# Configuration file general { "compressed blocks" { # Maximum Texture Resolution of a single block, WARNING setting this to high can break your game's textures / cause you to crash. Higher number means more memory usage [Default: 256] I:maxTextureWidth=256 # Show the hardness of compressed blocks when in item form. [Default: true B:showHardness=true } multi-tool { # 0 - None, 1 Block Place Preview, 2 Block Break Preview, 3 Place/Break Preview. (2/3 WIP)[Default: 1] I:assistMode=1 # Cost that is added on to every block break [Default: 100] I:breakBaseCost=1000 # Multiples the Hardness Cost by this. [Default: 1] I:breakCostMultiplier=1 # Cost per meter away [Default: 10] I:costPerMeterAway=10 # Cost that is added on to every place [Default: 100] I:placeBaseCost=100 # Max range Multi-Tool can edit blocks [Default: 128] I:reach=128 } multi-armor { # Energy Multiplier for Absolute Damage. [Default: 10] D:absoluteDamageMultiplier=10.0 # Base cost of any defensive action. [Default: 10] I:baseCost=10 # Energy per Air Tick. [Default: 10] I:costPerAir=10 # Energy Cost per food amount to fill. [Default: 1000] I:costPerFood=1000 # Energy Cost per health amount to heal. [Default: 5000] I:costPerHealth=5000 # Energy Cost per Saturation amount to fill. [Default: 4000] D:costPerSaturation=4000.0 # How much energy is used base per damage. [Default: 100] D:damageMultiplier=100.0 # Energy use multiple per flight speed. [Default: 10] D:energyMultiplerPerFlightSpeed=10.0 # Energy use multiplier per ground speed. [Default: 5] D:energyMultiplierPerGroundSpeed=5.0 # Energy per block walked. [Default: 10] D:energyPerBlockWalked=10.0 # Energy used per tick while flying. [Default:10] I:energyPerTickFlying=10 # Energy to Extinguish the player. [Default: 1000] I:extinguishCost=1000 # Max flight speed. [Default: 5] D:maxFlightSpeed=5.0 # Max level to feed up too. [Default By Vanilla MC: 20] I:maxFoodLevel=20 # Max ground speed. [Default: 10] D:maxGroundSpeed=10.0 # Max saturation level to add too. [Default By Vanilla MC: 5 D:maxSaturationLevel=5.0 # Energy Per Tick to use No Clip I:noClipEnergyPerTick=100000 # Energy Cost to remove a potion effect. [Default: 10000] I:removeEffect=10000 # Energy Multiplier for Unblockable Damage. [Default: 10] D:unblockableMultiplier=10.0 } development { # Stuff not deemed to be safe yet. IE World Corrupting / Crashing. [Default: false] B:wipStuff=false } "texture resolutions" { # Resolution for Blocks. [Default: 256] I:blockResolution=256 # Resolution for Items. [Default: 256] I:itemResolution=256 # Resolution for Multi-Armor. [Default: 256] I:multiArmorResolution=256 } "matter purifier" { # Energy Per Hardness of Block. [Default: 1000] I:energyPerHardness=1000 # Energy Per Operation Base. [Default: 10000] I:energyPerOperation=10000 } "special entires" { # Do not change without reading https://github.com/CJ-MC-Mods/Overloaded/wiki/Minecraft-Inventory-Mechanic-Bugs#slots-for-infinity-barrel. Reduces performance for compatibility. [Default:: false] B:infinityBarrelAdditionalSlot=false # Fix for rending while noClip is active. May cause issues with some other mods. [Default: true] B:noClipRenderFix=true } "ray gun" { # Energy used per shot. [Default: 100000] I:energyPerShot=100000 # Max range to shoot. [Default: 128] I:maxRange=128 } "rail gun" { # Damage per RF(FE) spent. [Default: 0.00001 D:damagePerRF=9.999999747378752E-6 # Distance knockback per RF(FE) spent. [Default: 0.000001 D:knockbackPerRF=9.999999974752427E-7 # Maximum energy used per shot. [Default: 2,000,000,000] I:maxEnergy=2000000000 # Max range to shoot. [Default: 128] I:maxRange=128 # Minimum energy used per shot. [Default: 1,000,000] I:minEngery=10000000 # Energy change step (via scroll wheel). [Default: 10,000,000] I:stepEnergy=10000000 } }