# Configuration file general { gamerules { # Range that Animals search blocks (like troughs or food blocks) in I:aiBlockSearchRange=16 # Allow eggs to be thrown B:allowEggThrowing=false # Allow random mobs to spawn on Animania animals B:allowMobRiding=true # Allow dispensers to place seeds B:allowSeedDispenserPlacement=true # Allow the trough to be automated with hoppers/pipes B:allowTroughAutomation=true # Animals do not have to eat or drink B:ambianceMode=false I:animalCapSearchRange=80 # Animals can attack others B:animalsCanAttackOthers=true # Animals sleep B:animalsSleep=true # Animals starve to death when not fed and watered B:animalsStarve=false # Ticks that a Cheese takes to mature I:cheeseMaturityTime=24000 # If chickens need to lay eggs in a nest or not B:chickensDropEggs=false # If chickens and other birds shed their feathers naturally B:chickensDropFeathers=true # Female Cows Milkable at Spawn B:cowsMilkableAtSpawn=false # Disable cart and wagon B:disableRollingVehicles=false # Disable salt creation using cheese mold B:disableSaltCreation=false # Eat animania food anytime B:eatFoodAnytime=true # Multiplier for reducing fall damage when animals are leashed D:fallDamageReduceMultiplier=0.44999998807907104 # Fancy entity spawn eggs B:fancyEggs=false # If fancy entity eggs rotate or not B:fancyEggsRotate=false # Foods give bonus effects B:foodsGiveBonusEffects=true # Capacity of RF that the Hamster Wheel has I:hamsterWheelCapacity=200000 # RF/tick that the Hamster wheel generates while in use I:hamsterWheelRFGeneration=20 # Ticks that the hamster stays in the wheel before it needs more food I:hamsterWheelUseTime=2000 # Honey creation rate for playermade hives I:hivePlayermadeHoneyRate=450 # Allow Beehives during world gen B:hiveSpawning=false # Frequency of Beehives (1-10) I:hiveSpawningFrequency=3 # Valid Biome Types for hive. Types can be seen here: # https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.12.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java S:hiveValidBiomeTypes < JUNGLE CONIFEROUS LUSH FOREST PLAINS > # Honey creation rate for wild hives I:hiveWildHoneyRate=700 # Plant blocks removed after animal eats B:plantsRemovedAfterEating=true # Remove vanilla Chickens B:replaceVanillaChickens=true # Remove vanilla Cows B:replaceVanillaCows=true # Remove vanilla Horses B:replaceVanillaHorses=false # Remove vanilla Pigs B:replaceVanillaPigs=true # Remove vanilla Rabbits B:replaceVanillaRabbits=true # Remove vanilla Sheep B:replaceVanillaSheep=true B:requireAnimalInteractionForAI=true # Shift-Right-Click for Seed Placement B:shiftSeedPlacement=false # Show mod update notification at startup B:showModUpdateNotification=false # Show male parts (modesty flag) B:showParts=true # Show particles when animals are unhappy B:showUnhappyParticles=true # Can sleep using Wagon B:sleepAllowedWagon=true # Tamed animals teleport to player) B:tamedAnimalsTeleport=false # AI Tick Countdown Timer (increase for higher performance) I:ticksBetweenAIFirings=100 # Food Items that can be placed in the trough (use # for meta) S:troughFood < minecraft:wheat simplecorn:corncob harvestcraft:barleyitem harvestcraft:oatsitem harvestcraft:ryeitem harvestcraft:cornitem minecraft:apple minecraft:carrot minecraft:beetroot minecraft:potato minecraft:poisonous_potato minecraft:wheat_seeds minecraft:melon_seeds minecraft:beetroot_seeds minecraft:pumpkin_seeds biomesoplenty:turnip_seeds minecraft:egg animania:brown_egg > # Water blocks removed after large animals drink B:waterRemovedAfterDrinking=true } spawn { # Number of potential Chicken families per chunk I:numberChickenFamilies=1 # Number of potential Cow families per chunk I:numberCowFamilies=1 # Number of potential Goat families per chunk I:numberGoatFamilies=1 # Number of potential Horse families per chunk I:numberHorseFamilies=1 # Number of potential Pig families per chunk I:numberPigFamilies=1 # Number of potential Rabbit families per chunk I:numberRabbitFamilies=1 # Number of potential Sheep families per chunk I:numberSheepFamilies=1 # Spawn Animania Amphibians in world B:spawnAnimaniaAmphibians=true # Spawn Animania Chickens in world B:spawnAnimaniaChickens=true # Spawn Animania Cows in world B:spawnAnimaniaCows=true # Spawn Animania Goats in world B:spawnAnimaniaGoats=true # Spawn Animania Horses in world B:spawnAnimaniaHorses=true # Spawn Animania Peacocks