function internaluseonly:addmonument }