# Configuration file main { # Determines whether or not Enemy Leveling will be enabled. Default: true B:enemyLeveling=true # Sets the maximum level cap for weapons and armor. Default: 10 I:maxLevel=10 # Sets the amount of experience needed to level up the FIRST time. Default: 50 I:level1Experience=50 # Sets the exponent of the experience algorithm. Default: 2.4 D:experienceExponent=2.4000000953674316 # Sets the multiplier of the experience algorithm: Default: 20 I:experienceMultiplier=31 # Determines whether or not durability will be displayed in tooltips. Default: true B:showDurabilityInTooltip=true # Items in this blacklist will not gain the leveling systems. Useful for very powerful items or potential conflicts. Style should be 'modid:item' S:itemBlacklist < modid:item > # Determines the location of the enemy level display. Can either be 'default', 'topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft', 'bottomright', or 'cursor'. Default: 'default' S:enemyLevelStringPosition=default }