# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # animals #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to animals (including villagers). ########################################################################################################## animals { # The chance that a bat drops a piece of leather when killed. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 # Default: 0.8 D:batLeatherDropChance=0.8 # Whether villagers should be leashable. # Default: true B:leashableVillagers=true # Whether tamed ocelots can be healed with fish. # Default: true B:ocelotsCanBeHealed=true # Whether tamed parrots can be healed with seeds. # Default: true B:parrotsCanBeHealed=true # Prevents pets from being attacked by their owner's other pets. # Default: true B:protectPetsFromOtherPets=true # Prevents pets from being attacked by their owners. # By default, owners can still attack their pets while sneaking. # Default: true B:protectPetsFromOwners=true # Prevents pets from being attacked by their owners while sneaking. # Default: false B:protectPetsFromSneakingOwners=false ########################################################################################################## # randomizedAges #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to randomized animal ages. ########################################################################################################## randomizedAges { # The chance that an animal's age is randomized. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 # Default: 0.1 D:chance=0.1 # The maximum age in ticks. # Min: -2147483648 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: -6000 I:maximumAge=-6000 # The minimum age in ticks. # Min: -2147483648 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: -24000 I:minimumAge=-24000 # The registry names of the animals that should not have their ages randomized. # Default: [] S:blacklist < > } ########################################################################################################## # sheepColorWeights #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Sheep color weights. ########################################################################################################## sheepColorWeights { # Enables colored sheep spawning. # Default: true B:enabled=true # The weight for the color white. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 70.0 D:white=70.0 # The weight for the color orange. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:orange=2.0 # The weight for the color magenta. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:magenta=2.0 # The weight for the color light blue. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:lightBlue=2.0 # The weight for the color yellow. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:yellow=2.0 # The weight for the color lime. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:lime=2.0 # The weight for the color pink. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:pink=2.0 # The weight for the color gray. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:gray=2.0 # The weight for the color silver. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:silver=2.0 # The weight for the color cyan. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:cyan=2.0 # The weight for the color purple. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:purple=2.0 # The weight for the color blue. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:blue=2.0 # The weight for the color brown. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:brown=2.0 # The weight for the color green. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:green=2.0 # The weight for the color red. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:red=2.0 # The weight for the color black. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 2.0 D:black=2.0 } ########################################################################################################## # squids #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to squid spawning behavior. ########################################################################################################## squids { # The number of squids allowed in one chunk. # Set this to 0 to disable squid spawning. # Set this to -1 to disable this limit. # Min: -1 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 12 I:chunkLimit=12 # The maximum number of squids that can be spawned in a pack. # Set this to 0 to use vanilla behavior. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 2 I:maxPackSize=2 # Disables squid spawning when a player is not within this radius. # Set this to 0 to disable this limit. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 128 I:spawnRadiusLimit=128 } } ########################################################################################################## # boneMeal #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to bone meal. ########################################################################################################## boneMeal { # The amount of stages bone meal should cause cacti to grow. # 16 stages is a full block. # Min: 0 # Max: 16 # Default: 8 I:cacti=8 # Whether bone meal should grow nether wart. # Default: true B:netherWart=true # The amount of stages bone meal should cause sugar canes to grow. # 16 stages is a full block. # Min: 0 # Max: 16 # Default: 8 I:sugarCanes=8 } ########################################################################################################## # client #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to features that only work