# Configuration file global { internal { do_not_change { # Min: 1 # Max: 1 I:configVersion=1 B:warnBreakingChanges=false } } client { visual { B:disableNetherFog=true } } compatibility { biomesoplenty { B:enableCompatibility=true } } dimension { nether { B:generateGravel=false B:generateSoulSand=false B:isLavaInfinite=false B:overrideNether=true } } block { blue_fire { # The maximum amount of ticks Blue Fire can set entities alight # A number is randomly chosen from minEntityTicksAlight to maxEntityTicksAlight # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:maxEntityTicksAlight=70 # The minimum amount of ticks Blue Fire can set entities alight # A number is randomly chosen from minEntityTicksAlight to maxEntityTicksAlight # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:minEntityTicksAlight=0 } nether_portal { # The higher the number, the rarer it is for Pigman to spawn # The lower the number, the more common it is for Pigman to spawn # If set to 0, Pigman won't spawn # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:pigmanSpawnRarity=2000 } magma { B:turnIntoLavaWhenBroken=false } rime { B:canFreezeLava=true B:canFreezeMobs=true B:canFreezeWater=true } thornstalk { B:canDestroyItems=false # Mobs Thornstalk won't hurt S:mobBlacklist < minecraft:wither_skeleton minecraft:zombie_pigman netherex:spinout > } hyphae { B:shouldSpread=false } } mob_effect { freeze { # Mobs that won't freeze S:mobBlacklist < minecraft:blaze minecraft:ghast minecraft:wither_skeleton minecraft:polar_bear netherex:wight netherex:ember netherex:spinout netherex:coolmar_spider netherex:brute > # The higher the number, the rarer it is to thaw # The lower the number, the more common it is to thaw # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:thawRarity=1024 } spore { # Mobs that shouldn't spawn Spores S:mobBlacklist < netherex:spore_creeper netherex:spore netherex:mogus > # The higher the number, the rarer it is to spawn a Spore # The lower the number, the more common it is to spawn a Spore # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:sporeSpawnRarity=128 } lost { # The higher the number, the rarer it is to spawn a Ghastling # The lower the number, the more common it is to spawn a Ghastling # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:ghastlingSpawnRarity=256 } } entity { ember { # The higher the number, the rarer it is to set a player on fire # The lower the number, the more common it is to set a player on fire # If set to 0, Embers won't set Players on fire # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:setPlayerOnFireRarity=2 } nethermite { # Blocks the Nethermite will spawn from S:blockWhitelist < minecraft:quartz_ore netherex:ore_quartz netherex:ore_amethyst netherex:ore_rime tconstruct:ore nethermetals:nether_coal_ore nethermetals:nether_redstone_ore nethermetals:nether_diamond_ore nethermetals:nether_emerald_ore nethermetals:nether_gold_ore nethermetals:nether_iron_ore nethermetals:nether_lapis_ore nethermetals:nether_antimony_ore nethermetals:nether_bismuth_ore nethermetals:nether_copper_ore nethermetals:nether_lead_ore nethermetals:nether_mercury_ore nethermetals:nether_nickel_ore nethermetals:nether_platnium_ore nethermetals:nether_silver_ore nethermetals:nether_tin_ore nethermetals:nether_zinc_ore nethermetals:nether_aluminum_ore nethermetals:nether_cadmium_ore nethermetals:nether_chromium_ore nethermetals:nether_iridium_ore nethermetals:nether_magnesium_ore nethermetals:nether_magnanese_ore nethermetals:nether_osmium_ore nethermetals:nether_plutonium_ore nethermetals:nether_rutile_ore nethermetals:nether_tantalum_ore nethermetals:nether_titanium_ore nethermetals:nether_tungsten_ore nethermetals:nether_uramium_ore nethermetals:nether_zirconium_ore > # The higher the number, the rarer it is for a Nethermite to spawn # The lower the number, the more common it is for a Nethermite to spawn # If set to 0, Nethermites won't spawn # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:spawnRarity=64 } spinout { # The lower the number, the less time a Spinout goes without spinning # The higher the number, the more time a Spinout goes without spinning # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:spinCooldown=2 # The lower the number, the less time a Spinout spins # The higher the number, the more time a Spinout spins # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:spinTime=6 } spore_creeper { # The higher the number, the rarer it is for a Spore Creeper to spawn a Spore on death # The lower the number, the more common it is for a Spore Creeper to spawn a Spore on death # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:sporeSpawnRarity=12 } spore { # The lower the number, the less Spore Creepers spawn from a Spore # The higher the number, the more Spore Creepers spawn from a Spore # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:creeperSpawnAmount=3 # The lower the number, the less it takes a Spore to grow # The higher the number, the more time it takes for a Spore to grow # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:growthTime=60 } brute { # The lower the number, the less cooldown the Brute has after charging # The higher the number, the more cooldown the Brute has after charging # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:chargeCooldown=2 } ghast_queen { # The lower the number, the less Ghastling spawn # The higher the number, the more Ghastling spawn # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:ghastlingSpawnAmount=4 # The lower the number, the less cooldown the Ghast Queen has after spawning Ghastlings # The higher the number, the more cooldown the Ghast Queen has after spawning Ghastlings # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:ghastlingSpawnCooldown=10 } } biome { arctic_abyss { # Whether or not players can freeze in the Arctic Abyss B:canPlayersFreeze=false # The higher the number, the rarer it is for mobs to freeze in the Arctic Abyss biome # The lower the number, the more common it is for mobs to freeze in the Arctic Abyss biome # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:mobFreezeRarity=512 } } }