in world B:spawnAnimaniaPeacocks=true # Spawn Animania Pigs in world B:spawnAnimaniaPigs=true # Spawn Animania Rabbits in world B:spawnAnimaniaRabbits=true # Spawn Animania Rodents in world B:spawnAnimaniaRodents=true # Spawn Animania Sheep in world B:spawnAnimaniaSheep=true # Allow Squids tp Spawn in Fresh Water B:spawnFreshWaterSquids=false # Spawn limit for Amphibians in loaded chunks I:spawnLimitAmphibians=25 # Spawn limit for Chickens in loaded chunks I:spawnLimitChickens=25 # Spawn limit for Cows in loaded chunks I:spawnLimitCows=25 # Spawn limit for Ferrets in loaded chunks I:spawnLimitFerrets=15 # Spawn limit for Goats in loaded chunks I:spawnLimitGoats=25 # Spawn limit for Hamsters in loaded chunks I:spawnLimitHamsters=20 # Spawn limit for Hedgehogs in loaded chunks I:spawnLimitHedgehogs=25 # Spawn limit for Horses in loaded chunks I:spawnLimitHorses=10 # Spawn limit for Peacocks in loaded chunks I:spawnLimitPeacocks=25 # Spawn limit for Pigs in loaded chunks I:spawnLimitPigs=25 # Spawn limit for Rabbits in loaded chunks I:spawnLimitRabbits=25 # Spawn limit for Sheep in loaded chunks I:spawnLimitSheep=25 # Spawn probability Amphibians in loaded chunks I:spawnProbabilityAmphibians=1 # Spawn probability Chickens in loaded chunks I:spawnProbabilityChickens=4 # Spawn probability Cows in loaded chunks I:spawnProbabilityCows=4 # Spawn probability Ferrets in loaded chunks I:spawnProbabilityFerrets=4 # Spawn probability Goats in loaded chunks I:spawnProbabilityGoats=4 # Spawn probability Hamsters in loaded chunks I:spawnProbabilityHamsters=4 # Spawn probability Hedgehogs in loaded chunks I:spawnProbabilityHedgehogs=2 # Spawn probability Horses in loaded chunks I:spawnProbabilityHorses=1 # Spawn probability Peacocks in loaded chunks I:spawnProbabilityPeacocks=4 # Spawn probability Pigs in loaded chunks I:spawnProbabilityPigs=4 # Spawn probability Rabbits in loaded chunks I:spawnProbabilityRabbits=1 # Spawn probability Sheep in loaded chunks I:spawnProbabilitySheep=4 } spawnlocations { # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Leghorn Chickens S:chickenLeghornBiomeTypes < PLAINS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Orpington Chickens S:chickenOrpingtonBiomeTypes < JUNGLE SWAMP > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Plymouth Rock Chickens S:chickenPlymouthRockBiomeTypes < MOUNTAIN > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Rhode Island Red Chickens S:chickenRhodeIslandRedBiomeTypes < FOREST > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Wyandotte Chickens S:chickenWyandotteBiomeTypes < FOREST > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Angus Cows S:cowAngusBiomeTypes < JUNGLE MESA LUSH > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Friesian Cows S:cowFriesianBiomeTypes < PLAINS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Hereford Cows S:cowHerefordBiomeTypes < MOUNTAIN HILLS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Highland Cows S:cowHighlandBiomeTypes < MOUNTAIN HILLS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Holstein Cows S:cowHolsteinBiomeTypes < FOREST > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Jersey Cows S:cowJerseyBiomeTypes < WASTELAND LUSH > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Longhorn Cows S:cowLonghornBiomeTypes < SAVANNA FOREST > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Mooshroom Cows S:cowMooshroomBiomeTypes < MUSHROOM MAGICAL > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Dart Frogs S:dartFrogBiomeTypes < JUNGLE FOREST > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Draft Horses S:draftHorseBiomeTypes < MESA > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Grey Ferrets S:ferretGrayBiomeTypes < SAVANNA > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning White Ferrets S:ferretWhiteBiomeTypes < SAVANNA > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Frogs S:frogBiomeTypes < SWAMP RIVER > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Alpine Goats S:goatAlpineBiomeTypes < MOUNTAIN HILLS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Angora Goats S:goatAngoraBiomeTypes < PLAINS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Fainting Goats S:goatFaintingBiomeTypes < PLAINS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Kiko Goats S:goatKikoBiomeTypes < MOUNTAIN HILLS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Kinder