client-side. ########################################################################################################## client { # Removes underwater fog. # Default: true B:clearWater=true # Whether contributor capes should be enabled. # This only be disabled in-game, not enabled. # Default: true B:contributorCapes=true # Disables the ender dragon death sound. # Default: false B:disableEnderDragonDeathSound=false # Disables the potion icons at the top right. # Default: false B:disablePotionIcons=false # Stops potion effects from moving GUIs to the right. # Default: true B:disablePotionShift=true # Disables the wither spawn sound. # Default: false B:disableWitherSpawnSound=false # Whether to start the game on the Multiplayer screen. # Default: false B:startOnMultiplayerScreen=false # Whether to enable stepup. # Default: false B:stepup=false # Whether stepup is enabled by default. # Default: false B:stepupEnabledByDefault=false # Whether the toggle states for the time of day overlay, stepup and FoV changes should be stored in local/client instead of config/randomtweaks. # Default: true B:storeDataInLocal=true ########################################################################################################## # armorEquipSounds #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to armor equip/unequip sounds. # These options also have an effect server-side if armor stand swapping is enabled. ########################################################################################################## armorEquipSounds { # Whether to enable the armor equip/unequip sounds. # Default: true B:enabled=true # The elytra equip/unequip sound. # Default: minecraft:item.armor.equip_elytra S:elytraSound=minecraft:item.armor.equip_elytra # The pumpkin equip/unequip sound. # Default: minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic S:pumpkinSound=minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic # The skull equip/unequip sound. # Default: minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic S:skullSound=minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic } ########################################################################################################## # autoThirdPerson #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to the auto-third person feature. ########################################################################################################## autoThirdPerson { # Enables auto-third person upon entering a boat. # Default: false B:boat=false # Enables auto-third person upon flying with elytra. # Default: true B:elytra=true # Enables auto-third person. # Default: true B:enabled=true # Enables auto-third person upon mounting a horse. # Default: false B:horse=false # Enables auto-third person upon entering a minecart. # Default: false B:minecart=false # Enables auto-third person upon mounting a pig. # Default: false B:pig=false } ########################################################################################################## # creativeTabs #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to creative tabs. ########################################################################################################## creativeTabs { # Moves the bucket to the Tools creative tab. # Default: true B:moveBucketCreativeTab=true # Adds spawn eggs to the Spawn Eggs creative tab that spawn entities without AIs. # Default: true B:noAISpawnEggs=true # Adds the command blocks to the Redstone creative tab. # Default: true B:setCommandBlockCreativeTab=true # Adds the dragon egg to the Decorations creative tab. # Default: true B:setDragonEggCreativeTab=true # Moves spawn eggs to their own creative tab. # Default: true B:spawnEggsCreativeTab=true } ########################################################################################################## # ding #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to the 'ding' feature. ########################################################################################################## ding { # Whether to ignore Dynamic Surroundings' "Mute when Background" feature. # Default: true B:ignoreDsurroundMuteWhenBackground=true # The pitch of the sound to play when Minecraft starts. # Min: 0.5 # Max: 2.0 # Default: 1.0 D:startupSoundPitch=1.0 # The volume of the sound to play when Minecraft starts. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 # Default: 0.25 D:startupSoundVolume=0.25 # The registry names of the sounds to play when Minecraft starts. # Default: [minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup] S:startupSounds < minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup > # The pitch of the sound to play when a world loads. # Min: 0.5 # Max: 2.0 # Default: 1.0 D:worldLoadSoundPitch=1.0 # The volume of the sound to play when a world loads. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 # Default: 0.25 D:worldLoadSoundVolume=0.25 # The registry names of the sounds to play when a world loads. # Default: [minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup] S:worldLoadSounds < minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup > } ########################################################################################################## # keybinds #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to keybinds. ########################################################################################################## keybinds { # Whether FoV changes should be enabled by default. # Default: true B:fovChangesEnabledByDefault=true # Whether a status message should be displayed when FoV changes are toggled. # Default: true B:fovChangesStatusMessage=true # Enables the Reload Sound System keybind. # Default: true B:reloadSoundSystem=true # Enables the Toggle FoV Changes keybind. # Default: true B:toggleFoVChanges=true # Enables the Toggle Time of Day Overlay keybind. # Default: true B:toggleTimeOfDayOverlay=true } ########################################################################################################## # nightVision #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to Night Vision. ########################################################################################################## nightVision { # Whether to enable the following configuration options. # Default: true B:enabled=true # THe default brightness of the Night Vision effect. