# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # attributes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add attribute modifiers to entities to change their stats. Takes 4-6 values seperated by a semicolon: # Format: entity;attribute;operator;value;dimension;child # entity: entity name # attribute: attribute name (Possible attributes: generic.maxHealth, generic.followRange, generic.knockbackResistance, generic.movementSpeed, generic.flyingSpeed, generic.attackDamage, generic.attackSpeed, generic.armor, generic.armorToughness, generic.luck) # operator: operator type (0 = add, 1 = multiply and add) # value: value which will be used for the calculation # dimension: dimension (ID) in which the entity should get the boost (optional! Leave this blank or use a "/" for any dimension) # child: 0 = the modifier doesn't care if the entity is a child or not, 1 = adults only, 2 = childs only (optional! Leave this blank for 0) ########################################################################################################## attributes { # Attributes: [default: [zombie;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5;/;1], [zombie_pigman;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5;/;1], [zombie_villager;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5;/;1], [husk;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5;/;1], [skeleton;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5], [stray;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5], [wither_skeleton;generic.maxHealth;1;1], [slime;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5], [blaze;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5], [magma_cube;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5], [wither;generic.maxHealth;1;1], [vindication_illager;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5], [evocation_illager;generic.maxHealth;1;1], [zombie;generic.followRange;0;30], [zombie_pigman;generic.followRange;0;30], [zombie_villager;generic.followRange;0;30], [husk;generic.followRange;0;30], [skeleton;generic.followRange;0;30], [stray;generic.followRange;0;30], [wither_skeleton;generic.followRange;0;30], [creeper;generic.followRange;0;30], [spider;generic.followRange;0;30], [slime;generic.followRange;0;30], [witch;generic.followRange;0;30], [blaze;generic.followRange;0;30], [ghast;generic.followRange;0;30], [magma_cube;generic.followRange;0;30], [vindication_illager;generic.followRange;0;30], [evocation_illager;generic.followRange;0;30], [zombie;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5], [zombie_pigman;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5], [zombie_villager;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5], [husk;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5], [vindication_illager;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5], [creeper;generic.movementSpeed;1;0.5], [slime;generic.movementSpeed;1;0.5], [magma_cube;generic.movementSpeed;1;0.5]] S:attributesModifier < zombie;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 zombie_pigman;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 zombie_villager;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 husk;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 skeleton;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 stray;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 wither_skeleton;generic.maxHealth;1;1 slime;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 blaze;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 magma_cube;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 wither;generic.maxHealth;1;1 vindication_illager;generic.maxHealth;1;0.5 evocation_illager;generic.maxHealth;1;1 zombie;generic.followRange;0;30 zombie_pigman;generic.followRange;0;30 zombie_villager;generic.followRange;0;30 husk;generic.followRange;0;30 skeleton;generic.followRange;0;30 stray;generic.followRange;0;30 wither_skeleton;generic.followRange;0;30 creeper;generic.followRange;0;30 spider;generic.followRange;0;30 slime;generic.followRange;0;30 witch;generic.followRange;0;30 blaze;generic.followRange;0;30 ghast;generic.followRange;0;30 magma_cube;generic.followRange;0;30 vindication_illager;generic.followRange;0;30 evocation_illager;generic.followRange;0;30 zombie;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5 zombie_pigman;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5 zombie_villager;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5 husk;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5 vindication_illager;generic.knockbackResistance;0;0.5 creeper;generic.movementSpeed;1;0.5 slime;generic.movementSpeed;1;0.5 magma_cube;generic.movementSpeed;1;0.5 > } ########################################################################################################## # blaze #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect blaze features ########################################################################################################## blaze { # Set to false to disable ALL blaze features [default: true] B:_blazeFeaturesEnabled=true # Explosion strength of the explosions, which blazes create on death # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 1.0] S:blazeDeathExplosionStrength=0.0 # Entities which count as blaze entities [default: [minecraft:blaze]] S:blazeEntities < minecraft:blaze > # Set to false to prevent blazes from igniting entities which touch their hitbox [default: true] B:blazeFlameTouch=false # Set to false to prevent blazes from pushing attackers away [default: true] B:blazePushAttackersAway=true } ########################################################################################################## # creeper #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect creeper features ########################################################################################################## creeper { # Set to false to disable ALL creeper features [default: true] B:_creeperFeaturesEnabled=true # If true creepers burn in sunlight [default: false] B:creeperCreeperBurn=false # If true creepers explode if they catch fire [default: false] B:creeperCreeperBurnExplosion=false # Entities which count as creeper entities [default: [minecraft:creeper]] S:creeperEntities < minecraft:creeper > # Creeper explosion radius # The vanilla default is 3 [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 4] I:creeperExplosionRadius=3 # Creeper fuse time (In ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second) # The vanilla default is 30 [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 20] I:creeperFuseTime=30 # Block range to the target in which creepers become invisible # Set to 0 to prevent creepers from becoming invisible [range: 0.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 6.0] S:creeperInvisibleRange=0.0 } ########################################################################################################## # enderman #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect enderman features ########################################################################################################## enderman { # Set to false to disable ALL enderman features [default: true] B:_endermanFeaturesEnabled=true # Chance (1 in X) that an enderman applies the blindness effect to its target # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:endermanBlindChance=1 # Duration in ticks of the applied blindness effect (20 ticks = 1 second) [range: 1 ~ 32767, default: 200] I:endermanBlindDuration=200 # Set this to false to prevent endermen from dropping an extra enderpearl on death [default: true] B:endermanDropEnderpearl=true # Entities which count as enderman entities [default: [minecraft:enderman]] S:endermanEntities < minecraft:enderman > # If this item is somewhere in the players inventory, the player becomes immune to teleportation and item stealing # Leave this empty to disable this feature [default: minecraft:ender_eye] S:endermanImmunityItem=minecraft:ender_eye # Chance (1 in X) that an enderman steals the targets held or equipped item to drop it on the ground # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:endermanStealItemChance=0 # Set this to false to prevent endermen from teleporting attackers away [default: true] B:endermanTeleportAttacker=false } ########################################################################################################## # endermite #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect endermite features ########################################################################################################## endermite { # Set to false to disable ALL endermite features [default: true] B:_endermiteFeaturesEnabled=true # Entities which count as endermite entities [default: [minecraft:endermite]] S:endermiteEntities < minecraft:endermite > # If this item is somewhere in the players inventory, the player becomes immune to teleportation # Leave this empty to disable this feature [default: minecraft:ender_eye] S:endermiteImmunityItem=minecraft:ender_eye # Set this to false to prevent endermites from teleporting attackers away [default: true] B:endermiteTeleportAttacker=true # Set this to false to prevent endermites from applying the wither effect to near entities [default: true] B:endermiteWitherMobs=true } ########################################################################################################## # ghast #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect ghast features ########################################################################################################## ghast { # Set to false to disable ALL ghast features [default: true] B:_ghastFeaturesEnabled=true # Set to false to prevent ghasts from dropping primed TNT on their targets [default: true] B:ghastDropTnt=true # Entities which count as ghast entities [default: [minecraft:ghast]] S:ghastEntities < minecraft:ghast > # Ghast fireball explosion radius # The vanilla default is 1 [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:ghastExplosionRadius=1 # Set to false to prevent ghasts from being immune to projectiles [default: true] B:ghastProjectileImmunity=false } ########################################################################################################## # guardian #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect guardian features ########################################################################################################## guardian { # Set to false to disable ALL guardian features [default: true] B:_guardianFeaturesEnabled=true # Set to false to prevent guardians from dropping water on death [default: true] B:guardianDropWater=false # Entities which count as guardian entities [default: [minecraft:guardian], [minecraft:elder_guardian]] S:guardianEntities < minecraft:guardian minecraft:elder_guardian > } ########################################################################################################## # hostilehorse #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect hostileHorse features ########################################################################################################## hostilehorse { # Set to false to disable ALL hostileHorse features [default: true] B:_hostileHorseFeaturesEnabled=true # Set this to false to prevent undead horses from burning in sunlight (as long as they have no rider) [default: true] B:hostileHorseBurn=true # Set to false to prevent undead horses summoned through this mod from despawning [default: true] B:hostileHorseCanDespawn=true # Entities which count as hostileHorse entities [default: [minecraft:zombie_horse], [minecraft:skeleton_horse]] S:hostileHorseEntities < minecraft:zombie_horse minecraft:skeleton_horse > # Chance (1 in X) that a random skeleton or zombie starts riding unmounted hostile horses around it [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:hostileHorseRandomRiderChance=3 } ########################################################################################################## # magma cube #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect magma cube features ########################################################################################################## "magma cube" { # Set to false to disable ALL magma cube features [default: true] B:"_magma cubeFeaturesEnabled"=true # Set to false to prevent small magma cubes from dropping lava on death [default: true] B:"magma cubeDropLava"=false # Entities which count as magma cube entities [default: [minecraft:magma_cube]] S:"magma cubeEntities" < minecraft:magma_cube > # Set to false to prevent magma cubes from regenerating health while in lava [default: true] B:"magma cubeRegenInLava"=true } ########################################################################################################## # potion #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect potion features ########################################################################################################## potion { # Set to false to disable ALL potion features [default: true] B:_potionFeaturesEnabled=true # Entities which count as potion entities [default: [minecraft:potion]] S:potionEntities < minecraft:potion > } ########################################################################################################## # silverfish #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect silverfish features ########################################################################################################## silverfish { # Set to false to disable ALL silverfish features [default: true] B:_silverfishFeaturesEnabled=true # Entities which count as silverfish entities [default: [minecraft:silverfish]] S:silverfishEntities < minecraft:silverfish > # Chance (1 in X) to split a silverfish in two when attacked # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:silverfishSplitChance=0 } ########################################################################################################## # skeleton #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect skeleton features ########################################################################################################## skeleton { # Set to false to disable ALL skeleton features [default: true] B:_skeletonFeaturesEnabled=true # Chance (1 in X) for a newly spawned skeleton to become a boss skeleton [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 200] I:skeletonBossChance=400 # skeleton boss names. Please be more creative than I am... :P [default: [Lich King], [Skeleton Lord], [Stallord], [Skeletron], [Skeletron Prime], [Krosis], [Wolnir], [Stalmaster]] S:skeletonBossNames < Lich King Skeleton Lord Stallord Skeletron Skeletron Prime Krosis Wolnir Stalmaster > # Bow cooldown of skeletons in ticks (The vanilla default is 20) [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 0] I:skeletonBowCooldown=0 # Set this to false to prevent skeletons from switching their weapons [default: true] B:skeletonChangeWeapons=true # Entities which count as skeleton entities [default: [minecraft:skeleton], [minecraft:stray], [minecraft:wither_skeleton]] S:skeletonEntities < minecraft:skeleton minecraft:stray minecraft:wither_skeleton > # Set this to true to make all skeletons burn in sunlight even if they wear a helmet [default: false] B:skeletonHelmetBurn=false # Chance (1 in X) that a skeleton spawns riding a skeleton horse # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10] I:skeletonHorseChance=10 # Minimal Y position above skeleton horses may spawn [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 63] I:skeletonHorseMinY=63 } ########################################################################################################## # skeletonbossequipment #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add enchanted armor and weapons to a newly spawned skeleton boss. Takes 2-3 values seperated by a semicolon: # Format: item or enchantment;chance;dimension # item or enchantment: the item/enchantment id # chance: the higher this number the more this item/enchantment gets selected # dimension: dimension (ID) in which the item/enchantment can be selected (optional! Leave this blank for any dimension) ########################################################################################################## skeletonbossequipment { # Chance (per slot) that the skeleton boss drops the equipped item (1 = 100%, 0 = 0%) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2] S:_skeletonbossEquipmentDropChance=0.2 # Multiplier for the applied enchantment level with the max. level. The level can still be a bit lower # e.g. 0.5 would make sharpness to be at most level 3 (5 x 0.5 = 2.5 and [2.5] = 3) and fire aspect would always be level 1 (2 x 0.5 = 1) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:_skeletonbossEquipmentEnchantMultiplier=1.0 # Enchantments which can be applied to armor items [default: [protection;4], [feather_falling;3], [respiration;3], [depth_strider;3], [thorns;2], [projectile_protection;2], [fire_protection;2], [blast_protection;2]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentArmorEnchants < protection;4 feather_falling;3 respiration;3 depth_strider;3 thorns;2 projectile_protection;2 fire_protection;2 blast_protection;2 > # Boots which can be worn by a skeleton boss in their boots slot [default: [diamond_boots;1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentBoots < diamond_boots;1 > # Chestplates which can be worn by a skeleton boss in their chestplate slot [default: [diamond_chestplate;1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentChestplate < diamond_chestplate;1 > # Helmets which can be worn by a skeleton boss in their helmet slot [default: [diamond_helmet;1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentHelmet < diamond_helmet;1 > # Leggings which can be worn by a skeleton boss in their leggings slot [default: [diamond_leggings;1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentLeggings < diamond_leggings;1 > # Items which can be wielded by a skeleton boss in their mainhand [default: [diamond_sword;3], [diamond_axe;1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentMainhand < diamond_sword;3 diamond_axe;1 > # Items which can be wielded by a skeleton boss in their offhand [default: [shield;2], [diamond_sword;1], [diamond_axe;1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentOffhand < shield;2 diamond_sword;1 diamond_axe;1 > # Enchantments which can be applied to mainhand and offhand items [default: [sharpness;4], [knockback;2], [smite;2], [bane_of_arthropods;2], [looting;1], [sweeping;1], [fire_aspect;5;-1]] S:skeletonbossEquipmentWeaponEnchants < sharpness;4 knockback;2 smite;2 bane_of_arthropods;2 looting;1 sweeping;1 fire_aspect;5;-1 > } ########################################################################################################## # skeletonequipment #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add enchanted armor and weapons to a newly spawned skeleton. Takes 2-3 values seperated by a semicolon: # Format: item or enchantment;chance;dimension # item or enchantment: the item/enchantment id # chance: the higher this number the more this item/enchantment gets selected # dimension: dimension (ID) in which the item/enchantment can be selected (optional! Leave this blank for any dimension) ########################################################################################################## skeletonequipment { # Chance (1 in X per piece) to give a skeleton new armor on spawn # Set to 0 to disable new armor [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 4] I:_skeletonEquipmentArmorChance=4 # Chance (per slot) that the skeleton drops the equipped item (1 = 100%, 0 = 0%) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.085] S:_skeletonEquipmentDropChance=0.085 # Chance (1 in X per item) to enchant newly given items # Set to 0 to disable item enchanting [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 8] I:_skeletonEquipmentEnchantChance=8 # Multiplier for the applied enchantment level with the max. level. The level can still be a bit lower # e.g. 0.5 would make sharpness to be at most level 3 (5 x 0.5 = 2.5 and [2.5] = 3) and fire aspect would always be level 1 (2 x 0.5 = 1) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5] S:_skeletonEquipmentEnchantMultiplier=0.5 # Chance (1 in X per hand) to give a skeleton new weapons on spawn # Set to 0 to disable new weapons [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 1] I:_skeletonEquipmentWeaponChance=1 # Enchantments which can be applied to armor items [default: [protection;4], [feather_falling;3], [respiration;3], [depth_strider;3], [thorns;2], [projectile_protection;2], [fire_protection;2], [blast_protection;2]] S:skeletonEquipmentArmorEnchants < protection;4 feather_falling;3 respiration;3 depth_strider;3 thorns;2 projectile_protection;2 fire_protection;2 blast_protection;2 > # Boots which can be worn by a skeleton in their boots slot [default: [leather_boots;3;0], [chainmail_boots;2], [golden_boots;1], [iron_boots;4;-1]] S:skeletonEquipmentBoots < leather_boots;3;0 chainmail_boots;2 golden_boots;1 iron_boots;4;-1 > # Chestplates which can be worn by a skeleton in their chestplate slot [default: [leather_chestplate;3;0], [chainmail_chestplate;2], [golden_chestplate;1], [iron_chestplate;4;-1]] S:skeletonEquipmentChestplate < leather_chestplate;3;0 chainmail_chestplate;2 golden_chestplate;1 iron_chestplate;4;-1 > # Helmets which can be worn by a skeleton in their helmet slot [default: [leather_helmet;3;0], [chainmail_helmet;2], [golden_helmet;1], [iron_helmet;4;-1]] S:skeletonEquipmentHelmet < leather_helmet;3;0 chainmail_helmet;2 golden_helmet;1 iron_helmet;4;-1 > # Leggings which can be worn by a skeleton in their leggings slot [default: [leather_leggings;3;0], [chainmail_leggings;2], [golden_leggings;1], [iron_leggings;4;-1]] S:skeletonEquipmentLeggings < leather_leggings;3;0 chainmail_leggings;2 golden_leggings;1 iron_leggings;4;-1 > # Items which can be wielded by a skeleton in their mainhand [default: [bow;1]] S:skeletonEquipmentMainhand < bow;1 > # Items which can be wielded by a skeleton in their offhand [default: [wooden_axe;3;0], [wooden_sword;3;0], [stone_pickaxe;2], [stone_axe;2], [stone_sword;2], [iron_pickaxe;1], [golden_sword;1], [golden_axe;1], [iron_axe;3;-1], [iron_sword;3;-1]] S:skeletonEquipmentOffhand < wooden_axe;3;0 wooden_sword;3;0 stone_pickaxe;2 stone_axe;2 stone_sword;2 iron_pickaxe;1 golden_sword;1 golden_axe;1 iron_axe;3;-1 iron_sword;3;-1 > # Enchantments which can be applied to mainhand and offhand items [default: [sharpness;4], [knockback;2], [smite;2], [bane_of_arthropods;2], [looting;1], [sweeping;1], [fire_aspect;5;-1]] S:skeletonEquipmentWeaponEnchants < sharpness;4 knockback;2 smite;2 bane_of_arthropods;2 looting;1 sweeping;1 fire_aspect;5;-1 > } ########################################################################################################## # slime #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect slime features ########################################################################################################## slime { # Set to false to disable ALL slime features [default: true] B:_slimeFeaturesEnabled=true # Entities which count as slime entities [default: [minecraft:slime], [minecraft:magma_cube]] S:slimeEntities < minecraft:slime minecraft:magma_cube > # Amount of extra knockback a slime deals # Calculated with this value times the slime size # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 0.2] S:slimeKnockBackMultiplier=0.2 # Chance (1 in X minus slime size) that a bigger slime summons a baby slime when hit # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 6] I:slimeSplitChance=6 } ########################################################################################################## # spawnentries #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add custom entity spawn entries or override old ones. Takes 5+ values seperated by a semicolon: # Format: entity;chance;min;max;type;biome1;biome2;... # entity: Entity name # chance: Spawn chance # min: Minimal group size. Must be greater than 0 # max: Maximal group size # type: Spawn Type (AMBIENT = day and night, CREATURE = day only, MONSTER = night only and not in peaceful mode, WATER_CREATURE = only in water) # biomes: Biome name/id/type (Can be more than one). Leave this blank for every biome! ########################################################################################################## spawnentries { # [default: [wither_skeleton;30;1;5;MONSTER;8], [blaze;30;1;5;MONSTER;8], [magma_cube;30;1;3;MONSTER;8]] S:spawnEntriesList < wither_skeleton;30;1;5;MONSTER;8 blaze;30;1;5;MONSTER;8 magma_cube;30;1;3;MONSTER;8 > } ########################################################################################################## # spider #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect spider features ########################################################################################################## spider { # Set to false to disable ALL spider features [default: true] B:_spiderFeaturesEnabled=true # Entities which count as spider entities [default: [minecraft:spider], [minecraft:cave_spider]] S:spiderEntities < minecraft:spider minecraft:cave_spider > # The fall damage spiders take is multiplied by this value (0.0 means no fall damage, 1.0 means normal full damage) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0] S:spiderIgnoreFallDamageMult=0.0 # Chance (1 in X) for a spider to spawn with another entity riding it # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10] I:spiderRiderChance=10 # Chance (1 in X) that a randomly spawned entity from the RiderEntities list can start riding on random spiders # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10] I:spiderRiderChanceRandom=10 # Entities which may ride on spiders [default: [zombie], [skeleton], [witch], [cave_spider]] S:spiderRiderEntities < zombie skeleton witch cave_spider > # Chance (1 in X) for a spider to apply the slowness effect on attack # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 1] I:spiderSlownessChance=0 # Set this to false to prevent spiders from creating webs on slowed targets [default: true] B:spiderSlownessCreateWeb=false # Duration in ticks of the applied slowness effect (20 ticks = 1 second) [range: 1 ~ 32767, default: 200] I:spiderSlownessDuration=200 } ########################################################################################################## # targetblocker #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Entities which can't be targeted by other entities. # e.g. Skeletons can't target other Skeletons by shooting them accidentally # Takes 2 arguments divided by a semicolon per entry. victim;attacker # victim: The entity which should not be targeted if attacked by the attacker (entity name) # attacker: the attacker entity which can't target the victim (entity name) # Use "*" instead of the victim or attacker if you want this for all entities except players ########################################################################################################## targetblocker { # [default: [zombie;*], [zombie_pigman;*], [zombie_villager;*], [husk;*], [skeleton;*], [stray;*], [wither_skeleton;*], [slime;*], [blaze;*], [magma_cube;*], [wither;*], [vindication_illager;*], [evocation_illager;*], [creeper;*], [spider;*], [cave_spider;*], [witch;*], [ghast;*]] S:targetBlockerList < zombie;* zombie_pigman;* zombie_villager;* husk;* skeleton;* stray;* wither_skeleton;* slime;* blaze;* magma_cube;* wither;* vindication_illager;* evocation_illager;* creeper;* spider;* cave_spider;* witch;* ghast;* > } ########################################################################################################## # witch #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect witch features ########################################################################################################## witch { # Set to false to disable ALL witch features [default: true] B:_witchFeaturesEnabled=true # Potion effects which may be added to nearby mobs # Format: effect;amplifier [default: [strength;1], [resistance;2], [speed;2]] S:witchApplyEffectsNames < strength;1 resistance;2 speed;2 > # Range in each direction from the witches position in which allied mobs get buffed # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 10.0] S:witchApplyEffectsRange=10.0 # Amount of bats which spawn on witches death # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 5] I:witchBatsOnDeath=5 # Entities which count as witch entities [default: [minecraft:witch]] S:witchEntities < minecraft:witch > # Chance (1 in X) for a witches thrown potion to become a lingering potion # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 5] I:witchLingeringChance=5 } ########################################################################################################## # wither #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect wither features ########################################################################################################## wither { # Set to false to disable ALL wither features [default: true] B:_witherFeaturesEnabled=true # Entities which count as wither entities [default: [minecraft:wither]] S:witherEntities < minecraft:wither > # Set to false to prevent withers from pushing attackers away [default: true] B:witherPushAttackersAway=true # Delay in ticks between each spawned Skeleton # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 200] I:witherSummonSkeletonTimer=200 } ########################################################################################################## # zombie #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect zombie features ########################################################################################################## zombie { # Set to false to disable ALL zombie features [default: true] B:_zombieFeaturesEnabled=true # Set this to false to prevent baby zombies from burning in sunlight [default: true] B:zombieBabyBurn=true # Chance (1 in X) for a newly spawned zombie to become a boss zombie [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 200] I:zombieBossChance=400 # zombie boss names. Please be more creative than I am... :P [default: [Zombie King], [Flesh King], [Dr. Zomboss], [Azog], [Zon-Goku], [Amy], [Z0mb3y]] S:zombieBossNames < Zombie King Flesh King Dr. Zomboss Azog Zon-Goku Amy Z0mb3y > # Blocks which can be destroyed by zombies if they have no attack target # Delete all lines to disable this feature [default: [minecraft:carrots], [minecraft:potatoes], [minecraft:wheat], [minecraft:nether_wart], [minecraft:reeds], [minecraft:beetroots], [minecraft:pumpkin_stem], [minecraft:melon_stem], [minecraft:pumpkin], [minecraft:hay_block], [minecraft:melon_block], [minecraft:torch], [minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp], [minecraft:lit_pumpkin]] S:zombieBreakBlocks < minecraft:carrots minecraft:potatoes minecraft:wheat minecraft:nether_wart minecraft:reeds minecraft:beetroots minecraft:pumpkin_stem minecraft:melon_stem minecraft:pumpkin minecraft:hay_block minecraft:melon_block minecraft:torch minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp minecraft:lit_pumpkin > # Entities which count as zombie entities [default: [minecraft:zombie], [minecraft:zombie_villager], [minecraft:husk], [minecraft:zombie_pigman]] S:zombieEntities < minecraft:zombie minecraft:zombie_villager minecraft:husk minecraft:zombie_pigman > # Set this to true to make all zombies burn in sunlight even if they wear a helmet [default: false] B:zombieHelmetBurn=false # Chance (1 in X) that a zombie spawns riding a zombie horse # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10] I:zombieHorseChance=10 # Minimal Y position above zombie horses may spawn [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 63] I:zombieHorseMinY=63 # Chance (1 in X) for a zombie to apply the hunger effect on attack # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 1] I:zombieHungerChance=0 # Duration in ticks of the applied hunger effect (20 ticks = 1 second) [range: 1 ~ 32767, default: 200] I:zombieHungerDuration=200 # Chance (1 in X) for a zombie to leap to the target # Set to 0 to disable this feature [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 5] I:zombieLeapChance=5 # Amount of blocks the zombie jumps on leap attack [range: 0.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 0.2] S:zombieLeapHeight=0.2 } ########################################################################################################## # zombie pigman #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration options which affect zombie pigman features ########################################################################################################## "zombie pigman" { # Set to false to disable ALL zombie pigman features [default: true] B:"_zombie pigmanFeaturesEnabled"=true # Chance (1 in X) that a zombie pigman gets aggressive if the player breaks nearby blocks [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10] I:"zombie pigmanAggressiveBlockChance"=10 # Block radius in which zombie pigman get aggressive if the player breaks blocks [range: 1.0 ~ 32767.0, default: 20.0] S:"zombie pigmanAggressiveBlockRange"=20.0 # Set to false to prevent zombie pigman from getting aggressive if the player touches its hitbox [default: true] B:"zombie pigmanAggressiveTouch"=true # Entities which count as zombie pigman entities [default: [minecraft:zombie_pigman]] S:"zombie pigmanEntities" < minecraft:zombie_pigman > } ########################################################################################################## # zombiebossequipment #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add enchanted armor and weapons to a newly spawned zombie boss. Takes 2-3 values seperated by a semicolon: # Format: item or enchantment;chance;dimension # item or enchantment: the item/enchantment id # chance: the higher this number the more this item/enchantment gets selected # dimension: dimension (ID) in which the item/enchantment can be selected (optional! Leave this blank for any dimension) ########################################################################################################## zombiebossequipment { # Chance (per slot) that the zombie boss drops the equipped item (1 = 100%, 0 = 0%) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2] S:_zombiebossEquipmentDropChance=0.2 # Multiplier for the applied enchantment level with the max. level. The level can still be a bit lower # e.g. 0.5 would make sharpness to be at most level 3 (5 x 0.5 = 2.5 and [2.5] = 3) and fire aspect would always be level 1 (2 x 0.5 = 1) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:_zombiebossEquipmentEnchantMultiplier=1.0 # Enchantments which can be applied to armor items [default: [protection;4], [feather_falling;3], [respiration;3], [depth_strider;3], [thorns;2], [projectile_protection;2], [fire_protection;2], [blast_protection;2]] S:zombiebossEquipmentArmorEnchants < protection;4 feather_falling;3 respiration;3 depth_strider;3 thorns;2 projectile_protection;2 fire_protection;2 blast_protection;2 > # Boots which can be worn by a zombie boss in their boots slot [default: [diamond_boots;1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentBoots < diamond_boots;1 > # Chestplates which can be worn by a zombie boss in their chestplate slot [default: [diamond_chestplate;1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentChestplate < diamond_chestplate;1 > # Helmets which can be worn by a zombie boss in their helmet slot [default: [diamond_helmet;1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentHelmet < diamond_helmet;1 > # Leggings which can be worn by a zombie boss in their leggings slot [default: [diamond_leggings;1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentLeggings < diamond_leggings;1 > # Items which can be wielded by a zombie boss in their mainhand [default: [diamond_sword;3], [diamond_axe;1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentMainhand < diamond_sword;3 diamond_axe;1 > # Items which can be wielded by a zombie boss in their offhand [default: [shield;2], [diamond_sword;1], [diamond_axe;1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentOffhand < shield;2 diamond_sword;1 diamond_axe;1 > # Enchantments which can be applied to mainhand and offhand items [default: [sharpness;4], [knockback;2], [smite;2], [bane_of_arthropods;2], [looting;1], [sweeping;1], [fire_aspect;5;-1]] S:zombiebossEquipmentWeaponEnchants < sharpness;4 knockback;2 smite;2 bane_of_arthropods;2 looting;1 sweeping;1 fire_aspect;5;-1 > } ########################################################################################################## # zombieequipment #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Add enchanted armor and weapons to a newly spawned zombie. Takes 2-3 values seperated by a semicolon: # Format: item or enchantment;chance;dimension # item or enchantment: the item/enchantment id # chance: the higher this number the more this item/enchantment gets selected # dimension: dimension (ID) in which the item/enchantment can be selected (optional! Leave this blank for any dimension) ########################################################################################################## zombieequipment { # Chance (1 in X per piece) to give a zombie new armor on spawn # Set to 0 to disable new armor [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 4] I:_zombieEquipmentArmorChance=4 # Chance (per slot) that the zombie drops the equipped item (1 = 100%, 0 = 0%) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.085] S:_zombieEquipmentDropChance=0.085 # Chance (1 in X per item) to enchant newly given items # Set to 0 to disable item enchanting [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 8] I:_zombieEquipmentEnchantChance=8 # Multiplier for the applied enchantment level with the max. level. The level can still be a bit lower # e.g. 0.5 would make sharpness to be at most level 3 (5 x 0.5 = 2.5 and [2.5] = 3) and fire aspect would always be level 1 (2 x 0.5 = 1) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5] S:_zombieEquipmentEnchantMultiplier=0.5 # Chance (1 in X per hand) to give a zombie new weapons on spawn # Set to 0 to disable new weapons [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 3] I:_zombieEquipmentWeaponChance=3 # Enchantments which can be applied to armor items [default: [protection;4], [feather_falling;3], [respiration;3], [depth_strider;3], [thorns;2], [projectile_protection;2], [fire_protection;2], [blast_protection;2]] S:zombieEquipmentArmorEnchants < protection;4 feather_falling;3 respiration;3 depth_strider;3 thorns;2 projectile_protection;2 fire_protection;2 blast_protection;2 > # Boots which can be worn by a zombie in their boots slot [default: [leather_boots;3;0], [chainmail_boots;2], [golden_boots;1], [iron_boots;4;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentBoots < leather_boots;3;0 chainmail_boots;2 golden_boots;1 iron_boots;4;-1 > # Chestplates which can be worn by a zombie in their chestplate slot [default: [leather_chestplate;3;0], [chainmail_chestplate;2], [golden_chestplate;1], [iron_chestplate;4;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentChestplate < leather_chestplate;3;0 chainmail_chestplate;2 golden_chestplate;1 iron_chestplate;4;-1 > # Helmets which can be worn by a zombie in their helmet slot [default: [leather_helmet;3;0], [chainmail_helmet;2], [golden_helmet;1], [iron_helmet;4;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentHelmet < leather_helmet;3;0 chainmail_helmet;2 golden_helmet;1 iron_helmet;4;-1 > # Leggings which can be worn by a zombie in their leggings slot [default: [leather_leggings;3;0], [chainmail_leggings;2], [golden_leggings;1], [iron_leggings;4;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentLeggings < leather_leggings;3;0 chainmail_leggings;2 golden_leggings;1 iron_leggings;4;-1 > # Items which can be wielded by a zombie in their mainhand [default: [wooden_axe;3;0], [wooden_sword;3;0], [stone_pickaxe;2], [stone_axe;2], [stone_sword;2], [iron_pickaxe;1], [golden_sword;1], [golden_axe;1], [iron_axe;3;-1], [iron_sword;3;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentMainhand < wooden_axe;3;0 wooden_sword;3;0 stone_pickaxe;2 stone_axe;2 stone_sword;2 iron_pickaxe;1 golden_sword;1 golden_axe;1 iron_axe;3;-1 iron_sword;3;-1 > # Items which can be wielded by a zombie in their offhand [default: [wooden_axe;3;0], [wooden_sword;3;0], [stone_pickaxe;2], [stone_axe;2], [stone_sword;2], [iron_pickaxe;1], [golden_sword;1], [golden_axe;1], [shield;5], [iron_axe;3;-1], [iron_sword;3;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentOffhand < wooden_axe;3;0 wooden_sword;3;0 stone_pickaxe;2 stone_axe;2 stone_sword;2 iron_pickaxe;1 golden_sword;1 golden_axe;1 shield;5 iron_axe;3;-1 iron_sword;3;-1 > # Enchantments which can be applied to mainhand and offhand items [default: [sharpness;4], [knockback;2], [smite;2], [bane_of_arthropods;2], [looting;1], [sweeping;1], [fire_aspect;5;-1]] S:zombieEquipmentWeaponEnchants < sharpness;4 knockback;2 smite;2 bane_of_arthropods;2 looting;1 sweeping;1 fire_aspect;5;-1 > }