# Configuration file general { # Whether to notify when a new version is available. [default: true] # Note: If multiplayer, does not have to match client-side and server-side. B:versionNotify=true # Specify the items that can getting mining point. (Or Automatically decide if not specified) # Note: If multiplayer, server-side only. S:miningPointItems < > # Specify the mining point for each block. # Note: If multiplayer, server-side only. S:miningPoints < glowstone,2 oreAquamarine,2 oreCoal,1 oreDiamond,5 oreEmerald,3 oreGold,1 oreHexcite,4 oreIron,1 oreLapis,3 oreMagnite,1 oreQuartz,2 oreRandomite,2 oreRedstone,2 oreSulfur,1 minecraft:lit_redstone_ore,2 oreProsperity,1 > # Whether to enable the mining combo. # Note: If multiplayer, does not have to match client-side and server-side. B:miningCombo=true # Whether to enable the critical mining. # Note: If multiplayer, server-side only. B:criticalMining=true # Specify the caveborn type. Transfer to the cave dimension when join to world for the first time. [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 0] # 0: Disabled, # 1: Cavern, # 2: Huge Cavern, # 3: Aqua Cavern # Note: If multiplayer, server-side only. I:caveborn=0 # Specify the bonus items for caveborn. # Note: If multiplayer, server-side only. S:cavebornBonusItems < minecraft:bread minecraft:stone_pickaxe minecraft:stone_sword minecraft:torch > # Whether to enable cache for cave portal teleport. [default: false] # Note: If multiplayer, server-side only. B:portalCache=false # Whether to enable open the menu on cave portals. [default: true] # Note: If multiplayer, server-side only. B:portalMenu=true # Whether to enable generous randomite drops. [default: false] # Note: If multiplayer, server-side only. B:generousRandomite=false # Specify the exclude randomite ore drop items. # Note: If multiplayer, server-side only. S:randomiteExcludeItems < minecraft:bedrock minecraft:mob_spawner > # Specify the sleep waiting time by seconds in the cave dimensions. [default: 300] # Note: If multiplayer, server-side only. I:sleepWaitTime=300 # Whether to refresh health when wake up in the cave dimensions. [default: true] # Note: If multiplayer, server-side only. B:sleepRefresh=true }