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 # Default: 1.0 D:brightness=1.0 # Whether the Night Vision effect should fade out or stay at its maximum brightness until it runs out. # Default: true B:fadeOut=true # Whether to disable the flashing effect that shows when the Night Vision effect has less than 10 seconds remaining. # Default: true B:disableFlashing=true # How long the Night Vision brightness should fade out for if the flashing effect is disabled. # Min: 10 # Max: 200 # Default: 20 I:fadeOutTicks=20 } ########################################################################################################## # timeOfDay #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to the time of day overlay. ########################################################################################################## timeOfDay { # The alignment. # Valid values: # TOP_LEFT # TOP_CENTER # TOP_RIGHT # MIDDLE_LEFT # MIDDLE_CENTER # MIDDLE_RIGHT # BOTTOM_LEFT # BOTTOM_CENTER # BOTTOM_RIGHT # Default: TOP_LEFT S:alignment=TOP_LEFT # Disables the overlay if doDaylightCycle is false. # Default: true B:disableIfNoDaylightCycle=true # Disables the overlay in Adventure Mode. # Default: true B:disableInAdventureMode=true # Disables the overlay in GUIs. # Default: true B:disableInGUIs=true # Enables the overlay. # Default: true B:enabled=true # Enables the overlay by default. # Default: false B:enabledByDefault=false # Whether the overlay should say "Light" or "Dark" instead of "Day" or "Night". # Default: true B:lightOrDark=true # Enables 24-hour time. # Default: false B:twentyFourHourTime=false # The X offset. # Min: -2147483648 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 0 I:x=0 # The Y offset. # Min: -2147483648 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 0 I:y=0 } } ########################################################################################################## # cobwebBurning #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to cobweb burning. ########################################################################################################## cobwebBurning { # Whether the configured items can be used to burn cobwebs. # Default: false B:enableBurning=false # Whether cobweb burning should be disabled if the player is sneaking. # Default: true B:disableBurningIfSneaking=true # The items that can be used to burn cobwebs. # Default: [minecraft:flint_and_steel, minecraft:fire_charge, minecraft:torch] S:items < minecraft:flint_and_steel minecraft:fire_charge minecraft:torch > # How much the configured non-damageable items should be consumed. # Min: 0 # Max: 32767 # Default: 1 I:consumeAmount=1 # How much the configured damageable items should be damaged. # Min: 0 # Max: 32767 # Default: 1 I:damageAmount=1 # The sound that should be played when cobwebs are burned. # Default: minecraft:item.flintandsteel.use S:burnSound=minecraft:item.flintandsteel.use # Whether cobwebs should be flammable. # Default: false B:flammableCobwebs=false # The encouragement value for burning cobwebs. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 15 I:cobwebFireSpreadSpeed=15 # The flammability value for burning cobwebs. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 70 I:cobwebFlammability=70 } ########################################################################################################## # commands #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to commands. ########################################################################################################## commands { # Enables the /deletegamerule command. # Default: true B:deletegamerule=true # Enables the client-sided /disconnect command, which leaves the current world. # Default: true B:disconnect=true # Allows /give to accept integer IDs, amounts higher than 64 and ore dictionary names prefixed by "ore:". # Default: true B:giveTweaks=true # Changes the /help command to make sure that sorting commands doesn't cause an error. # Default: true B:helpTweaks=true # Enables the /hunger command, which sets a player's hunger level. # Default: true B:hunger=true # Enables the /rtreload command. # Default: true B:rtreload=true # Enables the client-sided /rtreloadclient command. # Default: true B:rtreloadclient=true } ########################################################################################################## # gameRules #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to gamerules. ########################################################################################################## gameRules { # The name of the gamerule that disables nether portal creation. # Set this to an empty string to disable this gamerule. # Default: disableNetherPortalCreation S:disableNetherPortalCreation=disableNetherPortalCreation # The name of the gamerule that controls the drowning damage multiplier. # Set this to an empty string to disable this gamerule. # Default: drowningDamageMultiplier