# Configuration file controllerchannelrft { I:general=1 } controlleroperationrft { I:general=2 } controllerrfpertick { I:general=0 } ########################################################################################################## # general #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # General settings ########################################################################################################## general { # Range for a tier 1 antenna [range: 0 ~ 1000000000, default: 100] I:antennaTier1Range=100 # Range for a tier 2 antenna [range: 0 ~ 1000000000, default: 500] I:antennaTier2Range=500 # Power usage for the controller per active channel [range: 0 ~ 1000000000, default: 1] I:controllerChannelRFT=1 # Maximum RF the controller can store [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 100000] I:controllerMaxRF=100000 # Power usage for the controller per operation performed by one of the channels [range: 0 ~ 1000000000, default: 2] I:controllerOperationRFT=2 # Power usage for the controller regardless of what it is doing [range: 0 ~ 1000000000, default: 0] I:controllerRFPerTick=0 # Maximum RF the controller can receive per tick [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 1000] I:controllerRfPerTick=1000 # Maximum fluid per operation that an advanced connector can input or output [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 5000] I:maxFluidRateAdvanced=5000 # Maximum fluid per operation that a normal connector can input or output [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 1000] I:maxFluidRateNormal=1000 # Maximum number of published channels that a routing channel can support [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 32] I:maxPublishedChannels=32 # Maximum RF the advanced connector can store [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 500000] I:maxRfAdvancedConnector=500000 # Maximum RF the normal connector can store [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 50000] I:maxRfConnector=50000 # Maximum RF/rate that an advanced connector can input or output [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 100000] I:maxRfRateAdvanced=100000 # Maximum RF/rate that a normal connector can input or output [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 10000] I:maxRfRateNormal=10000 # If true then cables are also shown when sneaking even if they are not in a facade [default: true] B:showNonFacadedCablesWhileSneaking=true # This is a list of blocks that XNet considers to be 'unsided' meaning that it doesn't matter from what side you access things. This is currently only used to help with pasting channels [default: [minecraft:chest], [minecraft:trapped_chest], [rftools:modular_storage], [rftools:storage_scanner], [rftools:pearl_injector]] S:unsidedBlocks < minecraft:chest minecraft:trapped_chest rftools:modular_storage rftools:storage_scanner rftools:pearl_injector > # Maximum RF per tick the wireless router (tier 1) needs to publish a channel [range: 0 ~ 1000000000, default: 20] I:wireless1RfPerChannel=20 # Maximum RF per tick the wireless router (tier 2) needs to publish a channel [range: 0 ~ 1000000000, default: 50] I:wireless2RfPerChannel=50 # Maximum RF per tick the wireless router (infinite tier) needs to publish a channel [range: 0 ~ 1000000000, default: 200] I:wirelessInfRfPerChannel=200 I:wirelessRouter1RfPerChannel=50 I:wirelessRouter2RfPerChannel=100 I:wirelessRouterInfRfPerChannel=500 # Maximum RF the wireless router can store [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 100000] I:wirelessRouterMaxRF=100000 # Maximum RF the wireless router can receive per tick [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 5000] I:wirelessRouterRfPerTick=5000 } maxfluidrateadvanced { I:general=5000 } maxfluidratenormal { I:general=1000 } maxpublishedchannels { I:general=32 } maxrfadvancedconnector { I:general=500000 } maxrfconnector { I:general=50000 } maxrfrateadvanced { I:general=100000 } maxrfratenormal { I:general=10000 } shownonfacadedcableswhilesneaking { B:general=true }