Goats S:goatKinderBiomeTypes < SAVANNA MESA > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Nigerian Dwarf Goats S:goatNigerianDwarfBiomeTypes < SANDY > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Pygmy Goats S:goatPygmyBiomeTypes < SAVANNA MESA > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Hamsters S:hamsterBiomeTypes < BEACH SANDY > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Albino Hedgehogs S:hedgehogAlbinoBiomeTypes < SWAMP > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Hedgehogs S:hedgehogBiomeTypes < FOREST > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Blue Peafowl S:peafowlBlueBiomeTypes < SWAMP JUNGLE > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Charcoal Peafowl S:peafowlCharcoalBiomeTypes < SWAMP JUNGLE > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Opal Peafowl S:peafowlOpalBiomeTypes < SWAMP JUNGLE > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Peach Peafowl S:peafowlPeachBiomeTypes < SWAMP JUNGLE > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Purple Peafowl S:peafowlPurpleBiomeTypes < SWAMP JUNGLE > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Taupe Peafowl S:peafowlTaupeBiomeTypes < SWAMP JUNGLE > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning White Peafowl S:peafowlWhiteBiomeTypes < SWAMP JUNGLE > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Duroc Pigs S:pigDurocBiomeTypes < JUNGLE > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Hampshire Pigs S:pigHampshireBiomeTypes < MOUNTAIN HILLS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Large Black Pigs S:pigLargeBlackBiomeTypes < SWAMP DENSE > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Large White Pigs S:pigLargeWhiteBiomeTypes < FOREST > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Old Spot Pigs S:pigOldSpotBiomeTypes < FOREST > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Yorkshire Pigs S:pigYorkshireBiomeTypes < PLAINS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Chinchilla Rabbits S:rabbitChinchillaBiomeTypes < SAVANNA > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Cottontail Rabbits S:rabbitCottontailBiomeTypes < FOREST > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Dutch Rabbits S:rabbitDutchBiomeTypes < PLAINS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Havana Rabbits S:rabbitHavanaBiomeTypes < MOUNTAIN HILLS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Jack Rabbits S:rabbitJackBiomeTypes < SAVANNA SANDY > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Lop Rabbits S:rabbitLopBiomeTypes < PLAINS FOREST > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning New Zealand Rabbits S:rabbitNewZealandBiomeTypes < FOREST > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Rex Rabbits S:rabbitRexBiomeTypes < SAVANNA > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Dorper Sheep S:sheepDorperBiomeTypes < SAVANNA > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Dorset Sheep S:sheepDorsetBiomeTypes < HILLS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Friesian Sheep S:sheepFriesianBiomeTypes < PLAINS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Jacob Sheep S:sheepJacobBiomeTypes < FOREST > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Merino Sheep S:sheepMerinoBiomeTypes < PLAINS > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Suffolk Sheep S:sheepSuffolkBiomeTypes < SAVANNA MESA > # BiomeDictionary types for spawning Toads S:toadBiomeTypes < SWAMP FOREST > } careandfeeding { D:animalLossChance=0.0 D:birthMultipleChance=0.1 # Chicken Bed Block Preferred S:chickenBed=animania:block_straw # Chicken Bed Block Backup S:chickenBed2=minecraft:grass # Food Items that chickens can eat (use # for meta) S:chickenFood < minecraft:wheat_seeds minecraft:melon_seeds minecraft:beetroot_seeds minecraft:pumpkin_seeds simplecorn:corncob biomesoplenty:turnip_seeds harvestcraft:cornitem > # Ticks before next incremental growth I:childGrowthTick=200 # Cow Bed Block Preferred S:cowBed=animania:block_straw # Cow Bed Block Backup S:cowBed2=minecraft:grass # Food Items that cows can eat (use # for meta) S:cowFood < minecraft:wheat simplecorn:corncob harvestcraft:barleyitem harvestcraft:oatsitem harvestcraft:ryeitem harvestcraft:cornitem > # Egg hatch chance (1/x) I:eggHatchChance=2 # Animals won't breed if there are more than the specified amount of animals