S:drowningDamageMultiplier=drowningDamageMultiplier # The name of the gamerule that controls the fall damage multiplier. # Set this to an empty string to disable this gamerule. # Default: fallDamageMultiplier S:fallDamageMultiplier=fallDamageMultiplier # The name of the gamerule that controls the fire damage multiplier. # Set this to an empty string to disable this gamerule. # Default: fireDamageMultiplier S:fireDamageMultiplier=fireDamageMultiplier } ########################################################################################################## # hunger #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to hunger behavior. ########################################################################################################## hunger { # Carries any excess hunger level gained by eating over to the saturation. # Default: false B:carryExcessHungerToSaturation=false # Enables hunger tweaks. # Default: true B:enabled=true # The hunger exhaustion multiplier. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 1.0 D:exhaustionMultiplier=1.0 # The maximum hunger level. # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 20 I:maximumHungerLevel=20 # The minimum hunger level on respawn. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 3 I:minimumRespawnHungerLevel=3 # What happens to a player's hunger when they respawn. # This has no effect in creative mode. # Valid values: # RESET # DONT_RESET # RESET_UNLESS_KEEP_INVENTORY # Default: RESET_UNLESS_KEEP_INVENTORY S:respawnResetBehavior=RESET_UNLESS_KEEP_INVENTORY # The value added to the player's food level to calculate the maximum saturation level. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 # Default: 0.0 D:saturationLimit=0.0 } ########################################################################################################## # misc #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options that don't fit into any other categories. ########################################################################################################## misc { # Whether to allow swapping armor with armor stands by right-clicking on them while sneaking. # Default: true B:armorStandSwapping=true # Whether burning arrows can set blocks on fire. # Default: true B:burningArrowsSetBlocksOnFire=true # Whether to play eating sounds and display crumb particles when eating cakes. # Default: true B:cakeSoundsAndParticles=true # Whether attacks should be disabled during the attack cooldown. # Default: false B:disableAttacksDuringAttackCooldown=false # The base attack speed for players. # Set this to 16.0 or higher to remove the attack cooldown. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1024.0 # Default: 4.0 D:attackSpeed=4.0 # Changes the names of the stone and wooden buttons so that they describe their type. # Default: false B:betterButtonNames=false # Removes the need for a player to have an arrow in their inventory to use a bow enchanted with Infinity. # Default: true B:bowInfinityFix=true # When death punishments should be enabled. # When death punishments are enabled, players lose all XP and 3 hunger points upon dying. # This is always disabled in creative mode. # This has no effect on hunger if hunger resetting is enabled by hunger.respawnResetBehavior. # Valid values: # ENABLED # ENABLED_IF_KEEP_INVENTORY # DISABLED # Default: ENABLED_IF_KEEP_INVENTORY S:deathPunishmentMode=ENABLED_IF_KEEP_INVENTORY # Disables cumulative anvil costs. # Default: true B:disableCumulativeAnvilCosts=true # Whether living entities should drop name tags if they have a custom name. # Default: false B:entitiesDropNameTags=false # Whether to fix entities with NaN health. # Default: true B:entityNaNHealthFix=true # The farmland trample behavior. # Valid values: # VANILLA # DONT_TRAMPLE_IF_FEATHER_FALLING # DONT_TRAMPLE # Default: DONT_TRAMPLE_IF_FEATHER_FALLING S:farmlandTrampleBehavior=DONT_TRAMPLE_IF_FEATHER_FALLING # Whether to localize the End Portal and End Gateway names. # Default: true B:localizeEndPortalNames=true # Whether mobs should drop all of their armor and equipment along with their loot. # Default: false B:mobsDropAllArmorAndEquipment=false # Whether mobs should drop loot even if they are not killed by players. # Default: false B:mobsAlwaysDropLoot=false # Generates Roman numerals from -32768 to 32767 as they are needed. # Default: true B:moreRomanNumerals=true # Allows skeleton arrows to be picked up. # Default: false B:pickUpSkeletonArrows=false # In which circumstance a torch should be reoriented when the block it is attached to is broken. # Valid values: # NEVER # SNEAKING # NOT_SNEAKING # ALWAYS # Default: NEVER S:torchReorientationBehavior=NEVER # The order that torch reorientations should be attempted in. # Disable an orientation by not specifying it here. # Valid values: # NORTH # SOUTH # EAST # WEST # UP # Default: [NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, UP] S:torchReorientationPriority < NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST UP > # Whether to update all maps in players' inventories instead of only updating currently held maps. # Default: false B:updateAllMapsInInventory=false # Whether wet sponges should dry when placed in the Nether. # Default: true B:wetSpongesDryInNether=true # Whether to enable zombie target detection improvements. # Default: true B:zombieTargetDetectionImprovements=true } ########################################################################################################## # playerHeadDrops #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to player head drops. ########################################################################################################## playerHeadDrops { # The player head drop chance when a player is killed by a charged creeper. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 # Default: 1.0 D:chanceWhenKilledByChargedCreeper=1.0 # The player head drop chance when a player is killed by another player. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 # Default: 1.0 D:chanceWhenKilledByPlayer=1.0 # Whether players should drop their heads when they die. # Default: true B:enabled=true # The normal player head drop chance. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 # Default: 1.0 D:normalChance=1.0 } ########################################################################################################## # sleep #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to sleep. ########################################################################################################## sleep { # Allows players to sleep near mobs with custom names. # Default: true B:allowSleepNearMobsWithCustomNames=true # Disables the bed proximity requirement. # Default: true B:disableBedProximityRequirement=true # The number of ticks nearby monsters should glow for. # Setting this to 60 will make nearby monsters glow for 3 seconds when a player attempts to sleep in a bed. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 0 I:nearbyMonsterGlowDuration=0 # Whether the glow effect for nearby monsters should display particles. # Default: false B:nearbyMonsterGlowParticles=false } ########################################################################################################## # world #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to world generation. ########################################################################################################## world { # The cactus spawn rate for every biome. # This only applies for sandy biomes. # Set this to -1 to leave the spawn rates as the vanilla defaults. # Try setting this to 99 to get cacti in every sandy biome. # Min: -2147483648 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: -1 I:cactusSpawnRate=-1 # Whether to fix duplicate entity UUIDs by reassigning them. # This feature is experimental so worlds should be backed up before this is enabled. # Default: false B:fixDuplicateEntityUUIDs=false # Whether to log entity UUID reassignments. # Default: true B:logEntityUUIDReassignments=true # Enables the Realistic world type # Name: REALISTIC # Default: true B:realisticWorldType=true ########################################################################################################## # oceanFloor #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options related to ocean floor generation. ########################################################################################################## oceanFloor { # The clay spawn chance. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 65 I:clayChance=65 # The amount of clay in a vein. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 32 I:clayVeinSize=32 # The dirt spawn chance. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 30 I:dirtChance=30 # The amount of dirt in a vein. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 18 I:dirtVeinSize=18 # Enables the ocean floor worldgen. # Default: true B:enabled=true # The maximum Y coordinate. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 128 I:maxY=128 # The minimum Y coordinate. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 20 I:minY=20 # The sand spawn chance. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 45 I:sandChance=45 # The amount of sand in a vein. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 22 I:sandVeinSize=22 } ########################################################################################################## # voidWorld #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options regarding Void worlds. ########################################################################################################## voidWorld { # The Void world biome. # Leave this empty for randomized biomes. # Default: minecraft:plains S:biome=minecraft:plains # Enables the Void world type # Name: VOID # Default: true B:enabled=true # Whether mobs spawn in Void worlds. # Default: true B:mobSpawning=true # The biomes that cannot be randomly generated in Void worlds. # Default: [] S:randomBiomeBlacklist < > # The block placed at the spawn point of a Void world. # Default: minecraft:glass S:spawnBlock=minecraft:glass # The meta value of the block placed at the spawn point of a Void world. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 0 I:spawnBlockMeta=0 # The Y coordinate of the default spawn point in a Void world. # Min: 1 # Max: 255 # Default: 17 I:ySpawn=17 } ########################################################################################################## # voidIslandsWorld #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options regarding Void Islands worlds. ########################################################################################################## voidIslandsWorld { # The rarity of non-empty chunks in a Void Islands world. # If this is set to n, there is a 1 in n chance of a chunk being non-empty. # If this is set to 1, only the spawn chunk is generated. # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 # Default: 10 I:chunkRarity=10 # Enables the Void Islands world type # Name: VOIDISLANDS # Default: true B:enabled=true # The void chunk biome. # Leave this empty for randomized biomes. # Default: S:voidChunkBiome= # The biomes that cannot be randomly generated in void chunks in Void Islands worlds. # Default: [] S:voidChunkRandomBiomeBlacklist < > } }