of their type in a 30 block range. I:entityBreedingLimit=10 # Ticks between dropping feathers I:featherTimer=12000 # Ticks between feedings I:feedTimer=12000 B:feedToBreed=true # Ferret Bed Block Preferred S:ferretBed=animania:block_straw # Ferret Bed Block Backup S:ferretBed2=minecraft:grass # Food Items that ferrets can eat (use # for meta) S:ferretFood < minecraft:mutton minecraft:egg animania:brown_egg animania:peacock_egg_blue animania:peacock_egg_white animania:prime_mutton animania:prime_rabbit minecraft:rabbit minecraft:chicken animania_prime_chicken > # Ticks between birthings I:gestationTimer=20000 # Goat Bed Block Preferred S:goatBed=animania:block_straw # Goat Bed Block Backup S:goatBed2=minecraft:grass # Food Items that goats can eat (use # for meta) S:goatFood < minecraft:wheat minecraft:string minecraft:stick minecraft:apple simplecorn:corncob harvestcraft:barleyitem harvestcraft:oatsitem harvestcraft:ryeitem harvestcraft:cornitem > # Hamster Bed Block Preferred S:hamsterBed=animania:block_straw # Hamster Bed Block Backup S:hamsterBed2= # Food Items that hamsters can eat (use # for meta) S:hamsterFood < animania:hamster_food minecraft:wheat_seeds minecraft:melon_seeds minecraft:beetroot_seeds minecraft:pumpkin_seeds simplecorn:corncob biomesoplenty:turnip_seeds harvestcraft:cornitem minecraft:apple > # Hedgehog Bed Block Preferred S:hedgehogBed=animania:block_straw # Hedgehog Bed Block Backup S:hedgehogBed2=minecraft:grass # Food Items that hedgehogs can eat (use # for meta) S:hedgehogFood < minecraft:carrot minecraft:beetroot minecraft:egg animania:brown_egg animania:peacock_egg_blue animania:peacock_egg_white animania:prime_mutton animania:prime_rabbit minecraft:rabbit minecraft:chicken animania_prime_chicken minecraft:apple > # Horse Bed Block Preferred S:horseBed=animania:block_straw # Horse Bed Block Backup S:horseBed2=minecraft:grass # Food Items that horses can eat (use # for meta) S:horseFood < minecraft:wheat harvestcraft:barleyitem harvestcraft:oatsitem harvestcraft:ryeitem minecraft:apple minecraft:carrot > # Ticks between laying eggs I:laidTimer=2000 B:malesMateMultipleFemales=false # Mammals mate/breed only after hand-feeding B:manualBreeding=true # Peacock Bed Block Preferred S:peacockBed=animania:block_straw # Peacock Bed Block Backup S:peacockBed2=minecraft:grass # Food Items that peacocks can eat (use # for meta) S:peacockFood < minecraft:wheat_seeds minecraft:melon_seeds minecraft:beetroot_seeds minecraft:pumpkin_seeds simplecorn:corncob biomesoplenty:turnip_seeds harvestcraft:cornitem > # Pig Bed Block Preferred S:pigBed=animania:block_straw # Pig Bed Block Backup S:pigBed2=minecraft:grass # Food Items that pigs can eat (use # for meta) S:pigFood < minecraft:carrot minecraft:beetroot minecraft:potato minecraft:poisonous_potato minecraft:bread > # Ticks between playing I:playTimer=12000 # Rabbit Bed Block Preferred S:rabbitBed=animania:block_straw # Rabbit Bed Block Backup S:rabbitBed2=minecraft:grass # Food Items that rabbits can eat (use # for meta) S:rabbitFood < minecraft:wheat minecraft:carrot minecraft:beetroot minecraft:apple > # Maximum uses of the salt lick I:saltLickMaxUses=200 # Ticks between using Salt Lick I:saltLickTick=8000 # Sheep Bed Block Preferred S:sheepBed=animania:block_straw # Sheep Bed Block Backup S:sheepBed2=minecraft:grass # Food Items that sheep can eat (use # for meta) S:sheepFood < minecraft:wheat harvestcraft:barleyitem harvestcraft:oatsitem harvestcraft:ryeitem > # Ticks between animals taking starvation damage I:starvationTimer=400 # Ticks between drinking water I:waterTimer=12000 # Ticks before wool regrowth after shearing I:woolRegrowthTimer=8000 } foodvalues { # Food Value Overrides S:foodValueOverrides < animania:cooked_hereford_roast(3,2.5) animania:cooked_angus_roast(3,3) animania:cooked_prime_beef(3,3) animania:cooked_longhorn_roast(3,2.5) animania:cooked_large_black_roast(2,2.5) animania:cooked_duroc_roast(3,2.5) animania:cooked_old_spot_roast(3,2.5) animania:cooked_prime_pork(2,2.5) animania:cooked_orpington_chicken(2,2.5) animania:cooked_plymouth_rock_chicken(2,2.5) animania:cooked_prime_chicken(2,2.5) animania:cooked_prime_rabbit(3,2.5) animania:cooked_horse(2,2.5) animania:cooked_prime_bacon(2,2.5) animania:cooked_angus_steak(2,2.5) animania:cooked_prime_steak(2,2.5) animania:cooked_horse(2,2.5) animania:honey_bottle(2,2.5) > } }